Hi everybody! A few words and questions - British Liver Trust

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Hi everybody! A few words and questions

SarahMcgarrigle profile image
2 Replies

Hi guys,

I have been a member of this forum group since last month, and although this is my first post, I read the posts and responses on here often.

I was discharged from Aintree hospital on November 28 this year, after being in hospital for 3 and a half months. I was first admitted to Oldham Royal, where I very soon got transferred to ICU with severe bleeding (found to be from oesophageal varices via an endoscopy), severe hepatic encephalopathy and jaundice. I had very bad ascites and severe retention in my ankles and face, too. I had parecentisis where they drained 9.5 litres of fluid several weeks later.

They were going to turn off my life support (I had a tracheotomy and was on a ventilator) and was on dialysis as I went into kidney and liver failure very rapidly. Thankfully, my family fought with them to no end to keep me hooked up. I wouldn’t be here if they’d have turned them off.

At the end of October, I was transferred to Aintree in Liverpool, to be closer to family. This was also an amazing decision, as I wouldn’t have made the progress that I have without them.

I was unable to move due to severe muscle wasting (I was 9 stone in June, I am now 5 stone 12 lbs). I can now walk up and down the steps to my flat, which is above shops, and take short walks! Although I tire extremely easily, I can feel myself getting stronger each day.

I am on Omeprazole 20mg once a day (switched in Aintree from lansoprazole, which was clearly crap), Spironolactone 75mg twice daily, and Lactulose, supposedly 30ml twice a day, although I just take two big swigs in the morning now and one in the evening, like a lot of you! I also take a 500mg calcium chew in the morning, and vitamin B-complex.

I just thought I’d say hello, wish you all a very happy Christmas and new year; and keep fighting the good fight: we’re all made of strong stuff.

Sarah x

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2 Replies


Merry Christmas to you and your family too. You've had a rough time, I do hope that 2020 is better for you, you deserve some good fortune. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Chris-harris profile image


You sound like you have been and are going through a rough time of things. I can completely empathize with your situation as have (and still am to some degree) been through that journey.

All I can say is that things do get a lot better, there have been many times that I have nearly given up but so glad I didn’t,

If you ever need advice or anything I will do what I can to help.

Happy xmas to you


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