Rock Chicks Given In! Update 26/6/19 - British Liver Trust

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Rock Chicks Given In! Update 26/6/19

117 Replies

Hi all,

Two days ago I wrote a fairly long message to you as I was feeling extremely down and I just needed someone to talk to, but for some apparent reason the message ended up in cyberspace so I put down to Fate and never continued with another.

Firstly this is not easy for me to ask for especially being one of you who's usually is a happy bungle of fun and full.of kindness. Unfortunately I'm not feeling like that right now even if I give that impression within my messages. I'm feeling slightly under the weather and out of sorts which I'm putting down to my guts daily wobble of puffing out!

All I want is for you to just send me some good vibes as I have something personal I which is alcohol related which must be discussed for the third or more time which is playing on my mind and its bringing me down a little when I'm normally as strong as an ox!

Love Trish x


Just to let you all know that your numerous wonderful messages to me and between each other over the last few days have cheered me up no end as most of you can tell with my numerous replies back!

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't have felt the way I do this morning with out you guys, so please be assured your support has helped me knowing that your there for me and of course for others! On the personal front I've have a had few good days and a chat which may have helped my situation which I'll just have to watch and see. However this weekend some of you are aware that I'm attending a Summer Ball for charity, so my fingers are crossed Rock Chick can relax and enjoy herself !

I seriously do love you ALL and whether that's possible in your eye's I do not know, but I believe you can in a friendship way without even meeting that person face to face!

I'm sending you all love, peace, happiness and most of all painless health issues which you shouldn't be suffering

Rock Chick singing off! x

117 Replies
pigeonCl-HU profile image

You know Slaines, some days are better then others, sometimes we feel like we got the bull by the horns, nxt thing we know.... the bull has got us! And we feel miserable.

I understand you and wish that you will soon find your way from under this dark cloud.

As a wise man said: this too shall pass. It will, and you will feel better, ready to face another day.


in reply to pigeonCl-HU

Thank you Pigeon! It's tough sometimes as you can have really good days/weeks/months then that someone doesn't realised how they affect you! Errrrr

Cheers x

pigeonCl-HU profile image
pigeonCl-HU in reply to

Slaines, I have learned the hard way that there is no one blinder then he who does not want to see, or deafer then he who does not want to hear!

No matter the flags you wave in front of their eyes, no matter how clearly you speak...

But you will get over this, it can't be the first time, and it won't last forever. Just remember please: it's NOT your fault.


in reply to pigeonCl-HU

Talk to me privately if you wish Trish ....ha ! Im all ears

L xx

davianne profile image

Hi Trish, just picked up your message. Oh you poor girl, whatever could be upsetting such a vibrant fun loving girl. I know we all have down days, in fact I had one yesterday. My cirrhosis just likes to let me know it's still there if it thinks I'm having too much fun 😥😥😥. I obviously never got your long message 'cause I would have replied as soon as I saw it. I am sending you good vibes right now, and praying for you to get back to your bubbly self. I do not know your personal problem, to do my best to help you to happier times. I'm hear whenever you need a friend, (as James Taylor wrote)😊

I was thinking about our band, we need a name, and do you think it's to soon to be thinking of a World Tour🤣🤣🤣 I was in another band after Lord Lou, and it had a

naughty name, thought up by our French/Spanish base player, it was Sesentanova, ( based on Santana, our favourite band at the time), a deliberate misspelling of (sesenta y nueve, it means 69 in Spanish, and less obvious than the French translation soixante-neuf )😁😁😁. It took ages before anyone clocked what it meant😊😊😊 Could Sesentanova, be resurrected again? 😁😁😁

So Dear Trish, cheer up Petal, Hope this puts a wee smile on your face, Take Care,

David, your Rocker in waiting.

in reply to davianne

Lord Lou

I'd be total ashamed of myself if I denied that your adorable funny sweet message didnt make me smile ! 😁. Here's my huge thank you 'Lou' Your definately the TONIC I require right now!😁 Can you please bottle it and send over by courier and mark 'Drink Immediately Incase of an Emergency' 😁😁😁😁

Dont be to concerned as I'll work this one out at some point as it's just one of those things which I've been through before but hopefully not with the same ending !

Anyway Lord Lou! your really putting some pressure on me to learn this guitar🤣. Do you have any suggestion on which song I should practice first? I was thinking a folk?

