Hi don’t know if this is related to my pbc but I have always suffered with migraines but this is different .. this is my fourth day of constant pain on the left hand side of my head and I have woke in night with constant pain in the back of my neck,just the left side still .. pain in eyes and hard to look at light .. just making me feel so low ??
Pain in my head and into my neck on my... - British Liver Trust
Pain in my head and into my neck on my left side

Sherrie, my whole journey started with pain in the left side of my neck. I had huge lymph nodes which they removed 3 and said it was cancer, 2 weeks later when the biopsy results came back clear they panicked. I was tested for everything, ct, mri, ultrasounds all done.
That’s when I was sent for liver biopsy. As I had other horrible symptoms too.
Then in Feb 2019 I was diagnosed with PBC and under active thyroid.
Jane xx
Hello Shezza123,
May I suggest you contact your own GP (if available) or NHS 111 to seek urgent medical advice. I do not think you should ignore these symptoms.
Let us know how you get on.
Best wishes,

Hi I’ve been to doctors , they given me antibiotics for sinusitis, still in pain at mo but hopefully by tomorrow will start easing off .
Thank you