Why ?: My partner (f 48) was transferred... - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Why ?

Sadpartner profile image
8 Replies

My partner (f 48) was transferred per emergency to a Northern hospital with liver failure - during the first 5 days she was held on a ward where othing was done except giving her blood (7 units) and antibio's (Just to note that on this ward she contracted Cov19 and it was a so called "Green Ward" = virus free).

I was informed on Friday that she is not going to receive a transfer to anywhere due to her "history" - She was an alcaholic until 2013 and then became free with the wonderful help of Leeds Addiction Unit ( a flower for them) - however due to a botched operation from this Northern hospital she had Chronical Pain Syndrom in her foot and bearly could walk. The pain became so great in December 2019 she started taking paracetamol and the amount increased (I blame myself for not noticing earlier). This lead to a failing of her liver.

I pointed this out several times to the hospital and the calling "consultant" on last Friday 1st May 2020, who informed me that she was dying on the ward and that they would not resuscitate her if her heart stopped ( Claimed she agreed on this - but at moment she does not even know where she is ), had no idea of paracetamol poisoning (That is new to me).

The reason they are giving that she is not approved for emergency liver transplant are

1) her history (she has been clean since 2013)

2) that she had Cov19 (caught in this hospital)

3) that she was too weak

How cruel are such people ? When speaking to the so-called Senior Manager of Care, she could not answer direct questions and did not care that others could have been infected with Cov19 in this "Green ward".

Further she claimed that my partner was "compos mentis", and that she had agreed on not being tube fed and resuscitate. Due to that her liver was no longer functioning her brain functions are not working correctly (today 3rd May 2020 I spoke to her first time in days and she did not understand what they had told her - the only person she still trust is myself. So how is this "compos mentis"?)

Since days she has vomited her food and is getting daily weaker but they refuse to tube her because she is "compos mentis" - the easy way out for the NHS no need to help, no need to pass on details to 2nd clinic and blame Cov19.

Cov19 is heaven sent for some NHS trusts as they can now hide all their mistakes behind the virus and leave people in need to die in single rooms (Yes now she is in a single room and in Switzerland that means she is being prepared to die "Sterbezimmer") - Sadly I helped a nurse in Switzerland to pass her medical exams of four years training in Latin (Yes Latin) and then she was only a junior nurse for 3 further years. Thus I know how a proper hospital works and also spoke to various leading Liver specialist in Switerland about the situation all agreed that even with Cov19 if there is a glimmer of hope then all should be done to provide the patient with a future life.

My case rests

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8 Replies

I've just finished reading your posting. It makes me very sad and also angry!

I really don't have any advice... I'm speechless and I can't even imagine how helpless you must feel.

The only thing that comes to my mind is about making it public...? Maybe contact the local newspaper? Of course in a situation like this you don't have time or energy for something like that. But then again, I would try to do anything that's possible... What a bad situation. I guess you've also tried talking to your health insurance or other doctors...

Thinking of you!

Sadpartner profile image
Sadpartner in reply to

Chuckles @ other doctors - The doctors who say "I need to ask my college Dr Google" or the doctors who state "A dying person needs no water".

I passed my Matura in a small town called Schwyz, Switzerland I was tested by CitiCorp Investment Bank for my IQ ( They do that for persons who become managers - youngest manager in history of CitiCorp 19year old) and they found I had an above average high IQ. Combind with 7 languages and the ability of photographic memory I have read all necessayr and asked many professional doctors in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France -> The end answer to all is simple "Are they Mengele's ?" - The NHS is now confessing on a quiet level that their doctors decided in A&E "Who lives , who dies" - the oath of Hippokrates was long time ago replaced with a watered down NHS oath, but even with this oath - WHO gave these so-called NHS doctors and nurses the right to decide who lives who dies.

Dr J. Mengele stood at the gates "left dies, right works" - This question has now been asked to me many times by doctors, professors and nurses from abroad if the NHS has even a scrap of humanity left.

The Cov19 has been made into a scrap goat for everythin - Has anyone researched the number of deaths in North England due to cancer, stroke, hear atack since mid March 2020 ? I have the rate of death related to such has dropped in some illnesses by 100% - Pardon have the Northern NHS Trust found a wonder cure for cancer ? The answer is "No" - but even if your main illness was cancer in final stages and you had days to live but had a test for Cov19 made and yes the patient had Cov19 the reason of death is and was Cov19.

Now Article 1911 Para. 4.d (a law still in power as revised in 2018) states (summary) "he/she/they who provide an incorrect reason of death serves a minimum of 2 years to maximum of 7 years plus GBP 100 fine" (In today terms that is £718'213.91).