Well bye for now and cheers my tonic!

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Hi Rock Goddess, My mind is a bit foggy just now, but one I always enjoyed was Mr Tambourine man, a Bob Dylan classic, and very easy to play. Just google for the words and chords, and have fun very quickly😊😊😊. Virtual tonic is on the way right now😁😁😁

Dave the Rave 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to davianne

4 days to go before guitar pickup! I must say you and Alf have got me so excited but I must admit I may drive hubby insane!🤣🤣🤣!!!!

I've just been typing up report atc5.30am to take with me when seeing GP Monday about itchy skin, tiredness , swollen tummy , hot when waking up with no temperature ,muscle pains the odd dizzy spells which I've noted for the last 2 months. Hopefully latest bloods taken 3 weeks ago might highlight something or not!' Plus discussing the dive ! 😁

Well Rock Chick signing off!,

Take care David aka Lord Lou 😁

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Hi Trish, If Hubby moans, just tell him he should be grateful it's not the drums you are learning 🤣🤣🤣. At least you can blame it all on me and Alf 😁😁😁

I've had most of the symptoms you describe, i used to scratch my legs 'till they were sore. Hope your blood results are OK. Off to Heathrow soon to pick Annie up. M25 Arrrrgh!!!


in reply to davianne

Safe trip Lou! Now get playing some great jigs and wiggly in that car seat like I do as it burns more calories and tightens the bum cheeks 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sorry to read about you too having similar symptoms!

Keep smiling my inspiration

Rock Chick smiling .......

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Trish, I am ridiculed for having a memory stick in the car that plays Sultans of Swing over and over 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just love it 😁😁😁


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to davianne

You can't have too much of Sultans of swing. I used to get the mick taken out of me when our son was little. Wife and son said every time they got in the car "oh, are the boys back in town?" Thin Lizzy. Of course it was the whole CD was playing but that was the one they remembered, LOL. I obviously didn't change the CD's over often enough :-)

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to alfredthegreat

Very true Alf, I had a 6 cd changer in the car, and never changed them the whole time I owned it 😁😁😁. Al least I remembered to take them out before I Px'ed it.Sultans was just great cruising music, I was just hooked on it. Thin Lizzie was one of my favourites too. Remember "Whiskey in the Jar" ? I loved that one, but not because it was alcohol related🤣🤣🤣


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to davianne

It's playing in my head now! :-) :-)

in reply to davianne

I loved Whiskey in a Jar too! 😃 Great song !

jojokarak profile image

Hunni we wouldn't be strong 💪 rock chicks if we didn't have our down/low days how can we remember how lucky we are if we are being strong constantly, I used to look at it as a I am recharging my resolve kind of a day, days, week 😉

I love a feel sorry for myself day I usually run the bath, open the window wide, put my music on, turn phone off and screech to my hearts content, hubby says it's like a calling card for the cats of the neighbourhood and them being in awe of such an awful noise 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to jojokarak

The problem is Jojo, I've not really felt like this for almost 30 years and I now feel like an alien has entered my body! I'm normally that strong personvwho wakes up on a high and goes to bed then wakes up at 3am on another high and sits on the sofa making others smile when there feeling down or cannot sleep!

Anyway! I will pull myself together and start focusing on others with real serious problems, it always does the trick!

Thanks again JoJo 💕

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to

If you are truly worried about how your feeling, please see your gp we all need extra support when life is a bit shit... Done me the world of good last year when I was struggling x

in reply to jojokarak

Dear Jojo

Thank you so much for your second note which I really do appreciate very much.

I'm writing to assure you that there's no need for me to visit my GP about the way I'm feeling right now! It's to do with an on going situation that I may have to tackle once again should it persist which I really dont want to confront! Unfortunately after 3 /4 up and down days this week, last night got the better of me leaving to much time to think to myself which I guess was a bad thing at night.

Anyway, thank you all for your wonderful concerning notes !

Lord Lou ! David ! 😁 Rock Chick loves ya man for the Tamberin Song! Let's pray it won't take long before I'm stringing along with that guitar !!!!!!

Nighty nite Jojo /all. Sorry I'm not feeling upbeat !

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to jojokarak

That's GREAT JoJo, love it🤣🤣🤣


Aww Trishi! Come on now! This is not you at all. ☹️. Errr it’s really Err <not a joke>. 👎🏻.

