Questran : I’ve been taking Questran... - British Liver Trust

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Highflying54 profile image
55 Replies

I’ve been taking Questran for five days now, to stop itching related to jaundice. Does anyone else have experience of this medication and how soon does it usually take effect?

The itching is really impacting on my quality of life.

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Highflying54 profile image
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55 Replies

Hi highflying54,

It is one of those that is suppose to build up in system before any relief. I didn't get any relief from it but i also know that it has been affective for others.

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply to

Thanks Angel74. That is what I was hoping for. It’s the one thing that has made me feel depressed about the whole situation.

jojokarak profile image

I used questran but didn't have a full effect on me, I used a cooling spray as well which gave me instant relief 😌

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply tojojokarak

Thanks jojokarak. What was the cooling spray? I used a cool damp towel in bed last night and that did ease the itch but not ideal!

in reply toHighflying54

You can buy cooling water sprays Over the Counter - Boots have their own make.


Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply to

That’s brilliant, thank you. I’ve been using emollient creams Cetraben and it helps for a while but needs applying three times a day and sometimes more in the night. Will find my way to Boots tomorrow and let you know how I get on.

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply toHighflying54

There are lots of replies to Jacobsmum on this exact same subject, might be worth you scrolling through there. " skin and hair dryness "

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply toLaura009

Thanks Laura009. I will do that!

in reply toLaura009

Thanks Laura for this info, will browse through jacobsmum !


Trish !

in reply toHighflying54

Highflying. - 54 was a good year wasn’t it 😁😁👍

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply to

It certainly was! A significant year for you too? Am hoping to be better to celebrate my 65th!

in reply toHighflying54

I hope you are highflying 😁👍. Yes for me too 👍

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

62 was better 😁

in reply toLaura009

You are but a babe then laura 😁

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

'71 was the year. My mum told me the world revolves around me, the centre of the universe, and she can't be wrong!! So as I was born then the world became a better place!! Argue with my mum if you don't believe me!!


in reply toWass71

So you are but an embryo then Wass! Hahaha would I argue with a woman - no way - I’ve learnt the hard way, first wife and now daughter. Eldest grandchild is testing the water and she’s only 15!

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

Oh yeah, I'm just a teenager (well, I act like one)!! My slowly sagging face, fading eye sight and aching body disagree!! X

in reply toWass71

Well come on - I mean only 48!

Well it happens to us all at some time. I’ve gone past caring. You can figure my age - so you would say that you aren’t surprised, given your age, Miles 😁.

Cheer up 😁👍


Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

Ha ha, actually I'm Only 47! How very dare you, add an extra year!! But I may be wrong, can't remember my birthday, given my age!!

in reply toWass71


in reply to

Sorry to read this ! 😣

in reply to

Sorry to read this!😣

in reply to

I think 52 was a great year😂😂😂

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply tojojokarak

As miles has just told you what I have told him in the past 🤣🤣

The boots one is the best x

in reply tojojokarak

Cheeky monkey jojo - and you expect me to remember what you told me 😁. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast even. Oh wait - I don’t have breakfasts 😁. (Diabetes course recommendation for me). Actually though I have used that Boots spray myself 😁 👍

in reply to

Naughty! naughty! Miles! Still no brekkie with all those meds on an empty tum! 😈😈😈

in reply to

I do hope you have brunch? You'd better think about your reply!

Nurse Trishi otherwise Errr

in reply to


in reply to

Ha! Ha! Was joking ........😁😁😁

Popel profile image

Hi there.believe it or not I used to rub banana skins on my puritus which helped loads.although I also suffered from leg ulcers which happened to be were the worst of the itching happened to be.i do wish you well as I’ve been there and know what your going through.ive had a TP and still have bouts of itching but nowhere near the bad.on a positive for me my leg ulcers have gone totally post TP.paul

in reply toPopel

Hi popel

I have had leg ulcers for over a year both pre and post TP. I have at last got a referral to Dermatology. But there isn’t one Hospital in our County at the moment that is taking appointments at all! Even when you do get an appointment they publicise a 14 week wait. Unfortunately this is the parlous state of the NHS (I do like that word - parlous 😁👍).


