I know I am a pain but:: Hello I did... - British Liver Trust

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I know I am a pain but:

Paderico profile image
24 Replies

Hello I did oversleep this morning till 4 o'clock would you believe, but then I had a nap after lunch...bad move it is now 22.27.pm and I can not go to my bed..... O dear, just thinking of what I have to plant 2 morrow in my little greenhouse.. and what the heck is going to happen to me with no drugs to help my spreading Cancers,,, if anyone is still up, and not in the land of nod, mayB you could forward me a kind word,.... Thanks


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Paderico profile image
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24 Replies
Mama41 profile image

Hi Paderico..my sleeping is all over the place since being off work for so long.

I feel I have watched so much TV over the past 2 months theres not much left to watch lol.

I see you mentioned you arent taking your chemo tablets anymore..do they have something else for you to try?

I'm also a liver cancer patient but I've not had chemo only surgery.

Good luck with the marrow planting tomorrow...I used to grow tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers etc but have barely managed to plant a few flowers this year.

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Mama41

O gosh Mama41 Great !!!! flowers how splendid, if I lived near you I would come and help you with the veg.. I love my veg and nothing tastes like your own does it... ??? I must try to get a pattern going but I do find it so hard, mind you I do love the dawn chorus, so mayB I will try a little harder tomorrow evening. try and sleep well goodnight. xx O by the way no nothing at the moment my onco wants to consult with me at the end of June, but for now just morphine (Which I rarely take, a paracetamol. now and again so I keep trying. night night sleep tight.xxx

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Paderico.

That's the trouble with napping in the day, you're not then ready to sleep when it's your bedtime. I'm the worlds worst at nodding off in my recliner chair and then taking hours to get to sleep when I go to bed.

As regards the cancer, I was told that it grows a lot more slowly than people think, so try to think positive, not easy I know having been there myself.

What are you planting tomorrow in the greenhouse? There's nothing like watching plants growing to give you a great feeling of satisfaction :-) I miss my greenhouse. I may try some toms on the patio if I can get some plants delivered.

Hope you manage to have a good nights sleep tonight despite the nap :-) :-)

Best wishes always,


Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to alfredthegreat

O Alf how lovely to hear from you , you are naughty being up so late but then so am I..I have 2 verities of cucumber this year both small as I find it a waste to grow large ones, and about 4-5 different toms, tumbling toms for salads, Moneymaker for just toms then beef and a mix of whatever my friend Elspeth has grown from seed, I had a great crop last year and hope for the same this year. behind my little greenhouse, I have put wooden planks and made 2 beds, 1 for my Rhubarb and a larger one for my Cobra French Green Beans,,, Of course I will share them with the other elderly people in my complex, as they don't get out much in the garden just to sit and chat, it has been smashing to spk with you Alf make sure you stay well and enjoy this beautiful summer, as always my regards to you beautifull wife, hope to spk soon.


Coco513 profile image

Insommnia is horrid. Could your anxiety about you cancer be a culprit? Or might you be depressed? It sounds as though you are having a really tough time. Do you have any support in person to let off steam besides this board? Oh dear, so many questions trying to get some insight, but I can only relay my experience: When I first started Prednisilone (I have AIH) I just couldn’t sleep - I’d be up to 2-3am. Many nights I was watching Mad Men and on my exercise bike at 1am.! I’m not so bad now but can easily go through 36 hours without sleeping. I think there’s no point in getting anxious because that just makes it worse, so I colour, read, knit or do puzzles until I’m sleepy. Having a cup of horlicks has helped too.

I dare say everyone has their own tips, and I hope you find something helpful here 🌸

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Coco513

Hello, Coco513 thank you for taking the time to reply, that alone has given me some cheer. yes I live alone lost my little dog 2 years ago so now I find myself chatting to his photograph, still I think we are all a bit potty in our own way, especially with what we all have gone through, I find it helps on times to be a little bit mad... my hot drink at night is Ovaltine made with milk of course.. (boy how my life has changed quite luxurious). he he he... I hope you have a good day today, stay strong and well, regards.


alfredthegreat profile image

Morning Paderico,

I dropped off before you replied last night, a pleasant change for me :-) I find that reading

can send me off to sleep when all else fails.

Are you feeling better for being off the Sorafenib? It certainly isn't the easiest of drugs!

You are doing well to pack in all that you are growing and I expect that your neighbours are very pleased with the results :-) :-)

I'll try and get some money maker plants for the patio, I remember them being successful when I grew them years ago. I've got some fruits in large tubs that do well there.

Funny story...… I planted a small hedge at the bottom of the garden from off shoots from lilacs and a couple of very small flowering currants that had seeded from a large flowering currant in the garden (or so I thought!) 3 years on in my hedge I now have growing lilacs, a red currant bush and a gooseberry bush, LOL. Well, the greenery is fine and the fruit is a pleasant extra :-) :-)

We're in for some sunny gardening days now until the weather cools again at the weekend, so we can enjoy our pottering. Well, I potter while poor wife does the real work :-(

All the best from us both :-) :-)


We are so pleased to see the support from other members here. Do you have a liver cancer specialist nurse you could also reach out to and discuss your concerns?

Hope you sleep better tonight


Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Hi there Trust1, I am sorry if I have taken space and time away from others it was not done intentionally, just thought I would like to share a little insight of what I get up to on these lovley day's of summer sunshine. O and yes I have my own CSN at Kings in London, I have been with Prof Heaton and his team for about 5yrs. I do have an appointment with my oncologist on the 22nd of June (hope it will not be canceled again), anyway I am not sure how it will go, we really don't think that there is chemo that my body will be able to withstand, so we will see what my doctors can come up with this time. I apologize again if I have upset anybody. thank you for taking an interest in me.



in reply to Paderico

You have not upset anyone! and we love your posts they are very uplifting.

