Worrying like crazy: Is there anyone who... - British Liver Trust

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Worrying like crazy

Countrywalks profile image
26 Replies

Is there anyone who experianced bowel changes like an ibs type thing before there diagnosis of liver chirrhossis ? Also what happens if you have advanced chirrhosiss are you admitted to hospital ? Or treated on an out patient basis ? Any answers appreciated

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26 Replies
bintcliffe profile image

Hi There

I had what I thought was IBS for many years once I stopped drinking (sober for 14months) my bowel habits gradually returned to what I can say to me normal. It was the alcohol giving me IBS symptoms.

Stopped drinking following being in a coma following triple organ failure due to liver cirrhosis which is now being treated as an outpatient at the moment things are going well, I assume you could also be treated as an outpatient maybe someone would like to confirm this.

Good luck for the future.

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to bintcliffe

Thanks for your reply i havnt drank for 12 months but bowels are still not right i have other symptoms too liver pain strange red dot like things on my skin and my hands go blotchy too .my ultra sound scan showed an enlarged liver i must admit the worry is getting to me badly .i suppose im terrified im beyond help if im honest . Thanks for your response .

bintcliffe profile image
bintcliffe in reply to Countrywalks

Please don't think your beyond help everybody deserves and sometimes need help I'm living proof of that I had a 10 percent of living and I'm doing good I'm also going for another liver scan next Monday.

I too get what I call liver pain but my consultant wasn't worried I too have red spots and also brown spots on my body due to my liver condition.

Have you had a cirhoss result at all?

Best Wishes

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to bintcliffe

Hi i must be honest my first symptoms occurred 11 months ago the dr thought i had a water infection but antibiotics didnt clear it up .i was going to visit many times then was reffered for a colonoscopy which was normal at the hospital .i was dicharged no more tests done but still had bowel issues then other symptoms appeared of course i went on dr google and saw a cindition called bacterial overgrowth which apparentley occurs in advanvaced decompensated liver chirrhosiss .i went back to my gp told him he did liver function tests that came back normal .but i read they can be normal in chirrhossiss. Im so afraid im in a bad way .

Ajo13 profile image
Ajo13 in reply to Countrywalks

I have normal liver function tests with horrible right upper abdominal pain too. I for sure have a fatty liver, waiting to see if it is NASH. My stool is never the right color anymore and frequently just floats because of too much fat in it. I don’t know what kind of changes you’re experiencing, but from what I’ve been told on here it seems like relatively norma thing.

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to Ajo13

Hi well im worried more because i have drank for quite a few yrs and so thats a big worry .i have other symotoms too like red dots on my body .weakness abdiminal pains as well as liver pain and blanching on palms of hands which are all not good symptoms to have . My stools do float too i have heard nash can affect your bowels too .

Hi I didn't experience any bowel changes, however I had a few of the red dot things you mentioned on my skin too for the last 2 years before transplant. At the decompensated stage, they would occasionally burst and it was hard to stop the bleeding. I'm surprised none of my varices ever burst. I hope it's not cirrhosis but even if it is, there are still options for you.

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to

Hi thanks for your reply .well i can see the red dots are not a good sign i thought the spider nevi things were supposed to be bigger .i had this argument with my gp but on the net it says they can be pin head size .im not sure on options i feel like times running out .if its caused through drinking i dont see getting a transplant plus if your have other health implications as well its not good news .my illness came on suddenley i never realised this could happen .

in reply to Countrywalks

Hi country

Just from my experience I was worried about not being able to have a transplant because of other health issues, like diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, heart murmur (yes Iknow it’s common 😁), age (that’s the one that worried me most), total lack of fitness, psoriasis (I used to trivialise that) - but if you need a transplant - hopefully you don’t- they (doctors et al) do everything they can to make sure YOU can 😁.

With respect to your specific questions I was treated as an outpatient except when I had bouts of Hepatic Encephalitis (HE) then you may end up in hospital but don’t know much about it for a day or two - or over a week in one of my times 😁. I know HE isn’t funny but I enjoyed being in my hospital in the sky with all the angelic nurses 😁😁.

So keep smiling and enjoy yourself please 😁



Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to

Hi thanks for your reply i think my heart may be affected it seems to be beating too fast and stressed ive read that alcohol can damage other organs and make you unsuitable for surgerey .im also carrying a lot of excess weight. Im writing this in bed ive had shoulder pain all night it hurts when i raise and lower my arm more for me to worry about now 😦.

in reply to Countrywalks

Hi again country

I was off wotk for 3 months with tachycardia but in the end it fixed itself - I’m sure it was work stress related.

Doctors will always raise their eyebrows and/or make derogatory remarks if you say “I read on Google that...”. But you probably know that already!

The other night I was in bed and got chest pains which ran up to my left shoulder. I went on 111 and the result - ring 999, but I didn’t and, touch wood, it has gone away 😁👍.

I’m sorry If I appear to be trivialising your concerns - I’m not, I’m just trying to reassure you that you may be able to get through these problems (I’m not a doctor nor do I have any medical qualifications at all).

