Is it considered safe to eat cooked/heated blue cheese? Many thanks ๐
Advice please: Is it considered safe to... - British Liver Trust
Advice please
If you are post liver transplant the advice initially at least was always not to eat blue cheese -as you know the blue bit is mold/fungus. I am afraid I do not know whether heating/cooking makes any difference to this advice. Best to check up with your translant coordinators before you indulge.
E - dam! ๐ Other cheeses are available. ๐

I keep getting this feeling of deja vu
Oops has this been asked many times before?!!!

No Geordie not at all. It was a remark to cabinboy. I recognised him from another life.
Once seen, never forgotten, LOL
I see! I though I was missing out on an "inside joke"?!!

He disappeared a few days ago and re-emerged as Cabinboy

Blue cheese is my favourite but is a no no post transplant
I was hoping, obviously against all odds, that cooking it would be fine. Back to Cheddar......!
๐ Not as tasty!
Hasn't been mentioned to my knowledge, but then I'm not as mature as some funguys on er๐ค Bleu is tasty as ...๐
"Rat Pack" was another topic.

Oh fgs feckle - we all know who you is bro ๐. I liked feckle. I mean what can I do with Cabinboy - Cabbie - boring ๐
"Just checking in" or "out?"
"What shall we do the the drunken sailer?"๐คฎ
O feck that Covidiot,. The "boy" was suffering from Cabin Fever. HE was trying to stay hidden but lost the plot. ๐
It's like death by drowning innit.๐ค

Itโs impossible to stay hidden - I tried it five times.....
Will do, thank you.
Roquefort is out for some too!๐
For some? Thank you.

Hubby was only told no unpasteurised cheese after his transplant when he was done at the Royal Free
In the UK most has been pasteurised due to the way it has been made as the milk has to be heated up above 54c to allow the curds & whey to be separated when the acid is added
We eat blue cheese if anything I'm the one that shouldn't being allergic to penicillin, but it's a different culture to that used in medicine
Double check with your liver team
Not good stealing pics of a ridiculously good looking gentleman of the net and passing them off as yourself Mr Tate, if that's even your real name kind Sir.

Hi Ash.
I don't think that it's really important what profile pictures people put on here. Some have put their dogs or their cats on or flowers as a profile picture. Others have put famous film characters on. As long as people have no malicious reason for doing it it's of no great consequence.
I wish I'd thought of it,
Fair enough each to their own...just doesn't seem very genuine, so hard to understand thats all. Any ways I'm off to get some rays ๐๐. Take care all.
Please send your ray's back to Shropshireโ๏ธโ๏ธโ๏ธ
I would send by carrier pidgeon Shropshirelass but dont want it to be intercepted by the rozzers for not self isolating poor little thing ๐ hope the weather gets better were you are ๐๐๐น
Agree! You keep and enjoy !
I eat blue cheese uncooked. I have been told that it's okay if produced with pasteurised milk.