I'm more confused than ever! - British Liver Trust

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I'm more confused than ever!

β€’25 Replies

Hi All

As most of you know for the past 18 months I've been having monthly blood tests due to possible indications of having either PBC , Sarcoid or whatever!

In July my bloods for the first in over 12 months returned to normal even thou I felt rough!

August LFT blood tests highlighted they were increasing again. πŸ‘Ž

Sept and October's full blood tests caused GP to contact me 4 hours following the tests as my bloods had escalated causing concern!

As most of you are aware I had a recent appointment with my consultant which just happen to be when the flare up was in full swing plus my Esophagus was having it's own we party causing a fair amount of discomfort once again.

Based on the increase in bloods and symptoms my consultant has now requested a further CT Scan of my Thorax Abdomen and Pelvis which is to be carried out on the 26th of November, there was also discussions of a liver biopsy which I have no appointment for as yet.

I'm writing to let you all know that my blood tests for this month (November) have for the second time in18 months returned back to almost totally NORMAL and that my Esophagus discomfort has also eased to only a niggle.😁

For the first time in almost 2 years I'm now feeling more confused than ever! I'm starting to wonder if my whole flare up thing may have been caused by my Esophagus and taking long term anti acid medications over numerous years!

I'm mentioning this because I came across a medical publication dated 2017 about a medical study relating to Blocking Anti Acid and taking long term anti acid medications like Omeprazole etc which can possibly cause inflammation of the liver or liver disease! The publication referred to a medical study carried which I'll load the link onto this message shortly which you may wish to read.

Oh well, this is my update for this month😁 Hopefully I've not bored you all to death especially those who already know my medical story πŸ‘Ž


Shropshire Lassie

PS I think you can find the publication via a link ThreeSmiles has loaded in message below , as I screwed up as usual πŸ‘Žwrong link deleted ! 🀣

Story Heading: 2017

Blocking Stomach Acid May Promote Chronic Liver Disease

I found this interesting reading as it could possibly relate to me on inflammation of the liver!

Let me know if you find it of interest or not !

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25 Replies
ThreeSmiles profile image

Ey up

Can’t find it from your description but is this what you mean?


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Yes Mr IT ! Thank you 😁

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Hi again! My message now directs readers to your message/link ! πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ€£.

Cheers πŸ€—

in reply to

Blood test results never cease to amaze me, mine are sometimes ok and I feel worse than ever!! I'm just going to have a look at that article, I've been on Omeprazole for years!! Lots of love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to


When you say ok on your blood tests, surely there not all normal with everything you have going on, or is your doc just saying ok based on your medical conditions?

I get copies of my blood tests each time for comparing!

Good luck at docs this morning

Love Trish x

in reply to

I don't mean each one , it's the odd occasion, it's brain fog getting hold of me!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

That's so interesting, Trish. As I said I've been on Omeprazole for years. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

jane1964 profile image

I have primary biliary cholangitis have had it for about 14 years now around 3 years ago I started with another autoimmune disease ANCA vasculitis this took some time to diagnose and during this time my liver results became worse and more erratic.Now I am on treatment for this vasculitis my liver results have improved my liver consultant thought the vasculitis was somehow making my liver condition worse so I think one thing can definitely sometimes have an effect on another.I hope you get some answers soon.

Cheers Jane

I'm so glad you eventually got diagnosed and your now on meds to control it all!

All I want is a diagnosis so I can move forward with various plans!

I wish you a nice forthcoming weekend, however its forecasting sleet and minus 1 tomorrow in Shropshire so the winter booties scarfs and hats will be coming out again πŸ‘

Love Trish x

bantam12 profile image

My results have been up and down for 10 years ! Latest shows for the first time ALP is now in range 😯 but GGT is still up. I've had all the tests including a biopsy yet still have no diagnosis, I just want to know why but there isn't an answer in my case.

Good luck with your journey.

in reply to bantam12

Hi again

All of my bloods are back in the normal range except for my GGT which has now dropped to the lowest in about 5 years or more but still out of the normal range , but on a plus side I'm feeling more like myself again !

