Good morning everybody,
After a very bad night and the question how cirrhosis affects me which was raised on the board, I wanted to share my feelings these days. I'd be very thankful if you described how you feel.
As I've written before, I have cirrhosis due to consuming too much alcohol.
I'm extremely thankful, proud and happy to I finally can be myself at all times again, no wasted evenings, always a great clarity of mind. So this is the awesome part that's always present!!!
But: there is also the other side. As I now can live without that poison and even be happy, I sometimes shake my head thinking back.... Why was it so hard for me to stop, although I somehow sensed that it wasn't good for me???? And that's also always the thing that makes some particular relatives attack me. Their logic goes like this: if you are happy now without alcohol, then you can't be addicted. If you were, you would have to be envious and bitter now you aren't allowed to drink anymore.
That, the guilt, the regret, the thought "why so easy now, why not earlier" is really getting me.
Then there's my body. It makes weird things even my hepatologist can't explain to me.
I'm on Spiro daily, 50 mg. Everything is fine, then, out of nowhere with no particular reason, the swelling of the legs and feet comes back enormously.
One day I feel very active, almost healthy, next day I feel extremely tired and sleep all day.
I got my menstruation back, after going without for a year, but now (since January) it's absolutely irregular, sometimes weak, then super strong.
Sometimes I'm not hungry at all, then again I feel like I could keep on eating all day long.
As I've always been a person who worries a lot, my new fear is liver cancer. From what that other stupid doctor told me, it's only a question of time to get it. And I definitely can't visit my hepatologist three times a week to do an ultrasound!
My liver makes a lot of sounds, always after eating, but more, if the meal was high on sugar or fat.
I want so much to believe in the natural healing competence of my body... I do meditation, try to focus on motivating, positive words, stories, whatever, but I just have to hear it read one negative comment, I feel like all confidence and hope I've so hard builded up, crumbles down.
Sometimes it really feels like being a puppet on a string, and puppet player cirrhosis pulling my emotional strings 😕
Sorry for that long posting, but thanks of you read it.