What next?: You know it's bad if a... - British Liver Trust

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What next?

MrsWorried profile image
34 Replies

You know it's bad if a doctor comes to find you on a ward. Hubby's kidneys now working at about 15%, liver in bad way, hospital have started regular albumin and saline as he's badly dehydrated. They're telling him he shouldn't come home as treatment can only be given IV in hospital, will monitor things until renal condition improves or they decide it's not making any difference. At that stage it's palliative care. Varices could go at any time.Not sure how I drove home through torrential rain. Bit shocked.

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MrsWorried profile image
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34 Replies
Mango5cm profile image

I’m thinking of you and sending a virtual hug . Drive home safely . Hope you have someone at home - family or friends you can talk to or who’ll come round for a coffee . Carol xxx

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Mango5cm

Thanks Carol, made it home with a few scary moments! There are people who will listen but so many of his friends - and family - have given up on him so I'm doing most of it on my own.

redpoint72 profile image

Hello love...Rest assured the medics will be doing the best they very can for your husband....obviously they need kidney function to improve,. Hospital really is the best place for him to show some improvement. 🤞for him love

Just try as best you can to relax yourself.

I wish him well.

My best.Chris

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to redpoint72

Thank you Chris x

Lils2019 profile image

Hi there,

Please look after yourself too, he’s in good hands, they will be doing everything possible right now.

Thinking of you both and that he will improve x

Take care x

MrsWorried profile image

Thank you Lils2019 x

Braveheart65 profile image

there’s not much I can say except the staff in the hospital worked miracles on me. I truly hope this works out for you but at this time you need a good sleep. I hope you get one tonight. I’m so sorry you’re at this point, I know what despair feels like and it’s not pleasant. An aching sadness, I really feel for you. Please take care of yourself and keep in touch with all of us,

Alicia x

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Braveheart65

Thank you Alicia, that ache is awful. I drove home clenching my jaws. Hopefully I'll get a sleep tonight, I can fall asleep okay but wake up at silly o'clock with my head going at 90 mph. I'm printing out some photos to take to him tomorrow so he doesn't feel so abandoned. Just somehow it all suddenly feels so real. X

Braveheart65 profile image
Braveheart65 in reply to MrsWorried

I know. It is real but you’ll be able to face it better if you get a rest. I try to keep telling myself when I wake up that worrying more won’t make it any less (horrible). It’s true. Right now he’s where he needs to be, getting the medical attention he needs. It’s you that’s important right now. Not sleeping and worrying, it’s all just wasted energy. There are tough times heading your way and you need to be ready to face them and for that sleep is the best preparation. A bath and bed. The pictures can wait until the morning.

You must be exhausted in all manner of ways. Worrying and over thinking right now will help you in no way at all. Sleep and sleep well. X

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Braveheart65

You're right, I'll head up shortly. Just chilling by fire with dog on my feet xx

Dinah48 profile image

please look after yourself as others are saying. This must be so hard for you. Sending good thoughts.

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Dinah48

Thank you Dinah48 xx

Rshc profile image

not much to add that hasn’t been said but wanted to send love and strength. He will be getting the care he needs and the body is capable of incredible things so keep the faith. I guess hope for the best, always. He is very lucky to have you on his team, and we are all on your team xxx

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Rshc

Thank you Rshc, it's lovely to have the support of so many on this forum. You're right, there's always hope xx

Fauncey profile image

I feel for you I know what you are going through. But try and think positive he can turn this around. My partner is currently in hospital just survived 2 major bleeds, one a varical hemmorage which he was in a hepatic encephalopathy coma with aswell then another with 5 ulcers which had to be suppressed he is currently waiting to get assessed at edinburgh for transplant. I wish you all the best and take care of yourself I know it is hard but miracles do happen. All my love.xx

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Fauncey

Wow, you must be stressed to the max. So pleased your hubby has pulled through. What a traumatic time and I do hope he gets the transplant he needs.I will try my hardest to be hopeful but I already know that hubby is not a candidate for T/P, neither suitable for dialysis, and his only hope now seems to be IV albumin treatment. So we just have to hope it gives him more time. Think it's a slow process, weeks nit days before an improvement can be seen. Funnily enough as he's in hospital and not drinking he looks better than he has for a while but internally things are in a mess.

All the best to you and hubby xx

Fauncey profile image
Fauncey in reply to MrsWorried

Sorry to hear that. Yes it has been but we just get on with it and as you said be there for them. Take time to look after yourself though. All the best.x

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Fauncey

Thanks xx

AyrshireK profile image

So sorry to hear, you stay strong and keep looking after yourself.

Much love, Katie x

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks Katie, a couple of days ago I'd never heard of Heptorenal Syndrome. It's not a total surprise but still a shock. Just have to put on my big girl pants and a smile on my face xx

Tucobear profile image

sorry to hear this. As others have said, he is in the best place for his needs. Take time for yourself to rest and re- gain your strength. Thinking of you x

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Tucobear

Thank you Tucobear, it's so good when you've got your own troubles. Yes he is in the best place, not always easy convincing him of that!! I'm okay, just focusing on him, trying to make visits happy etc. You take care xx

Readlots profile image

I’m glad you got home safely. And sorry to hear things are getting worse. Is there anyone who can drive you too and from the hospital for visits? It might take the pressure off. Or somewhere you could stay near the hospital? Sending you a big hug and strength to get you through this.

Kirsty x

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Readlots

Hi Kirsty, thanks gor checking in. Not really anyone I could ask to drive me plus need to get home for dogs. I quite enjoy driving but less so in torrential rain in the dark!! When things look less hopeful I can call on a few folk but not there yet xx

Readlots profile image

Dogs will get you through anything! Glad you’ve got them supporting you x

55spenc profile image

Thinking of you!

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to 55spenc

Thank you x

Dogbot profile image

You can rest assured that he’s in the best place they will be able to keep a good eye on him, our thoughts are with you and hubby 💕.

Stay safe All

Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Dogbot

Thanks Dave x

BritishLiverTrust5 profile image
BritishLiverTrust5ModeratorBritish Liver Trust

Dear MrsWorried

If you are in the UK and would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)

Best wishes

British Liver Trust

Kayseylou profile image

My thoughts are with you and I will pray for your hubby’s condition to improve. Please try to rest but I know that will be difficult as your mind will be constantly racing.

God Bless

Tess xx

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Kayseylou

Thanks Tess, my mind is outrunning Usain Bolt! X

kyia profile image

You've been on such a difficult journey in these past several months - It sounds like you've had to cope with far too much. I hope things get better for you!

MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to kyia

Thanks kyia xx

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