Can I ask aquestion, do you have any Esophagus or gut issues ?

Trish x

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

I wish I felt better but annoyingly I'm just getting worse.

I do have autoimmune problems with ulcerative colitis and hypothyroidism so gut issues may be involved but none of my many docs do much to find the cause, as my levels have been out of whack for so long they now consider it normal for me.

in reply to bantam12

I'm presuming you eating yogurts and drink those Actimel or similar drinks that are good for your gut?

If not then why dont you give them a try ?

I'm truely sorry you've been suffering for so long with other medical conditions which I dont have, well I dont think so anyway!

Please take care and keep in touch!

Love Trish x

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

With UC I have to be careful what I eat, yogurt and the like don't really agree with me.

I suspect I have PSC or PBC but I've given up trying to get it confirmed 😞

davianne profile image

Hi Trish,

Sorry your bloods are not settling down, and your esophagus is still giving you problems, but hopefully you will get an answer very soon. Thanks for the heads up on omeprazole, and thanks to Miles for providing the link.

There must be loads of us on here who are taking it on a long term basis, and now we find it may be bad for the liver. As you know, my hepatologist denies that my constant capsule pain is liver related........Huh????.......I really just give up.


Thanks for sharing the article Trish and Miles. Very interesting.

We would suggest that if people are taking acid reducing medication, it is important to carry on taking it as prescribed, and if you do have any concerns, then fully discuss with the doctor who prescribed it for you.

Best wishes


Countrywalks profile image

I read this article a long while ago about the ppi acid blockers damaging the liver and that long term use was best avoided i think its very worrying i read about it and thought about the fact i had been taking them and not knew of any risks . The advice was take something like gaviscon and avoid taking long term things that alter stomache acid .but drs perscribe stuff like this a lot and there are many contradictions .

in reply to Countrywalks


Its lovely to hear from you and shame it's about anti acid meds! 🀣

I'm still continuing with my meds until I see my consultant again on January 7th! I'm not sure if it's the Omeprazole calming my Esophagus or whether it's because I'm now drinking more Actimel and eating 2 yogurts per day which I've never done until recently!

Hope your ok

Love Trish x

Thank you admin ! I'm still continuing with my twice daily Omeprazole until I can discuss with my consultant in January!

Best wishes to you all for a nice weekend

Regards Trish

You too Trish!

Did ya ever read the Patient info leaflet in Omeprazole it's quite lengthy. I know most meds have similar coveralls. It does say take special care with severe liver problems? Paragragh2. & Long term use over a year your Doc will prob keep you under surveillance.

Anyway I'm off 4 me flu jab. & Beta Blockers that's anor story.πŸ€”

in reply to

Cheers! Not read the Omeprazole leaflet for sometime but will do now you've brought this to my attention !

Good luck with flu jab! I've been trying to avoid having one as I'm a great believer in natural remedies like taking garlic and chilli daily, but as I'm going to be volunteering at the local hospital it maybe a requirement to have the flu jab! Maybe Miles can confirm whether it's a requirement!

Oh well bye for now


ballie52 profile image

That's very interesting as I was put on it for my cirrhosis ..was told it helps stop reflux that I actually never had!

Was on it for 3yrs but stopped after reading an article saying it can cause dementia if taking it long term!

My stomach calmed down actually after stopping it!

Stomach acid is important to fight infection so yes I would agree that it shouldn't be taken long term in my opinion for some people!

in reply to ballie52

Yip. Had chest pain back in Aug. GP directed me straight to A&E. ECG, chest x-ray, angina spray & bloods couldn't determine the cause. I was given Omeprazole home with me despite not suffering from any reflux etc. Having read the leaflet I didn't take it. Sure wasn't the chalky Rennie's suspect for causing k/stones years ago. πŸ€”

ballie52 profile image
ballie52 in reply to

Hi Ofeckman , I think they give it out before really thinking about why!

As everyone that has a liver condition seems to get this drug!..I actually do feel my stomach is much better without it!

We do need acid to protect against infection!

Ok I suppose for people short term maybe but to block natural stomach acid long term doesn't sound beneficial to me!

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