Hey fellow liver sufferers and carers. I hope life is manageable for you all!
Basically I have Cirrhosis that decompensated liver nearly 2 years ago. Symptoms were jaundice, ascites ,sarcopenia, HE but got through this near death experience. I am now compensated. I went to the Royal Free last year for the transplant assessment and was thankfully told that I didn't need to be on the list for my physical recovery.
However, this wasn't 'a green card' to go and live this happy life without a transplant looming. What can I say...this is tough on my body and mind!
Now I have DVT back which previously caused a clot to go up to my lung (embolism). I am back on temporary blood thinners and I am awaiting an appointment with the anti coagulation team at the hospital which is in about 3 weeks. I have to inject myself with Enoxaparin but was previously on Warfarin.
I had Grade 2 varices before and concerned.! Where is my Gastroenterologist? A letter has been sent by the Emergency Assessment doctor. Its the waiting that is frustrating.
On a positive note, I am sober and have rebuilt my life in positive ways.
Peace and gratitude to you all!
Mark 🙂