I can think of two possible causes for your upset... do try again to talk it through with the problem one. I’m sure (hope very much) you can - use your “strict” nursing skills or your caring nursing skills. I know you can. You know you can.

Next post must be more upbeat - please!

Miles xxx

in reply to

Hope you’re feeling better today Trishi.

in reply to

Hi Miles

Rock Chick's project managing situation 🤔 whilst looking after first clients 2 cats , so have to keep focused

on keeping fit for poss Sky Dive and a summer ball this coming Saturday ! Hopefully my birthday celebration will go ahead with no hitches as I need to dance my feet off and wiggle my much slimmer arse until the early morning ! Whoops I made a cheeky comment 😁 ! Sorry everyone but I'm proud to be in the 10 stones again with more to loose!

Thanks Miles for your concerns and (Errr's which made me smile slightly) I trust message is upbeat enough!

Trishi x

in reply to

That’s great stuff! First two jobs goodo! Bet you won’t have time to go to gym soon 😀Err


in reply to

One job 2 cats!

There will always be time for the gym no matter what as I like the return of my old figure!

I could always bike in the dark when others are asleep, plus its much safer on these country lanes with no cars! I need to test out my mountain bikes new lights or transfer to e bike!


P13jne profile image

Hey my lovely, I’m always here for you. Please pm me. I’m sending wonderfully happy, bouncy vibes through to you. Lots of luv. Jane xx

in reply to P13jne

Will PM you later sugar plumb as I need some me time on the bed right now!

Loves ya loads💕💕💕💕

Supportinghubby profile image
Supportinghubby in reply to

Sorry you're feeling down Trish although it sounds like you're getting back to your cheery self. You can't keep it up all the time though, it's natural to have down days.

Is it childish of me to have a little chuckle at 'having some me time on the bed?'. Too much information! 😂

in reply to Supportinghubby

Your reply is funny when I think about what I wrote 😁😁! Yes my me time does open the door to numerous thoughts which I will not mention on this forum, but my me time meant SPACE to think and make a decision! Normally I ave driven to a quite location by the sea when I require lots of space but as I was feeling crap yesterday plus things clogging my mind up got in the way and wasnt able to drive the 2 hours to the sea and back!

Well I'm trying my best to keep my pecker up! 😁😁😁😁sorry smiley faces a joke!

How are you more to the point?

Love Trish x

Supportinghubby profile image
Supportinghubby in reply to

I'm good thanks, hubby is well so just waiting for the heatwave to go out and enjoy some sun. Going to the sea sounds great - my mum loves the sea. It's very calming. Hope you get to go soon xx

in reply to Supportinghubby

Hi again

Cheers for reply! Glad to read hubby's well! What heat wave? Its been warm here and I'm in my scruffy Jean's with holes in the knees as I've been working in the garden all afternoon trying to keep my mind from thinking! Errr! I must admit my garden is looking nice! I've also swept the country lane that runs along my hedge line too as it had streams of pine cones and hay left by the farmers! Errrr.

Maybe chat tomorrow or later or whenever


Love Trish! X

Popel profile image

Hi Trish sorry your not your usual self.lifes tough enough without being ill also so I’m sending all positive vibes your way.we all have bad days and I know it’ll pass.lots of love your way.paul

in reply to Popel

Hi Paul

Hopefully your phone iPad or whatever is on silent !

Cheers for concerned message. I'll be ok and hopefully tomorrow things will seem brighter ! X


I'm so sorry you are feeling down. Always here for you. You can pm me if you like.

This should make you laugh. I was having lunch the other day and we got talking if when we gave birth to our sons. Well , she said I was induced to which I replied well they started seducing me!! Suddenly realised what I'd said and fell about laughing. Told hubby later he said we can't take you anywhere to which I replied you can but only once as my dear Dad used to say!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Hi Lynne

Sorry for late reply as I had to go out with other half to buy new dinner suit!

Well I must say I too would have fell about laughing at your seducing comment too!! 🤣🤣🤣. Cheers for making me smile!

Loves ya Lynne 💕💕💕

in reply to


Told hubby and sons , they weren't surprised!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

I'm always saying the wrong words in front of my son, daughter and son-in-law who take great delight in bringing each and every one of them up every time we meet which for some apparent reason still makes everyone laugh! It's great when your the centre of attraction for saying stupid phrases wrongly! Oh lucky for me I adore my kids who are now , son 41 and daughters 39 and both are sensible professional funny basket cases like me with hearts of gold 😁😁😁!

