Four day in-patient : My wife has just... - British Liver Trust

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Four day in-patient

solybananas profile image
9 Replies

My wife has just received a phone call from Kings, for her to go as an in-patient in relation to her having some tests to establish whether she can proceed to the next step. Can anybody relate to these tests?

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solybananas profile image
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9 Replies
freddie76 profile image

I take it that this is a liver issue if so it sounds like she has been put foward for a transplant assessment.

solybananas profile image
solybananas in reply to freddie76

yes we have been to kings three times in the last six months, I believe she has signed some forms, to proceed for a liver transplant. We have another appointment at the end of February with the consultant, so by then they will have had all results to present to access whether she can go forward for a transplant.

freddie76 profile image
freddie76 in reply to solybananas

Good luck

AyrshireK profile image

I know you've previously stated your wife is on the transplant list, in another post that she is due to be listed 2019.

If she hasn't already undergone liver transplant assessment at one of the t/p centres and she hasn't signed paperwork then she isn't as yet formally listed for transplant. If she is being called into Kings for a 4 day set of tests this sounds very much like the official transplant assessment after which the multi-disciplinary team will decide whether she is at the stage of requiring transplant and whether she is fit enough to be listed.

Tests include loads of blood tests, scans, possibly endoscopy, breathing tests, heart and lung stress tests (often an exercise bike, treadmill or occasionally an injection to stress the heart in the same way as exercise), chats with an anaesthetist, transplant surgeons, transplant co-ordinators, dietician, sometimes a social worker, psychologist and more.

Hope it all goes the way you want. It's the best full body MOT anyone could wish for.


in reply to AyrshireK

Spot on as per Katie


Peter_Plymouth profile image
Peter_Plymouth in reply to AyrshireK

If it’s Kings there will also be a 1 day education session. A great chance to ask questions and you get told all about the procedure and what to expect at each stage.

Good luck and hope it all goes well.


solybananas profile image
solybananas in reply to Peter_Plymouth

Thanks for the information, hopefully she will give her confidence in the coming months.

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to AyrshireK

Ditto 👌🏼

readie56 profile image


It's the assessment of your wife's condition and fitness (heart,lungs,blood tests,CT scans and mental strength to deal with a transplant)

It's quite a tough week but you will find out if a liver transplant is viable.

There is some good advice in this thread so I'll not repeat it.

Your wife will need you to be positive and strong as it's a bewildering time for her.

Best wishes


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