Anyone else post transplant get this much unexplained bruising? Seems to be constantly with me at the moment
Bruising: Anyone else post transplant... - British Liver Trust

Your spleen still being massive and eating up your platelets may be playing a role in that. What was your INR like on your last bloodtest?

Not sure will have to have a nosey 😁 I just haven't had this much in one place x I going routing through my letters now 😂
Your pretty unique on the forum for having the spleen size you do post transplant so not sure if other tranplantees will be able to relate but yes check your bloodwork love and see what it says 😊

Hahaha I pretty unique in lots of ways 😂😂
Just checked and last inr was may last year it was 1.3 so not bad god knows have to get them to check it out x
Yea that was an ok INR but being a year ago we all know how much that can change lol. Get to see the doc soon. Wanna make sure that bleeding issue is only on the outside of you!
Blurry Hell Jojo! You are being put through the mill (probably not right expression but you know what I mean). Have you seen anyone, in the know, about it. Never seen anything like that 🤔

Not yet but got an appointment soon will be showing them this picture x
Hi Jojo , how’s you, I get lots of unexplained bruising in weird places, have mentioned it at hospital but not been given a reason, I take aspirin daily so thought it was maybe down to that, 💕🌸
Hiya Kate 😊😘
I not bad thanks just busy trying to lose weight I have hit a wall at moment and chocolate cravings 😂😂
They have just upped my steroids again as well as being on aspirin but I was just surprised at how much bruising their is on the whole of one leg. ..
Hope your ok 😘
I would think the aspirin would play apart as well. Aspirin is a big beat on the liver hun. Why ru taking that everyday if you dont mind me asking?

I had a blood clot in my stent in the liver for about a year pre transplant and they were freaked out about it anyway especially with my blood clotting results 😂😂
They say I am on them now as a precaution but ever since I was a kid if I cut myself I been rushed to hospital it's bloody mental x

Hi Phoenix, I was put on aspirin after my transplant because of a small hepatic vein, it was originally heparin I was on and then was changed to aspirin when I was discharged and I was told I would have to take it for life.
Ah that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying that Kate. I'm really in the head scratcher department with post transplant things. Xx
Phoenix - I have to take aspirin every day as well. No idea why. I thought it was normal for us TPees?
Good grief! .. I had bruises like that but bigger jo , that was when I was at my worst . Don't know much about post transplant hun or spleen but I hope you get sorted very very soon 😘xx . My knee has given way now 😂😂x
Hi jojo. I get bad bruising, on the forearms in Particular. Sometimes the bruises can be quite big (about 3 inches across) and quite purply- reddish. I mentioned it at clinic on Tues and the surgeon said it's usually the steroids. So my steroids have been stopped altogether now (I'll let you know how I go on and if the bruising stops). My bloods were all good and my next clinic is not for 4 months this time. They have been monthly up to now. Alf
Lucky you Alf on the steroids front 😁 another step in the right direction unfortunately I am in steroids for life but haven't noticed this much bruising at one site oh well
And great news on the appointment front it feels amazing 😍 your on longer ones than me now 😂 I don't think I will ever get from 3 monthly ones 😁
Ru sure the bruises aren't from scrapping some bloke who gave you some sass? 😅
You are a fiesty one after all love!
I use to bruise while I was 3 years on Sonaferib. It was worse then because my skin became so thin on my arms that it would actually tear if I caught a door handle or sharp edge. I went down gradually post transplant from 20gm steroid to 5gm then total stop last tues. Bruising seemed to be no less on 5gm than it was on 20gm so we shall see...……...Re 4 monthly app, I'm really chuffed. I've got an interim app. with my gastro specialist in 2 months (he has seen me right through this journey of nearly 5 years up to transplant) I'll be pleased to see him again as it was he that put me forward for transplant. A very approachable man who used to laugh at my 'sometimes' dark sense of humour. You've got to laugh now and then on these journeys or you'd cave in.
Dark SOH. Take the 🕶️ off you noonah...
I have the bruises but was told it was down to the mycophanalate, they are nowhere near as bad as pre-transplant. The immunosuppressants cause pigmentation problems as well, I have white patches. The weather helps, wrap up warm.

Hi Snoutie. Do your bruises appear for no reason? Are they a mixture of colours? Many of mine are a sort of raspberry colour.
Yes, they are mysterious and I try to think what I bashed into. They are dark raspberry in colour and appear on my forearms and hands. I also have white patches. It’s the mycophenalate, I discussed this with the heptologist, another thing we have to live with, ho hum, but live is the operative word.
All good with you?

Sounds very similar, I have some white patches too. Looking at the posts on here it seems that the bruising is a common problem. I don't seem to have any other post transplant problems so in that respect I'm very lucky and very glad to be around to discuss my bruises.

Yes, all good re transplant and hope to get my Robocop brace off in a couple of weeks or so. Oh freeeeedom!! lol
Four months bigfred? Are you sure they’ve just not forgotten you?

Well, you sort of get attached to things don't you? lol
Attached to 🕶️? I thought that the only thing you were attached to was your 🤖👮♂️ - apart from wife of course 👍

I'd love to be attached to pie and chips and maybe mushy peas but I shall eat my beans on toast and poached egg and not complain because it's so good for me! Also it's no fun being locked in the wardrobe! lol
Haha well your wife is right to lock you in the wardrobe if you’ve been a naughty boy!