Let's keep the silly phrases going within our families! ❤

Hi Trish, when I feel down with my health and liver issues I just give myself a kick up the backside! We have a hundred other things in our life to be positive about...

Try to think about everything good in your life no matter how small.

Sending all good things to you ✨

in reply to


Your comment is exactly right! Focus is my favourite word! I prefer to think of others normally who require support and friendship which is helping to put me back on track!

Take care Sudio

in reply to


Your comment is exactly right! Focus is my favourite word! I prefer to think of others normally who require support and friendship which is helping to put me back on track!

Take care Sudio

Linkinpark profile image

Hi Trish

I ve had lots of dark days,when my hubs stomach is so large it's like he's carrying a baby elephant.But the rest of his body is disappearing and I can feel his bones .

Every day he has a new bruise, I think what every have we done to deserve this cruel illness.

But I know we aren't the only ones there are people like yourself feeling the same . We just have to try and make the best of what we have ,we know some days we will be down, talk to a friend or go out if you can, fresh air sit and hear nature this can help Trish remember you are not alone

Dawn xx

in reply to Linkinpark

Hi Dawn

I cannot believe when your going through a horrid sad time that you scrape together the strength to support me when things are pushing my limits and I do not want to confront them for the second time! Today's a good day so please dont worry! Please please take care of yourself and your hubby as I seriously know how heart wrenching you must be feeling right now!

Dawn I'm here for you even through the night! If you want my personal number

PM me as we all need someone when you've hit rock bottom especially at night !

Take care my angel

Love Trish ❤❤❤

mncold profile image

Hi Trish,

Sorry to hear life is giving you lemons at this time.

We just got back from a weekend family reunion of my husband's family. So 94 year old mother-in-law, his five siblings & spouses, all but 3 of our combined rug rats with their spouses and their tinier rug rats, plus a late arriving girlfriend.

We survived - no blow-ups about politics, all managed to let Great-Grandma's pointed remarks about weight, eating, drinking, etc go by the way. No one mentioned the ex-con's incarceration or pissed him off except his sister and that passed.

The little kids enjoyed their cousins, the big kids [all our adult kids] got along - and even invited each other for visits :-) - us old grumps got along.

Yahoo!!!!! GG didn't get into a huff about something one of her kids or us in-laws said, did, or might have thought LOL.

I got to drink liquids because - as don't ya know if crap is going to get you it will when you least need it - I developed a partial bowel blockage from last years hysterectomy diagnosed on Thurs afternoon, we left on Fri morning. Still working on making it let go LOL.

I have decided I need to figure out how to make a smiley neutral face. Why is it that many of us women look mad or unhappy when our face is in repose? True even of those who smile most of the time - bah humbug.

Here if you want/need to blow off steam, whine, complain, talk in capital letters and best yet don't know the people you might be having issues with so no worries you would somehow offend me - oh joy.

Hoping things get better soon,


in reply to mncold

Hi Mary

You’re at it again! Love your SOH! I thought brits and Americans humour were supposed to be different - so how come yours hits me head on - love it! What on earth though are your rug rats? Guess some kind of relations?


in reply to

Rug rats are kids I believe ! Mary hopefully I'm right ????? Please say I am ??? Grandkids or something like that!


mncold profile image
mncold in reply to

Mary Lou,

You win the mythical prize, top honors, and a place in the invisible book of Great Guessers!

Yes, rug rats is one of the, no doubt many, terms for children - for when you don't want to say kids or children.

The children at the reunion, sorry the little children, ranged in age from 1 year old to 7 years old.

We tried to bottle their energy, but were once again decisively unsuccessful. I'm pretty sure only 1 of us would have shared with our adult kids so I was thinking up what threats would work on my husband LOL.

Hope you enjoy the posh ball - maybe even a picture?! Not to mention being with daughter, son-in-law & friends. I would very much like to know how it goes!

My mom and sister can do posh - I tend to do chatting to whoever stands near me long enough LOL. I bought a shirt on our Arizona vaca that I thought [and my neighbor & her sister agreed] looked good on me - younger son posted pictures & I thought oh Dear Lord I look like an elephant LOL He said he'd take down any I didn't like - but others are in them LOL.