Finally I was so unfit that there is a test called a myocardial test (to check your heart I believe) where you’re supposed to run on a tradmill haha me! Run! No way! So they can circumvent this by giving you special injections to simulate running. Cool, and I passed 😁

So I really hope you perk up country!


Julie8 profile image

Many things can cause IBS food intolerances because the liver enzymes break down different kinds of foods and if the livers not working properly it may not produce say the enzyme that breaks down dairy. Medications as well.

Hi Countrywalks

Are you under the care of a gastroenterologist or hepatologist? If not, you may want to consider discuss getting referred to one with your GP. They would be best placed to assess you and organise the investigations you may need next.

We hope you find the forum a supportive place to visit.

Take care


Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to

Im waiting for an appointment to see a gasterenterologist soon im terrified i know the damage is very bad i can tell from my symptoms .i feel ashamed and terrified i never knew something like this could happen .im in a lot of pain most of the time as well .i wish i could go back in time but i cant .im also scared of endoscopy procedure especially if my chirrhosiss is advanced i have read there can be extra risk in this situation . Thank you for your reply

in reply to Countrywalks

Please do not feel ashamed or embarrassed. The doctors and hospital team are there to support and help you.

They are best placed to answer all your concerns. If you are in a lot of pain it may be a good idea to tell your GP and see if they can push your referral through quicker?

Take care- you are not alone,


Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to

Thanks for your sympathy it just all seems so crazy i could of avoided this mess i never understood the risks if im honest i was nieve and now this has happened i feel such a fool .ive tried asking my gp not getting anywhere .i have let my family down im ashamed .and terrified of what is to come .

in reply to Countrywalks

If you would like to talk, our helpline is open today until 14.45 see website for details.



in reply to Countrywalks

Unfortunately there is STILL insufficient warning informing the public as to just how dangerous alcohol consumption truely is. Until there are goverment information ads on tv , as there are for smoking, photos of rotting livers in doctors waiting rooms, super market shelves and pubs and bars, thousands more people will continue to suffer the dreadful symptoms of alcohol related diseases, undergo organ transplants or die needless premature deaths.

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to

I totally agree they should warn people more like they did with cigarettes which are now hidden from sight in all shops .but alcohol is all over shops everywhere you look promiting its availability .there will be many lives lost unless something changes .the suffering is horrible it destroys everything it touches . I wish i never touched it at all now .

in reply to

Totally agree about the lack of health warnings on alcohol. I'm against banning of any kind but I think everybody should be able to make an informed decision when they decide to drink. The constant booze advertising is just wrong. It's no longer allowed for tobacco so why alcohol? The only advice you get is 'Drink responsibly'. What does that even mean? Responsible drinking for some is totally irresponsible for others.

in reply to

Its legalised poison. Its a killer !

in reply to

Sadly its an advertising tool that are know as "Triggers" these are all over the place and advertisers know all this. It's been said that if a person was to walk along their local high street, their eyes and brain would see over 2000 adverts of various kind, most of these our brains dismiss these as they hold no relivents to us.

This is just one of those neat little tricks our brains do. If on the other hand something does become relevant, then it registers in our brain. So, the person who may have a drink problem could very well walk down the same high street and won't recognise any advert, but that one that spells "Heineken" will stand out like a big glowing sign.

They brain then says "yes, I want one of those" and your off. Advertisers know all this and prey upon our brains weaknesses.

This doesn't just work for alcohol but other forms or addiction. Where I happen to live is one of the worlds largest online gambling institutions. Here they too prey on a persons weakness. (Oh, they may well talk about responsible gambling). But sadly someones misery is another persons riches. This particular company boss awarded herself a annual salary of £265 million in 2017. The alcohol industry is just as bad.

Garyvh profile image

Hi Country walks,

Easier said than done I know, but please, please try not to panic. Anxiety will only amplify things and make you feel ten times worse.

Let's talk worse case scenarios;

Of course, it's a disease that 'can' eventually cause death.

BUT tomorrow isn't promised to anybody, including even the healthiest of people.

AND, so many of us on this site are living proof that a diagnosis of cirrhosis doesn't necessarily equate to a death sentence, many of us are not even on the transplant list, and many remain in this stable condition for a long long time.

Hospitalisation really only happens in the case of severe symptoms, such as episodes of severe alcoholic hepatitis, encephalopathy, bleeding varices etc.

Severe ascites would usually involve treatment on an outpatient basis.

Again, try not to worry or fixate on things, but don't keep your anxieties bottled up either - come back and talk with us - a problem shared etc ☺


Abby14 profile image

Hey, Yes I have been having awful Bowel problems & have just been told I have early stage Cirrioss :( & it has been getting worse! but to be fair I have had IBS on & off for years! but this feels very different! I see my consulant on Friday, & he knows about my bowel problems & keeps asking about them every time I see him! I am not sure fullly what is going on with me yet! I also have adomas (Non cancerous tumors) & lots of them! good luck with everything :) sorry I haven"t been much help!

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to Abby14

Hi yes the bowels thing was one of my first symptoms look up sibo its small intestinal bacterial overgrowth .apparentley it can happen with chirrhosis its a horrible thing you have loose stools or constipation and malabsorbtion . Bodys are complicated when they go wrong . Thanks for your reply

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to Countrywalks

You are welcome :)

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