Hello to those of you who have become friends of Alf through this site. I am the Great mans wife and he has asked me to let you know that he may be quiet on here for a few days because he is in hospital. Some of you may know that he had a couple of spinal fractures that we thought were starting to heal, well we went away for a much needed holiday and he had a fall in the shower and has been in really bad pain ever since. So it was A&E yesterday after a full day there he was transferred by ambulance to A hospital in Boston. He is out of most pain at the moment because he's having strong pain meds. He will have a lot of tests etc tomorrow and depending on the results of the scans etc he may come home or he may be transferred to Queens Med. So everything crossed for him coming home because it will mean that it's nothing too terrible. He said to say to Miles that he needn't think that because of all this that he won't win that race that is in the planning, ha,ha. and to Jaycee, He should have worn that Superman t-shirt in the shower!. Love to you all and thank you for keeping his spirits up. Will keep you informed x
Hello to freinds of Alfred the Great - British Liver Trust
Hello to freinds of Alfred the Great

Hi great man’s wife!
Oh that’s so bad to hear 😪
I wondered why he hadn’t replied to my epistle that I wrote in reply to his chapter - now I know why....
I was so sorry to hear of his fall when on holiday- what a bummer - he was really looking forward to it - a well deserved long awaited break. I hoped he would be OK because you had given him some ummmm guidelines 😁.
Please wish him all the best and say every day is eating into his training. Don’t tell him but he will beat me easily whichever challenge we end up doing- and we will do something I’m sure 😁
Good luck to you both and please tell the great man I expect him to live up to his name 😁😁😁 - that is great not Mick 👍👍
Please keep us informed! Thanks.
Hello Mrs Great !
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Omg please tell him yes he should have taken the superman outfit.
I am sure everyone on this fabulous site will be waiting for news of the Great man.
Stay strong Mrs Great your man will be fine we are sending hundreds-of virtual hugs.
Hi mrs Alfred, please give him my very best wishes. He and I have had some great banter. I wish him a speedy recovery and a very happy Christmas to you both. Deb
Hi Mrs Great
So sorry to hear your hubby is in hospital, hope they sort him very quickly. Sending all my love and hugs to you both Lynne xxxx
Fingers cross you both get home for Christmas.x
Get better soon Alfred! Get home for the holidays and try to relax.. perhaps Santa might have a kiddie pool in his sack until you can get back to that shower 😊😊
Hi to the great wife behind the man, from another wife behind the man, hope he makes a speedy recovery..sods law when you think you are through the worst of it xx
Pass on my best wishes and I hope he feels better soon 😘
Hope its good news today and you can both get home. We obviously focus on things liver,this is a reminder to us all that accidents can still happen too. Being on a well looked forward to holiday makes it all the more rotten. Its so close to Christmas as well, but it will come and go so don't even try and play catch up Mrs Alfred. You must feel drained too. Wishing you both a restful Christmas and a happy and healthier New Year Hazelx
Best wishes from us all at The Trust.
Hope he's better soon!
Hello Mrs Great. I hope Alfred gets better soon and is home before Christmas, so that he can enjoy being with family xx Incidently I always use a shower chair when in the shower because I too feel unsteady even though I am post-transplant. Might be worth thinking about (although I know it wouldn't have made any difference this time cos he was on holiday) Love to you both xx
Thank you for sharing the update ,