Best to you,


mncold profile image
mncold in reply to


Yes, rug rats is one of our oh so very descriptive terms for children. They don't even have to be related to us LOL. It is basically because in their early days babies are all over the floor but big ergo - rug rats.

Maybe you and I are related in the far distant past & have only just reconnected? :-) I always enjoy your posts, too.


in reply to mncold

Aha ok. Maybe if I had known what a rug rat really is! Perhaps in a different life 😁😁


in reply to mncold

Hi Mary

Guess what I'm doing tomorrow night! You've guessed it! I'm going to a class to progress my medium awareness which I've had for over 36 years!

I've already had brief meeting with the chair about my senses which there going to help me grow to help others !!! Lol !

Yes I think you maybe right our paths may have met in a previous life!

Oh poo message not for me!'lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 both please see the funny side for heaven sake! Stupid me

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to


I have absolutely no problem with responses!!!

We, too, may be friends from long ago and maybe not so far away ;-) That would be nice.

There was that "poo" again - I'll hope it works this time LOL.

You'll have to keep me informed about how your classes go and if it helps improve your senses.


p.s. Hoping those little lumps there are little piles of poo for me LOL

p.p.s. The GG is my husband's mother.

in reply to mncold

Hey up!

Re pps - GG! Guessed that one already ! Lol

Re Senses - Will keep Mary Lou updated! Hope you liked your new name which sounds so sweet and I believe is a country western song?

Do you mean these poos💩💩💩💩 meant for youoooooo!!!

Nighty nite 💕

in reply to mncold

As promised Mary Lou!

Just returned home from the spiritual medium meeting of 15! It was confirmed the senses I've had for over 36 years are real and that I'm a medium! They've asked if I would consider being a psychic speaker at one of there meetings in 3 weeks time 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Of course I said NOPE as I'm a novice !!!

I well this is not health related so nighty nite All! Xxx

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to

Feel free to message me as I am interested in your ongoing research in this are. That way we won't clutter this area up.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sweet dreams.


in reply to

My awareness is a bit less than medium...actually it’s tiny at times....l

in reply to

We all have the ability as little as it maybe which can be progressed with meditation 😁 I'm a great believer our past lives reconnect so that we can help each other !😁

To my wonderful loving friends have a pleasant day! Its pouring here so no country lane biking in the dark Errrr

Trishi x

in reply to mncold

Mary your just blummin amazing! I absolutely loved your message so I will try my best to let you know how my forthcoming weekend goes! I'm going to a posh summer charity ball with my daughter, son-in-law plus all there closest sporty and farmer friends who are amazing but naughty at the same time so they maybe the tonic I need right now!I

I love the sound of your great Grandma ! Just think that could be us😁! God forbid I'm struck by lightening so no one has me to look after! 🤣🤣🤣 the raving Grandma with the blue rinse 😄 Joking ! Purple rinse and dressed in black ! 🤔

Oh well ! I'm rocking away in my hammock just now listening to the thunder in the background! I cannot be bothered to go inside just yet! Space time to myself!

Bowel Blockage ( Poo ) !Sorry that wasnt meant to be a joke but what the hell , hope you enjoyed that we drink! I'm sending positive healing toughts that it can but sorted and you,ll be fine!

Bye for now Mary Lou!

Loves ya ❤❤❤❤

in reply to

A we bit if lightening will make sure you can be seen in the dark....


in reply to

I guess a we bit of lightening would be an improvement plus my glow would stop me hitting the odd fox or too!'😁

Radnor profile image
Radnor in reply to mncold

Do you mean that face when you feel totally buggered and dont have the energy to smile?I too am a smiler, but chronic pain and fatigue gives me a face that really does symbolise 'face ache' at times.As far as bowels are concerned you definitely get well and truly hit by a high speed train! One minute your fine, then Bam! My delightful test kit came through the post , not the most pleasant experience but if detects potential cancers , it gotta be done. 3 samples are required. Samples one and 2 sorted. Then nothing, zero, zilch! Not even a bottie burp. Dynamite strength laxative, nope, no stirring at all. Hot black coffee, nowt! First came the swelling, more swelling and the worlds longest labour pain!. Temperature increasing and then full evacuation from my tum, I wont describe what I threw up, vile covers it.So Major emergency surgery, , 10 days in hospital and zero food for 9 of those days. Thankfully you should be sorted , a moving experience is needed . Apparently where the large and small intestine join its held in place at the side by strong tissue. Mine had floated off and moved all over then would go back. This time it twisted and necrosis then set in. Its rare and not genetic, the pain was on the right side mainly just below my rib cage. I can laugh about it now but I took going for granted. I received a text last week re the test. I replied explaining why. A biopsy was done on the tissue removed so I consider I was well and truly checked out. I truly wish you well at getting sorted, I keep smiling thinking of f the old lady, tact and diplomacy none existent.No one is cuddly,big boned, curvaceous - your fat! lol Hazel xx