Popel profile image
Popel in reply to

Hi there.i feel for anyone with leg ulcers and also cirrosis obviously but the pain is unbearable at times.but as I was waiting to see if the liver was suitable when waiting in the QE a nurse noticed an ulcer and questioned it .i was panicking thinking they wouldn’t operate but they did anyway and within a week they just started healing. my skin condition improved all over and in particular my face and I actually felt warm for the first time in you have leg ulcers on both legs? I believe also depending on age is how well you’ll manage to heal.paul

in reply toPopel

I was at QE too 👍. Lots of people (medical) notice my ulcers - both legs - but don’t do anything nor do I say anything much because that unfortunately is about No. 8 on my priority list of ongoing issuettes 😁.

Yes - lol - feeling warm - I remember that feeling! It’s so nice to be “normal” again. I use the word normal very loosely 😁😁.


Popel profile image
Popel in reply to

İ know I’m writing this text in a T-shirt and although it’s summer that would of been unthinkable last year I’d of been rapped up in blankets and I’d be draped over a portable radiator that I’d have next to me.paul

in reply toPopel

I kept wanting to turn up the heat. My wife said she couldn’t take any more clothes off. I said why not....

Popel profile image
Popel in reply to

That’s funny but my other half probably wanted to kill me as I’d be like “shut that door” I’m freezing here. every two minutes lol

in reply toPopel

Hi Popel

Glad to read your leg ulcers are no longer! Nasty we buggers especially as we get older with thinner skin which takes longer to heal ! X

Wass71 profile image

Hi, I didn't get on with quest ran at all. I use a mental cream that my Dr prescribed.. I bought it initially but a tiny tube was £6, whereas the Dr gave me a big 500ml bottle. It works to cool the skin for a while, might enable you to get to sleep if you're quick. I've lost count of the number of nights I've been kept awake by itching. It's awful isn't it. I disturb my poor husband as well. As I've said on here before, he is the most wonderful man, he never moans about it, just feels sorry for me. He has to go to work, I can snooze all day!!

I hope you find some relief, and something that works for you.

Best wishes

in reply toWass71

Wass - I’ve never heard of mental cream? Is it a steroid or just some form of lubrication?

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

I only just saw this, it's supposed to say menthal cream!! Darn auto correct changed it to mental. I don't need cream to make me mental, I already am!! Unless I've invented a new cream for mental health, then I'll make a fortune, like big pharma companies re formulating drugs to get a whole new market.

That's what comes of being awake half the night commenting on posts!

in reply toWass71

Hey up Wass - I’m sure you can guess I was being a little facetious. My naughty SOH! Sorry! But I like your reply 😁👍. Yes you need sleep. I’ve had two naps today already to make up for last night. It’s OK for me though because bigfreddy says I can blame my painkillers. I tried to make my wife buy that - but not sure she has. 😁.

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

Really, you being facetious Milli, never!! I'm fairly tuned into your SoH now. I've been travelling back from my mother in laws today, so have yet to sleep. My husbands brother and his wife and son were over from oz, I had permission from tp coordinator to go up to Manchester (my husband, Joe, was playing a gig, which the rellies wanted to see), but I wasn't allowed to go onto Glasgow (for the next show) as it was considered too far. So I stayed with my mother in law and the ozzies. Joe picked me up this morning, and we had a long drive back. I couldn't sleep as its a bit of a squeeze in the front of the van, the back being totally full of band equipment. So I defo need to catch up on sleep, I'm bleedin' exhausted!! Very busy few days for a broken person, especially having to do the "I'm fine really," smile the whole weekend!!

I'm sure your wife is on to you on the snoozing front, Alf had a good suggestion, but us women are way more wiley than that!! Tell her you've got to have more naps on my behalf, help me out!!


in reply toWass71

You’re a Roadie wow! 😁👍.

