Hi all.just arrived home after a five hour round trip with my partner and sister in law who was driving.good job she was cause as I was knackered on the way home from my sixth liver clinic appointment we’re i met the surgeon who operated on me.so I got a bit emotional but not as much as my partner the night they operated on me.as she told me when I was wheeled out of theatre with the surgeon she just pounced on her and gave her a life squeezing hug thanking her..anyway im so glad that I saw her as she was quite detailed in explaining everything from my bloods to the surgery itself.so my bloods regarding the liver were really good but I’ve had issues with my kidneys but they’ve not got any worse which is a massive relief.also last week was the first time I haven’t been called up by the coordinator changing my meds which is a good sign as I’m on 9mil two times a day of tac,micophenolate Four five hundreds and three five mg of prednisolone a day.so a really good day apart from exhaustion.x
QE clinic visit: Hi all.just arrived... - British Liver Trust
QE clinic visit

That is brilliant news, you must feel a great sense of relief. Especially hearing everything explained from the one person who really does know all about you and your liver, you can’t get more experienced than that.
I hope you enjoy a well earned and peaceful sleep tonight with an easy mind and may it long continue. All the best
Great news. Glad everything is going really well for you. It's always good to have your progress confirmed. Expect you will sleep well tonight after your long day. I remember those early trips well, totally exhausting! Best wishes for your continued recovery. Alf
Sounds like you had a really positive clinic visit and everything’s settling down, that’s great. It is a very tiring round trip you have but so important in the early days especially. Good luck with your recovery and future appointments. Enjoy a well deserved rest now xx
Great News, lets pray the trips get further apart quickly, its so hard at first, but it does pass.
Drugs being stable is great news, I hope it all continues the same.
I had comments about my kidneys struggling as well, keep drinking the water!
Great news !!!!, now you can get some well earned rest, and carry on with your recovery.
Best wishes,
Popel, it’s wonderful news. I’m so pleased for you.
I’m due to see them in clinic in 3 weeks for my post surgical results (liver resection) and although it’s a long journey, I’m really looking forward to it. Do you see it as a milestone? I’m so grateful to have got this far, as I’m sure you are.
QEHB surgeons are on TV this evening on BBC 2 at 9pm. I can’t praise them enough.
Good health!
I’ll make sure I watch it thanks.im just glad I’ve got this far up to now because of the problems you hear from other posts.but every ache or twinge has me panicking no matter how many times the surgeons tell you how good you bloods are.but the aches and pains are slowly going.i think! Lol
I think recovery from surgery time can’t be underestimated.
The way I’m looking at things now is that my surgeon has given me life. I’m trying to do something positive with it every day no matter how small.
Great news. Keep strong you will get there. X
Hi Popel,
Good to hear you had a good trip.
Best wishes,

Unfortunately.i think I spoke to soon.as the great day yesterday was short lived as I’ve had the QE coordinator on the phone asking me to go to my local hospital as the bloods I gave yesterday have shown that my kidneys aren’t performing like they should and that I have high potassium levels.its like one step at a time I suppose.x
Well dang it!
Hope things go well and those kidneys get it in gear.
Some of my husband's meds mess with his potassium levels. It would be so nice to have meds that just fix whatever problem you take them for without causing something somewhere else.
Best wishes for a speedy and easy fix.

Thank you Mary.x
Hi there. Hope it all sorted very soon for you. In the first few of months after transplant things like this can happen while they are getting the balance of your immunosuppressants and other tablets right.
Hope it all goes smoothly and you're back home in your own bed very soon.
Fabulous news for you both Popel! Keep focused as you never know you may be running a marathon in a couple of years time as I'm a great believer in aiming for the STARS! Nothing is impossible! 😉
Take care my friend! I look forward to following your progress!
Trish x