I know this isn’t a question but more of a venting. I just found out a friend of mine died in his sleep last week. He did not go to any doctor but the coroner said all his organs were fine. He had an enlarged stomach, sores on his body and would get sick if he drank. He reported feeling ill and having stomach aches before he passed. He was only 30 and this is the second young friend I have lost to something drs can’t diagnose or explain. The first friend died a couple years ago in his sleep as well. He went to ER a few times after having severe stomach pains and body aches, they always sent him home saying he was fine. It’s this stuff that sparked my health anxiety and determination to have a diagnosis. It’s so sad and just insane to me to lose two young friends to unknown illness. I’m sorry for venting but I just had to let this out. 😞
Lost a friend : I know this isn’t a... - British Liver Trust
Lost a friend
Wow. That is truly terrible. Not to mention scary. Did they find a cause after the fact? Regardless, my condolences to you and his family.
Thank you. So far they are still unsure what exactly happened. He did pass in his sleep so at least it was peaceful. I’ll be honest and say I feel like it had something to do with his liver based on some of the symptoms and I know he was a big drinker just like my other friend who passed a couple years earlier. It’s very scary that there is no definite answer .
Very sorry indeed to hear about the loss of your friend. It is indeed scary as Yarkis says and it can feed into the anxiety that you already feel about yourself. Vent here whenever you need to !
Hi Amethyst
I'm sorry you have lost your friends. It is always hard to take when someone close to us leaves us, sometimes it is easier to come to terms with their passing if they were doing something that put themselves at great risk or had a serious illness, but, when someone passes and it is unexplained, the mystery just seems to make the loss so much harder to bear.
As you say, it was peaceful which is of some comfort. And his drinking may or may not have been a factor.
When someone we know passes, it is quite natural to focus on our own mortality and anxiety starts to wage war against us. To beat anxiety, just focus on what you are doing right. You are improving your health by making your liver better, by giving it less work to do. So you are going in the opposite direction.
You should not allow any doubt to make you worry. If anything we should all take comfort in the fact that new treatments for liver disease are in clinical trials now. If anxiety tries to worry you, think about 40 years from now when you have your great grandchildren on your lap. Stay positive in thoughts and actions.
I'm very sorry for your loss! Was it a cardiac arrest? My father passed away last year due to a cardiac arrest and he did complain about stomach pain but refused to go to ER!
It is heartbreaking 💔 I just lost a good friend too. 52, mother of a 19, 21 year old. Drinking blurred the pain of a bitter divorce. It is a disease I wish upon no one. Prayers and positivity to all succeeding, to all going through it.
Good grief I'm so sorry to hear about your looses and understandable sore heart ❤ and pain x