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to Radnor

Hi Hazel,

Good to know you can laugh about it now and even better to know that all is well for you in that area!

Thank you for the good wishes and sending good wishes back to you.


in reply to Radnor

Omg hazel! What a horrid experience! But thank you for enlightening us and - as Mary says - how good to know that you are able to laugh about it now! I suppose it may be a case that if you didn’t laugh you’d cry.....


in reply to Radnor

Hazel your just blummin amazing and I take my hat off to you for explaining in great detail your not so nice experiences and that your still able to laugh about it all!

Those three day poo kits are horrid we things to do but we must keep on smiling 😁😁😁

Take care sweetpea


in reply to mncold

Good Morning Mary

Well its Friday! I've managed to drag this weary body of mine for another 1.5-2:hours at the gym and this morning ☺️but I actually want to do is this 😴😴😴😴😴! I wondering whether anyone would notice if I did just dose off in the corner ! Lol!

Are you hanging around with any rug rats this weekend or will hubby's Grandma be giving you all her usual antidote's ?

Hope today's a good one or as well as can be!

Thinking of you

Mary Lou😊😊😊

Love Trish ❤

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to

Hi Tris,

Very impressed with your time at the gym, dragging or not.

I remember when my sister & I were kids on Sundays and we all headed off to church on the days my mom [an RN] got home early - she would nod off and whichever one of us was closer to her got to nudge her awake LOL

Tonite is Sat - I started an answer yesterday, but kept goofing it up.

No rug rats this weekend but next weekend we will see them for the youngest's 4th birthday celebration. Grams is being visited by her other son, hubby's younger brother who needs to fix her washer - hubby ordered the parts & fix her lawn mower hubby ordered those parts also LOL and mow the grass. She doesn't like to do the big part of the yard [and it is big] because the riding mower is really too big for her - her oldest daughter picked it out a few years ago - was too big then too LOL.

Today is ok - getting those gut pains again so I guess that partial blockage is still hanging around <sigh>

But hubby is doing well and yesterday he put new brake pads on the car and only complained a bit about how sore he got. He has improved so much in his health.

Read your post on eating well - nice.

Hoping all is good with you and good luck at doctor on Monday,


in reply to mncold

Good morning lovely lady!

I must say I absolutely total adore reading your in depth funny messages which always make me smile! I'm now starting to understand your life and surroundings!

Sorry to read that your having a painful day! I do keep hoping that highest spirit would take notice of my earlier comments that ALL living things should not suffer pain but I know pain will always be around which makes me so ERRRR!

My summer ball /early Birthday celebration was amazing because my hubby only drank one glass of wine and water for the rest of the evening which was a total shock to my system! I daughter was in shock too as he danced until 1pm after not feeling to well for quite a few hours early on into the evening.

Lucky for me I attended the earlier summer ball 2 years ago and made contact back then with another of my daughters friends who just happened to be a lovely female GP doctor! Well to my surprise she was sitting again and she remembered me and started up a conversation! Well you wouldn't believe it but we danced until the evening closed and to my surprise she asked for my Facebook contact details to touch! She loved that my family took great delight once again of bringing up around the table all the silly things I've done in past, I must say in my defence I stood my ground and made everyone laugh 🤣🤣🤣She said I had a wonderful family and loved hearing about the way I live my life to improve my health which coming from a GP made me feel wonderful😆😆😆! She also gave me the support I needed whilst hubby was'nt feeling to brill but kept her distance if you know what I mean. However my daughter sprained he ankle whilst dancing which was hilarious in away, bad I know for saying this! My daughters foot was in and out of a bucket of ice water for around 2 hours, but at the same time she danced or should I say 'Hopped Danced '🤣🤣🤣every 5 minutes or so with the GP, myself and others making us all laugh! I proud to say she's definately her mothers daughter1😆😆😆! By the end of the evening which ended up with the party moving to my daughters with mad hilsrious dancing until 4.30am ! My new nickname is The Legend!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh poo! I'm rabbling again 🤣. Mary I'll pm you later when I get home to answer the rest of your interesting story above! Oh I'm off to spiritual church at 6 ! Spooky...

