Diagnosis Cirrhosis: Finally after... - British Liver Trust

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Diagnosis Cirrhosis

TyiseChar1 profile image
19 Replies

Finally after 5 years of back and forth for labs I've been diagnosed with stage 1 cirrhosis no ascites,but I'm confused why doctors put energy into finding out but none into any type of treatment while it's still early!

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TyiseChar1 profile image
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19 Replies
pushthrough profile image

That’s a long time. The main goal is to get rid of whatever caused your liver damage in the first place. If it was alcohol like mine supposedly was, never drink again. In addition eat healthy. Maybe see a nutrionist and exercise. Those are the best things you can do right now. They only can treat symptoms not the disease itself. If you had later stages of the disease you would likely have quite a few symptoms and be on meds. I have compensated cirrhosis and as of now symptom free aside from fatigue.

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to pushthrough

Thanks push through appreciate it

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to pushthrough

And it was alcohol

kensimmons profile image
kensimmons in reply to pushthrough

There are cases of cirrhosis patients living for decades after diagnosis and that might be quite possible for someone with the very early stages (Stage 1, like you). Don't drink, eat well and work out (within reason) for a year and you will see progress like these men who seem to definitely have been worse off that you. (Granted they seem to have really gone "all out" on lifestyle change, but it doesn't seem like you were weeks away from the end like they were, so you are starting at a much better point).

Your age will help you recover as well!




Keep your chin up! Cirrhosis is not always a death sentence but it will be if you keep drinking! Good luck and please keep us updated.

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to kensimmons

Thank you! Appreciate it! Very inspiring.

Doechloe profile image
Doechloe in reply to pushthrough

i,m still the same was told last year have advanced liver cirrhosis which is compensated and still waiting for biopsy . i am now eating healthy and losing weight also exercising, as i dont drink, still got to find out where its come from, am also now on beta blockers and water tablets.no idea what stage i am.

pushthrough profile image

Btw I would be interested to hear your story. Mine appeared out of no where. My story is under my profile.

deanw41 profile image

I am compensated now,after ascites 2 years ago. I eat well 80% of the time. No sugar or salt, low carb good quality lean protein. I work out like a beast, it’s a saviour for my mental health. I have a strong will to live,I have plans and goals,a purpose and meaning too live. I have cultivated this when I stopped drinking nearly two years ago. Be a warrior!! My diagnosis was a blessing,it’s the only thing that got me off the booze!!! Best of luck to you!! Tons of support and knowledge on here!! Doctors don’t tell you much in MY experience . Here you will find most of your answers,all be it ‘non medical’ 😉. You caught it early and your young. Go get your life!!!!

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to deanw41

Thank you

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to deanw41

Also I meant to say you're exactly right it's like the doctor plays a mystery game when I ask questions , really evasive!

deanw41 profile image
deanw41 in reply to TyiseChar1

You have to do your own research and ask questions on here.

Finnpup profile image

I also went back and for years trying to get a diagnosis and after about 5 years, I was finally diagnosed. I had cirrhosis and a cancerous tumor. I had a liver transplant last year.

MisterX profile image

Hi. I hope you're bearing up under the stress.

As others have said it's never too early to deal with the root cause of the problem - in this case alcohol. The liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate so cutting out the source of the problem will allow it to do that if it can.

Something which struck me - and it might be helpful for you to address is your use of the term "Stage 1 Cirhhosis". Apologies if you already know what I'm about to say but I hope you won't mind as it's meant well and might help others.

There are a some technical terms related to liver disease that people have a tendency to use casually - which then makes them really unhelpful. Those are HEPATITIS, FIBROSIS and CIRRHOSIS.

Inflammation of the liver is called HEPATITIS - the cause is immaterial - so in your case you've clearly suffered from alcoholic hepatitis over a long period of time. Unhelpfully there are also viruses unhelpfully called Hepatitis viruses because they cause...... hepatitis so many people assume hepatitis must be viral in origin. It doesn't. It just means inflammation of the liver.

Once you have HEPATITIS if the cause is stopped the liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate the inflamed liver cells, plus you have an absolutely massive liver capacity to the extent that you can live normally with only 20% of your liver working normally (I don't advise trying this out though if you can avoid it). If however the cause of the inflammation is NOT stopped then the inflamed liver tissue turns to scar tissue. (If you imagine slapping someone on the cheek - anyone will do - you can imagine the cheek turning red and then recovering once the slapping ceases. If the slapping continues at intervals before the redness has time to subside you can expect to see scar tissue forming).