We are glad you have a supportive liver team, please do keep us posted :)

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Will do and a big thank you again..!!!!! enjoy the rest of your day..


in reply to Paderico

You too, take care :)

Mama41 profile image
Mama41 in reply to Paderico

Paderico you havent upset anyone. I'm glad you have an appointment soon and hopefully it wont be cancelled.

I've done a couple of hanging baskets today..they arent my best work but I'm a bit limited with supplies this year😊

Sorry to hear you lost your dog..maybe when this is all over you might think of fostering a pet..I have a cat and he is a great comfort.

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Mama41

Hello Mama41, well I am all ready for the land of nod, had my shower and my main meal got my favorite Pj;s on, in the hope of a good night's sleep I am sure your baskets would put mine to shame I will start planting early tomorrow morning when it is not so hot. Gosh just what have you got in your baskets, I have got some with geraniums and lobelia each side of my front door then a few of the same in pots on my small wall in the front garden. we can only wait and see how they progress.. YES I do want 2 know what my Onco has to say but then again I don't. (do you understand what I mean? sorry don't mean to be glum, so let's get back to planning our garden;s I had a beautiful little blackbird sitting in the tree in my back garden and bless him he sang and sang and did not mind one iota that I just stared at him enjoying his song. I feel I have lots and lots to be thankful for, I will say goodnight now Mama41 and I wish you a good night and sweet dreams, ( I do hope I wont be back on here in the early hours.) so I hope we will spk again soon,

My best wishes


Hi Pederico

Do hope you’ve had a nice sleep by the time you read this note

If ok with you I’d like to join your we gardeners club you currently have going on here🙂 as tomorrow I’m about to plant 48 Snap Dragons around my borders plus re pottering up some of my herbs into larger pots whilst where having this lovely warmer weather.

Alf may I ask what are money maker plants as I’m more a veggie gardener, spuds, leeks, carrots, cabbages, sweetcorn and lettuce, toms and onions sort of lass. I’m great at making pickles and jams too. I bet Pederico’s done a fair bit of bottling at some point?

Also sorry to hear about your we dog Paderico , I lost my Fox Hound 3 years ago called Stella who I miss terribly and like you I too occasionally talk to her photo in my kitchen.

Oh well its nighty nite from me, plus I’d like to say your in good hands with Alf and Coco .

Take care and have a lovely day pottering in your garden later!


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

Hi Trish,

Moneymaker is a type of tomato. So called because it usually produces an abundance of fruit :-)

in reply to alfredthegreat

Wow Alf! I've just mentioned that one to Derek as he's a keen gardener but he's never heard of that tomato plant so cheers for the ups👍🍅! I'm also planting some nasturtiums we've been growing on our window cills from seed which are nice to eat with salad !

Have a nice day /everyone 🙂

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Hello, and I hope you are well today, gosh it is hot out there, not complaining but not allowed out in the heat and sunshine, so have to be a bit careful, You madam put me to shame, I have grown corgetts spinach kale beetroot onions so on, but then I was very privileged to have a friends veg garden. as they both had careers in London I had the house and gardens almost to myself, with Paddy my dog that is.. and was able to learn loads from the folk at the allotments, now I don't have the room as my friends have moved on, but I still manage and it is big enough for my needs. of course, Alf will know about Money Maker great plant, cant fail where ever you put it. Thank you for taking an interest in the things I like to do, and I hope I am not making a nuisance of myself but 5 years of trying to find solutions and reasons can get a bit wearing... have a wonderful day and be careful of what pic's you send in as I am sure my little bit will make me very envious of yours.

Kind regards.


in reply to Paderico

Hello Paderico

Thank you for asking if I’m well, I’m glad to say that I’m on the road to recovery after recently being diagnosed with a lung infection which came as a mild shock at the time but alls well.

Sorry to read your not allowed out in the direct sunshine but to be truthful I found it a little to hot today so I’ve been hiding under a very large pine tree in between watering numerous shaded plants.

You mentioned growing kale , this is one veg we’ve not grown mainly because its not really a veg I’m keen on.

Before I forget to say, never ever think your a nuisance because its so nice to read your and Alf’s notes between each other.

On the gardening front I’m the second half here who's responsible for cutting the lawns, trimming the box hedges and the trimming of our 40 x 6 foot high hedge. Our 17 x40 hedge is a joint effort to trim as hubby’s almost 6’3 tall with long arms and is able to stretch further than little old me 😂

Oh you mentioned pics? I’m a little confused here as were unable to send in veggie photo’s., are you getting mixed up with another site?

I’m going to say good bye for now, but please do write again soon. PM me if you wish?

Kindest Regards


Yes, I too hope you sleep well as many on here know that don't!! Coco and Alf will have good advice for you. Anyway,, listen everyone, I need some of your green fingers!! We want astro turf as we are definitely not gardeners!!! Hope you are asleep and read this later. Take care Lynne

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Hello, Oldham65 and a very good day 2 you, hay guess what I have AstroTurf out the back door just a little on my patio, my little dog Paddy liked it after a tiddle in the garden he found it very useful to wipe his feet on B4 entering indoors, well we can't all be normal can we? I did sleep well last night actually, a nice one, so up at the crack of dawn listening to the Birds, O my Astroturf gets a wash down about once a month with a bit of bleach and comes up like new . great stuff allways looks manacured fresh and clean, I recommend it.

Kind regards,



Glad you slept well. I heard the birds but that was because I hadn't slept due to pain but that's nothing new!!!

Thank you for the advice on astro turf, I think that is a must for us!! Take care and stay safe Lynne

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Awwww I am so sorry, hope you will have better nights. xx


in reply to Paderico

Thank you

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