Loves ya 💕💕💕

Ps! Shame I cannot share hilarious photos from last night !

Mirlo profile image

Sending loving and healing thoughts to you.

in reply to Mirlo

Thank you Mirlo !' Every little loving thought helps ! X

in reply to Mirlo

I'm just revisiting everyone's notes and thought I'd say thank you again for your kind loving gesture which meant alot to me when the un expectedly kicked or should I say brought me down from my ivory tower !

Thank you from one fighting back Trish 😁

Bern1407 profile image

Well its only my first week being totally free of alcohol and had a few thoughts of well a couple won't hurt. Then remembering that's how it all starts, so although hardly qualified to say you can do it, when your mood improves you will be so much prouder you done it.

Do I what I've been doing funny films and lots of chocolate x take care x

CocoChannel profile image
CocoChannel in reply to Bern1407

It certainly does start like that ☹️ Well done on one week. Keep at it.

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to CocoChannel

Thank you x

in reply to Bern1407

Hi Burn

I like the idea of watching funny films and blowing out on chocolate and popcorn too! Maybe after my ball this weekend which I'm wearing a tightly fitted black dress at I may give myself a we treat and have some popcorn ! Lol!

Cheers Burns, your a star for coming up with this one which is naughty but nice !!!

Just be careful you dont gain to much weight ! Health eating to protect your liver!'

Love Trishy x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

Weight gain is my ambition lol. U enjoy your evening x

in reply to Bern1407

Ok I'm a happy chocolate bunny now! Enjoy my friend!

Enjoy tonight too! We're all here tomorrow ! Lol


in reply to Bern1407

Hi Bern

Here's another hug for you whilst in hospital! Hope your able to charge your phone so that your can read messages from your new friends!"

Trish x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

I'm back home now trish thanks for that always means a lot knowing people rooting for you. I'm still watching them comedies xx

in reply to Bern1407

Ah! Thats nice Bern ! We're all here for you

Trish x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

Thank you x

in reply to Bern1407

Hi Bern

Just a we note to say I'm thinking of you and hope your ok?

Hows the film watching going?

Trish x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

I'm feeling ok still in the "I could fancy a drink " stage but just been buying Pepsi etc. Other brands are available lol. And eating lots of chocolate.

Hope your well too x

in reply to Bern1407

Hey bern

Not sure that the “I could fancy a drink stage” ever disappears absolutely completely imho. Other brands may say different 😁. But you sure as hell hopefully find you think less and less about it as time goes by! We are hopefully visiting Dublin in the summer 🤞🤞 and I could murder a Guinness 😁 - but won’t of course lol.

Best of luck in your quest 👍


Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

Thanks I feel good for it already lol x

in reply to

Who would you murder🤔🤔🤔🤔lol

in reply to Bern1407

Hi Bern

Your in my good books Bern so please keep it up as I'm really pulling /batting for you to succeed!!

Lucky Miles might be off to Dublin!

Look forward to your message tomorrow Bern!!!!

Love Trish x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

My girlfriends birthday tomorrow, purposely going to a nice restaurant quite far away so I have to drive lol x

in reply to Bern1407

Ah Bern that's such a lovely treat for you both! My birthdays Monday so we your girl and I have the same birth sign for loving people! I'm celebrating Saturday too with no alcohol so will be thinking of you 😁😁😁😁! Keep strong !

Love Trish x

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

U enjoy. I'm cancerian too x

in reply to Bern1407

When's your birthday? How lovely is that then! ☺️☺️☺️

Bern1407 profile image
Bern1407 in reply to

July 14th all soft hearted and caring x

in reply to Bern1407

It must be in our blood😂😂😂 or within our ever lasting universal souls! 😁June/July are caring folks !!!!

Now back to my garden for top up sun tan!😎😎😎Have a wonderful, (wonderful ) birthday celebration with your girl friend and a lovely weekend overall !

Trishi x

in reply to Bern1407

Hi Bern

Its another day! Here's wishing you and everyone reading this not it's a good one for us ALL !

