Anyone got any ideas for coping with sleep deprivation and burning sensation when swallowing? My partner had a 3 week hospital stay just over a week ago with alcoholic hepatitis and a severe bout of HE. He is very malnourished and they tried to tube feed him but he kept pulling the tube out because of the HE.
I am trying my hardest to coax him to eat regularly but only managing small amounts due to burning when eating. Is managing fortisips but is exhausted as cannot sleep at night. He is up and down 8 or 10 times a night and each time goes downstairs for 20 mins then comes back up as he doesn’t want to disturb me. I have tried to explain he would be better staying in bed and we could put a tv in the room he says no as this would disturb me, he doesn’t seem to understand that every time he goes down stairs I worry in case he falls as he is so weak severe muscle wastage. He has cirrohsis grade C and the doctors have told me that any slight infection could be extreme for him and likely result in a further hospital stay so I worry that as the weather changes he will get cold S he refuse to put the heat on when he gets up. I really want to do my best for him but I am starting to get a bit snappy due to lack of sleep and I’m still trying to hold down a full time job as we have a mortgage to pay. Any advice gratefully received