No. I'm a very good boy! You've not seen how small that wardrobe is!
My hubby gets them bad, his skin is very frail with malnutrition pre transplant. he’s post now and they are improving. Bleeds when he puts his hand in his jacket pocket..
Does he have the freckley thin white skin?

No, his skin is thin and fragile, hospital said its malnutrition when he was post ltx. He get these huge purple bleeds under his skin, or else it tears. When hospital was putting plasters on him, the skin was tearing away with his plaster, ended up bandaging him rather than plasters.
I have the thin white skin, inherited from my Scottish father. It was the same for me with the bruising and plasters. I am now 5.5 months post transplant and everything is clearing up, apart from reducing bruises and white patches plus itching.

Hubby is improving all the time as well. He's 7 weeks post now. He's gonna try and get his boots on tomorrow! He's been wearing Velcro soft shoes for the last 4 months as couldn't get shoes on. Doubt the boots will go on, but if he doesn't try he won't know.
Oh the fashion sacrifices, I can finally get normal footwear on after nearly 4 years.

4years! What can I say... Well done to that day! Just shows the things we take totally for granted!

Nope! Just looked at them this morning, no chance
You can get those extended shoe horns in Argos. Very useful, actually offers accepted for mine. x

We got one, but no help because of the amount of fluid in his feet.
I thought mine were bad, never tried boots mind, just Frankenstein fashion.
He is post transplant? Good luck with the diuretics, I stopped those after about 8 weeks post.
Hi there, I got loads of bruises for no reason, if my hubby just touched me is say there's a bruise, doesn't help with a Jack Russel jumping and walking all over me like her personal cushion either lol 🤣🤣. I always put it down to the Aspirin taken daily. I have come off the Aspirin recently,to see if my tinnitus improves, but I have noticed less bruising, which is a plus. Tinnitus still there though !!!!
Could it be the Aspirin??? Hope you get it sorted. XX 😁
Jojo, you mention they have just increased your steroids - if it's prednisolone you are on then that can cause easy bruising "Easy Bruising. Prednisone/prednisolone also causes “thin skin”. Patients on moderate to high doses of prednisone often notice that they bruise easily, even with only slight trauma.....One unwanted side effect of long-term use is it can cause thinning of the cells lining vessels under the skin. This can cause them to break easily so that even a simple bump can cause a bruise".
Pred together with your daily aspirin is the likely cause of all your bruising.
Ah! that could be it Katie. My steroid was prednisolone and I am on 75mg aspirin daily. It will be interesting now that I've stopped Prednisolone if the bruising reduces or maybe even stops. Thanks. Alf
My prednisolone stopped months ago, the skin problem continues. The qualified and experienced Heptologist puts it down to the Mycophenalate, the immunosuppressant if you are on a different one.

I'm on Adoport now down to 3mg daily and Azathioprine just been upped from 75mg to 100mg when they stopped the prednisolone. Just read the azathioprine leaflet and it states bruise more easily. Expect this is the tablet I get that is like your Mycophenalate.
Yes, I am on Adaport 5mg but the problem is the immunosuppressant, your Anzthioprine must be that one.
The side effects of mycophenalate read bruising, rashes and itching. I take 75mg aspirin and fenafaxadine, a antihistamine.
So you got through bracing January, what a joy to be free from that device. Just keep a good hold going forward. I am sure the memory will steady the ship.

Both Adport and Azathioprine are immunosuppressants, I've just been put down from 5mg to 3mg Adoport and at same time up from 75mg Azathiopine to 100mg. Also take 75mg Aspirin.150mg Rinitidin to protect my stomach from the drugs. Yes, bracing December, bracing January and most of bl (oops) bracing Feb by the time I'm free of it (that is, hopefully free of it!). Lesson learnt...……..If I want to sit on my backside...….try a chair!!! lol
At the risk of sounding ever so slightly pedantic, Adaport is a Tacrolimus, works in the same way as a Immunosuppressant but that is the full extent of my very limited knowledge. I still have my brace, you never know.
Tacrolimus, also known as fujimycin or FK506, is an immunosuppressive drug used mainly after allogeneic organ transplant to lower the risk of organ rejection.
I am going to be obtuse Miles, very slight difference between immunosuppressant and immunosuppressive, I discussed it with my Heptologist.

Just read my Adoport leaflet and it says...……..Adoport belongs to a group of medicines called immunosuppressants. ALF
I raise the white flag gracefully.
Well the difference is in the lack of knowledge of your Heptologist - sack him 👍. Or maybe you misheard 🤔. One is a Noun and the other an Adjective.....
Good job you raised your white flag!
Isn’t that a very slight difference noun and adjective or does that not qualify ? The he Doc is fine, he did say not much difference really.
The white flag (like the skin patches) remains raised.
I think obtuse works. 😂
Very much so 😁👍
What a lovely thread. Started by you, then quickly turned into what this forum is all about, support and fellowship.
Hey jojo, look what you started! 58 replies...….59 now, lol. Alf
Don't envy you in A and E .Hope you packed a goodie bag x
61 now 😁
Oh 62 now!