So what does a untrained commoner from the North do from now onwards (please note that the coldness in these words stem from my 2nd citizenship and my mother's side of life)

a) I take the government to Court (London of course) as they denied my Human Rights that enable me to marry my partner Helen as all local Registrars were closed on Government orders - thus only allowing the Church of England to arrange legally binding marriages and all others are "illegal" (Despite the Vatican ordering our marriage on her death bed and stating that in the courts of the Vatican this marriage would be upheld)

b) step 2 - Taking the bespoken NHS Trust in North England to court for manslaughter despite the attempt of the NHS legal side to receive a "blanket pardoning" for all doctors and nurses for their actions made during Cov19

c) step 3 - Even if I do not "win" step 2 serious doubt is sown and thus the door for a public inquiry into the actions of all NHS trusts are open - These are not run by internal NHS "Complaint" teams or even NHS related parties but have, by law, to be independant.

I would not seek such action if "Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum" would be applied by the NHS, but they mount a defence in example :

The files of the patient can not be accessed as protected by the GDPA (Data Protection) but if one reads these laws carefully it says clearly a deceased person is no longer covered by the Data Protection Act. When confronted with this information the Trust says "We do not care it is our internal procedure". Pointing out that they are placing themselves above the laws of England/Wales the answer is "we do not care"

I am not fighting to "bring" my wife/partner back to "life" - but I am now fighting for all others out in Britain who have had the same treatment dealt out (That is the hard headness from the mountains). Justice can not be one sided but has to be equal for all, further the NHS has to find its' humanity again and not just deal in numbers and money figures.

Every patient is a human, deserves to be treated as a human and thus the Oath of Hippokrates should be reintroduced and all staff members of the NHS should be taught that a human is a human and not a "number".

TT-2018 profile image

The issue surrounding organ transplant, is that demand outstrips supply. It is a difficult but unavoidable situation and people are uncomfortable accepting the circumstances.

The reality of meeting the criteria is that you need to be ill enough to require a transplant but well enough to survive the operation. Now with the added burden of Covid on the blood and transplant services, the number of transplants are greatly reduced.

I have every sympathy for the situation that you and your partner are currently facing and wish you a positive outcome.

Sadpartner profile image
Sadpartner in reply to TT-2018

Pardon my language - bollocks - It is called Living Liver Donor Transplant - where as person "A" gives 1/4 of his/her liver in exchange for the transplant of a liver.

NHS claims this is the reason for the minimum of transplants in England, but 5 years ago I offered St. James' Hospital Leeds a quarter of my liver for a good friend - Answer we had never thought of that. In the end due to his wife going on local radio and television over 2'000 parties registered with St. James' as living donors till then the NHS had not thought of it.

In other countries in example Italy, Germany etc this practice has been in law since the end of 1980's - So the arguement is incorrect.

Further I had arranged all to be done abroad with medivac, donation and operation for her - the fees paid

The clinic group prepared to do all stated that 85% of their liver clients are "rejects" from the NHS who did not want to do anything.

So please explain this !

TT-2018 profile image
TT-2018 in reply to Sadpartner

That wasn’t my experience at the Royal Free and they highlighted the subject of both living donors and split donors.


But I sincerely apologise if this conflicts with your own experience and wish you the best possible outcome.

So sorry to hear of this horrible situation.

Please feel free to call the nurse led helpline on 0800 652 7330 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm if you would like to talk things through.

Take care,


tracyliz profile image


I can feel your pain and anger so much but there isn't much you can do but scream and shout. I myself was told in a Northern hospital that there was nothing they could do ( I was bleeding to death due to burst varices) because of my background of alcohol consumption. I was taken into a single room to die, as you say, all relatives called but my some miraculous force I did pull through, I think it was my own determination as I watched my two daughters sobbing at my bedside that pulled me through.

The hospital were amazed I had survived and discharged me a week later which was far to soon and I was re admitted to a different hospitalwhere I spent a few weeks more.

I understand completely that anything that goes wrong will be blamed on covid 19 and I think that the timing of your partners situation couldn't be worse. Please message me for any more info or if you just need to talk to someone.

Sadpartner profile image

To all those who answered and read my posting

Per 5th May 2020 I married my dear Helen against massive opposition of the Diocese Leeds. However the Vatican showed their human side and ordered the Diocese to fulfil their duties. The Wedding Blessings were given at 2pm she was happy beyond thinking.

From that day onwards I did not leave her side ( high infection Cov19 ward ) except for 2 hours before her death on 11th May 2020 3.20 am. This as I had not been offered food, drink or anything during this time.

I was her nurse, doctor and finally her last companion On 11th I left at 1am to change clothes ( 6 days old since the wedding ) drink coffee, shower ( according to Bio/Chemical warfare manual), wash my clothes at 60C to be called "we think she has died".

I returned to find her not touched, her legs sticking out due to her death struggle, eyes open. So I washed her, laid her out, shut her eyes kissed her softly on her cheek and said a Latin prayer not used since age of 16.

I saw the treatment given and till today I am in "shock" how nasty the NHS is, in example a doctor said into my face " a dying person needs no water".

Or leaving myself to remove empty drips or to hunt down synthetic morphine for her pains.

I am not saying all are like this but this trust could not be bothered. My friend who runs the University clinic of Zurich, which had offered to do a transplant, said they would have fired a doctor on the spot with such a statement as it is not civilised or in keep with the profession.

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