Trishi x

Marydel63 profile image

Hopefully your post will somehow make it here. Sorry you are having a tough time. I may be in the same boat its tough. Thinking of you and sending good vibes.

in reply to Marydel63

Hi Marydel63

Yes received your we note and yes its tough as your not sure how each days going to end! Mostly good but sometime Errrrrrrrrr!

I'm here if you need to chat ! PM me

Take care Marydel !

Love Trishy ❤

in reply to Marydel63

Good Morning Marydel

Hope your ok?


Owlie profile image

Hi Trish, sorry to hear you’re feeling down and sending you hugs. I am rather intrigued as to the looks you will get when you turn up at your summer ball in your Red Devil outfit...or are you parachuting into the middle of it?! Thinking of you Owlie xx

in reply to Owlie


That would have been totally amazing ! Why didn't I think of that one, I could have camped outside GP's practice until he signed off on my jump🤣🤣🤣! You do know I'm scared crap of heights! 💩💩💩💩💩😱😱😱😱💩💩💩💩💩💩

I might have to buy my own jump suit as is wont be fit for use afterwards 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Owlie profile image
Owlie in reply to

You go girl! 👍👍👍👍🥊😆 xx

Radnor profile image

When you are going through a tough patch its always worth remembering that just as day follows night happy follows sad. I found a release by writing a letter to the whoever was causing me to feel like this. I called it my ramblings! My ramblings were never sent or shared.It can be very enlightening too. Plan B is take a leaf out of Great Gran's book. Say it like it is. Your a giver, you put everyone's needs before your own. Sometimes you must put you first It took me a long time to realise , but it really does make a difference. Love yourself, you deserve it Hazel xx

"It can't rain all the time" ❤

in reply to

Hopefully not! X

Hi Trish,

Sorry to hear you have been feeling down. If you ever need to ring the Trust helpline for a chat we are open Monday to Friday 10am to 14.45.

Take care and we are delighted to read of the support the other members have offered to you here.


in reply to

Cheers Admin! Thanks for your lovely note! I'm ok now after the amazing support from my friends on this brilliant forum!

May I wish your team a wonderful forthcoming weekend


in reply to

You are welcome Trish, have a lovely weekend too :)

in reply to

I see GP Monday so my fingers are crossed for written approval to do the Sky Dive 😁😁😁😁

in reply to

Great stuff but PLEASE do look after yourself. Your health and safety is the most important thing.

in reply to

Its top of my priority ! X

Hi there Trish, I am sad, I have only just seen this. Not that I can offer any constructive help to you, I am sure.

All the same I would have sent a virtual hug 🤗 sooner. Forgive me.

I see you had 98 replies, so, that must cheer you so much, to see how many people truly care about you. So I add my name to that list if I may. Because I care xx


Snorkers65 profile image

Chin up and let’s get through this. Very happy to provide any support I can, we all need that from time to time.

in reply to Snorkers65

Thanks Snorkers65 for your support too! It's really appreciated!

Love Trish

Hi Jaycee

Your a star and a huge thanks for lovely message. I must say the last 2 days have improved slightly which I'm hoping will continue ! We all need someone who truely understands who we are inside which you cannot always find in everyone !

The support I've /others have received has been totally amazing ! I now know I'm loved by so many !!

Take care my friend !

Love Trish 💕💕💕

Bootandall profile image

Back in the saddle 🤠 or yippie ki ay!

That's American for pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and getting back on the horse🐎

Just Do It! 😘

in reply to Bootandall

Well Bootstraps will be galloping along nicely tomorrow night a Charity Sumner Ball ! I'm already galloping along in the garden as I write to Radio 1 Pop Charts 🤣🤣!

Love Trish😘 x

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply to

Crankin' up the tunes always makes me feel better too! 😄

in reply to Bootandall

I like to think of the calories I'm burning too at the same time😂😂😂😂

Bootandall profile image
Bootandall in reply to

Oh guess what, I'm losing weight, it's just at a glacial pace. I'm trying to be more patient with myself, it's not my strong suit 🙄😌😋

in reply to Bootandall

Hi Boots

I too started off extremly slowly at the end of 2017 then put the pressure on last July! 2lb a week is a good target, some weeks gained, some weeks lost 3 lbs! I do try not to eat after 5/6 ish ! If I do I gain!

Good luck Boots


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