This scarring is called FIBROSIS. Since the cause of FIBROSIS can go on for a long time there can be differing amounts of liver tissue which have turned to scar tissue. As a result the level of FIBROSIS (scarring) is measured according to a variety of systems - different clinicians measure differently - so the system used may stage the level of FIBROSIS on a 4 or 6 point scale. I was diagnosed 4/4 on one scale and 6/6 on another. That was a while ago so there may be others.

Generally speaking, the FINAL STAGE of FIBROSIS on whatever scale you are using is called CIRROHSIS. CIRRHOSIS is the point at which the entirety of the liver comprises scar tissue - i.e. CIRRHOSIS is simply the final stage of FIBROSIS.

I say this because unfortunately people - including some clinicians - often confuse the terms and refer to FIBROSIS as CIRRHOSIS because they're describing the progress of the process of creating scar tissue - but unless it's the final stage of FIBROSIS it's not CIRRHOSIS.

The reason this matters is that generally speaking FIBROSIS short of FINAL STAGE FIBROSIS (CIRRHOSIS) is usually reversible if the cause of the FIBROSIS is removed.

It used to be thought that CIRRHOSIS - once the liver was completely comprised of scar tissue - was irreversible because the repair process simply replaces scar tissue with more scar tissue at that point. However we now know that EARLY CIRRHOSIS (Final Stage FIBROSIS which has not been present all that long) can also be reversed if the cause of inflammation is removed. I say this because sometimes doctors may refer to this early CIRRHOSIS as stage 1 CIRRHOSIS although I'm not aware it's part of a formal grading system. There does come a point when once CIRRHOSIS has been established long enough that it is irreversible.

Once CIRROHSIS is established then it is categorised as COMPENSATED - ie the liver is entirely scarred but still managing to carry out its functions or DECOMPENSATED where the liver is struggling to carry out what it needs to do - this manifests as things like ASCITES or OEDMA (EDEMA) and in blood tests.

As far as Cirrhosis is concerned you need to ascertain the stage of FIBROSIS to see where you are. Anything short of final stage FIBROSIS isn't technically CIRRHOSIS and you can hope for complete regeneration of the liver tissue if you remove sources of inflammation.

This is the really important point - REGARDLESS of the level of FIBROSIS what you have to do now is THE SAME - You need to immediately refrain from alcohol entirely, embrace eating healthily and try to get or stay fit. That can't wait.

I hope that helps. Very best wishes - this is an excellent place to get support so do stick around.

Will keep everything crossed for you.

TyiseChar1 profile image
TyiseChar1 in reply to MisterX

Thanks for the information! I've been away from alcohol since 2010 none at all! That wasn't shocking finding out because I drunk everyday,just ready to adjust to this new situation and get back to being my normal self appreciate you!

Iro1 profile image
Iro1 in reply to MisterX

A brilliant explanation without any warning my consultant wrote in a letter to my diagnosis of cirrhosis. I had had no meeting with my consultant and in fact was in a Mental Institution under a legal section at the time. A psychiatrist had made an enquiry and this led to the letter. The consultant then went onto say in the letter that in fact I was 'on the cusp of cirrhosis' and a subsequent fibroscan showed imorogement. I was told that I would not be seen for three years after a abcess on my gallbladder and liver last November I had extensive scans and blood tests the result was that in March I would not be seen for another 3 years I am pleased with this outcome I still have a fatty liver and probably fibrosis my kpa was 9.8 2 years ago. I just wished the term cirrhosis was used consistently particularly as I feared the diagnosis I tried to kill myself. I am pretty sure that you cannot both have cirrhosis and be on the cusp of cirhosis and that if in fact I had cirrhosis I would be having 6 monthly scan appointments use of terms is important!

DottyDom profile image
DottyDom in reply to MisterX

A really great explanation of the different terms and conditions, which I had not read or understood in such clear terms until now. I will be taking this knowledge with me when I go for my private fibroscan in 10 days time, and hope to get more answers than I did from my consultant. Thank you so much for taking the time to post that.

Bigbluemonkey profile image
Bigbluemonkey in reply to MisterX

Thanks for the info MisterX. Really helpful. Got to go for a fibroscan in a week & I'm really nervous. Got AIH. On meds. You've explained it really well. Hopefully I've only got fibrosis . Had liver inflammation for over a year but hoping its not too damaged 🤞

African1 profile image

Scientific evidence in recent years support the claim that early cirrhosis is reversible,

Once the cause of liver damage has been removed, the liver gets better over time

Stop drinking, eat a healthy diet, quit smoking, exercise moderately for most days of the week

Drink coffee (Black, No sugar) it has been shown to reduce liver fibrosis,

Drink green tea, cook with garlic, eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Get tested for other viruses that can also cause liver damage

The liver is very amazing, trust me... it wants to heal

Kind regards to you

mcardle1 profile image
mcardle1 in reply to African1

Great advise. Thanks for sharing

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