Having to put on false smiles for the “rellies” how awful ☹️. I’m not very good at that and have to just blab sometimes. Wonder why no one comes back to talk to me 😁.

Glasgow would deffo be too far!! How far away is Manchester from where you have to go - you’ve probably said numerous times before but unless I write things down these days it’s soon (very soon) forgotten ☹️. If daughter asks be to pick up one of the GC she has to text me as a reminder and to force me to put in my calendar 😁.

Wife frowns a little about me spending too much time on here - so I have to be a tad careful what I tell her!

Good luck Wass 👍👍👍


Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

Not a roadie, but a merchmaid. A title I've given myself, I sell the merchandise. Mainly 'cause I like chatting to people. None of the band let me carry anything, they all look out for me.

I'm in Somerset, so time to King's is similar from Manchester, although if I'm not at home we would have to make our own way to hospital. Luckily I'm home safe and sound, I'm going up to Birmingham on Fri as the band are playing at a festival there. So another call to the tp coordinators to report my whereabouts!!

I know what you mean about memory. Brain fog is a problem with PBC, very frustrating for a teenager like me!!

Regarding spending time on the forum, it's surprising how comforting it is sharing things with people who truly understand what it's like. I find it very helpful to gain peoples perspective on things, and share advise through experience.

Have a good week millipops, if you can remember what you're doing!


in reply toWass71

Haha Wass.

You like chatting? Pull the other one! Time you grew up - you won’t be a teenager all your life you know.....



I can remember this weekend coming. I’m getting on a ship and I won’t be getting off it after two nights of a 3 week holiday due to my third worst HE episode 😂👎🏻. It was a nightmare time both literally and metaphorically! I remember standing on the quay and this English chap asked me where I was from. After about 10 seconds I pronounced - England yippee I thought - I remembered. Then yes but whereabouts though? Ah well wife told him He’s not well you know! Embarrassing or what 😁😁

You have a good weekend too Miss Merchmaid 👍

Plonker Miles.

Wass71 profile image

Also, have you now been tested for autoimmune conditions. I have PBC, which can cause your symptoms. The BLT have details about it or the PBC foundation website is excellent.

Hope you get answers soon.

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply toWass71

Thank you all for the suggestions and good wishes. What a supportive community you are! My consultant still trying to get to the bottom of the jaundice. Auto-immune and various viruses ruled out but bloods done to check for other viruses. MRI booked for Thursday this week then back to consultant next week. Having read your replies, so many of you are and have been in far worse situations than me, so I do appreciate you taking the time to share your tips and suggestions. Love to you all x

Bbsmom profile image

Questran sadly had no effect on me, I needed to go on rifampacin and then nalorex A’s itch was so intense but I agree lukewarm showers or a damp flannel gave me great relief especially at night in bed when the itch seemed worse. The itch is the reason I’m on the transplant list, so bad and agree it affects your whole quality of life especially when you are not getting a good nights sleep because of it. Good luck I hope the questran works soon for you.

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply toBbsmom

Thank you Bbsmom

Highflying54 profile image

One more question. I have been told that sunshine helps jaundice. Normally I’m a sun-worshipper but have been avoiding sitting in it as thought it would exacerbate the itching. Any advice?

multitask profile image

Question did help for my husband, but never entirely. E45 Itch cream was the only ointment that helped - keep a tube by the bed. Sleeping was always the issue. I hope you find the remedy for you as it seems to be a horrendous symptom to deal with. x

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply tomultitask

Thanks multitask. I had considered E45 cream. Will get some tomorrow.

multitask profile image
multitask in reply toHighflying54

Make sure it’s the special ITCH one!

SteveM99 profile image

I know I am a bit late to this thread but my other half had bad itching causing sleepiness nights and the consultant suggested paracetamol as it helps lower body temperature. This worked within a couple of weeks.

Good luck with whatever works for you

Highflying54 profile image
Highflying54 in reply toSteveM99

Thanks Steve

Will try anything! Another night of just four hours sleep is just too much!

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