Inherited CMV/cytomegalovirus in 2019 from my donar liver,since my liver transplant I have had the virus 3 times,going into hospital on Monday for gancyclovir intravenously as valgancyclovir is not helping at home,has anyone had this virus more than once
CMV/RETURNS : Inherited CMV... - British Liver Trust
Hi Transplantboy,
I'm not familiar with CMV. Have you caught it three times or is it something that reoccurs?
It reoccurs,everyone has cmv my consultant says it tends to stay dormant,unless you have had a transplant it tends to keep coming back,it's not infectious. Similar symptoms to flu,stomach cramps are the worst for me.
Thanks for the information.
So I assume that when our immune system is weakened it can flare up?
All I can say is that, (when I worked in a hospital) I did see people having IV treatment using the same treatment they took orally because it is (or must be) more efficient. I'm not sure whether it is because of how it is absorbed via the blood instead of the digestive system or whether the IV dosage can be increased (or not), but it always appeared to be the better option if needed.
Sorry I cannot help with your question, but I assume others will have been admitted on a few ocassions
Wishing you well
Thanks for the response Davy and yes the reason for iv treatment at hospital is to allow the higher doze of the gancyclovir,I'm OK just no energy aching joints and had diarrhoea for 8weeks and lost 9kg in weight,hopefully a short stay in hospital,thanks for your kind wishes
I am having a flare up at the mo no energy blisters in my throat feeling sick and limbs so weak I cannot stand what should I do
get blood's checked immediately,cmv levels could be rising peri
what do you mean i had full blood count friday that was all ok apart from slightly raised white blood cells i can hardly walk been crawling round my lounge floor last two days my legs are so weak
have pm you
don't sound like cmv,call your transplant coordinator, maybe side effects from new drugs your taking
I have never had transplant got CMV from elsewhere but feel the same as when I had it before very sore throat blisters etc
please peri get your blood's checked again,levels for cmv especially can rise overnight
Hi, I hope your doing ok. I too had a flare up of inherited CMV 3 months after transplant, but my consultant said it was unlikely to come back, so your account has been very informative. I hope you make a speedy recovery this time.
not had transplant though