Sweats : Is it normal to get night... - British Liver Trust

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Nads6378 profile image
13 Replies

Is it normal to get night sweats? Waiting gall bladder removal. On lots of pain meds

Thanks xx

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13 Replies
grace111 profile image

pain meds will make you sweat and itch. Before i had my gallbadder removed i was soaking with sweat long before i even knew i had gallstones and i could never understand why,even during the day i had to sit with a towel around me. it was horrible and so uncomfortable. I heard from other people that they had the same problem only when i found out i had gallstones. i sweated for about a year at least before i even knew. I hope your looking after you diet and not eating any fatty or greasy foods. cream cheese and try to keep your food as bland as possible. i did manage to eat many different kinds of nuts to get my good fats. and lots of porride with the lowest fat milk i could get. If you pain gets unbearable or changed dont be afraid to call 111 for advice. as things can change very quickly with gallstones. wishing you well. if there is anything i can help you with let me know. love grace xoxo

Nads6378 profile image
Nads6378 in reply to grace111

Thanks Grace. I'm on tramadol, morphine, lidocaine patches, dihydrocodine and paracetamol! Unfortunately it's not often o can manage food the now but I did have a good healthy diet as o had a band put in 3 years ago. I'm only 40 so was hoping it's not menopause! Roll on surgery! I had an infection which they left untreated so I'm wondering if it's from that? Cholystytis. I'm in constant pain so kind of just deal with it now instead of going to hospital xx

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to Nads6378

Hi, unlike appendicitis where they have to quickly remove an infected appendix, gallbladders are best left until the inflammation has gone down, then its safe to remove. Antibiotics are usually given at the point of infection. However it may have been a inflammatory response to gallstones and not infection.

I'm shocked by all the different opioid meds you are on, do your Dr's know you are on so many similar drugs, or is it the case the hospital have prescribed drugs which should have replaced existing ones?? Are they for another health problem or for gallstones, because if you are in that much pain with gallstones that you have to take these meds everyday then you should be investigated for other problems, as gallstones tend to cause flare ups which last a little while then go, not constant pain. I've had pancreatitis from gallstones that made me very Ill and caused the worst pain I've every encountered, and once out of hospital I was just given co dydramol. Anyway please check with a pharmacist or dr, as large doses of these drugs can depress the respiratory centres of the brain ( is stop you breathing)?? Don't assume they know you are taking all these different ones as I've been prescribed and dispensed drugs which have interactions with others I'm prescribed and its only when I checked did they say, oh yeah you shouldn't take those if you're on that med!! Also its often the case that opioid/ opiate drugs are easy to build tolerance too, meaning you need higher doses to get the same result.

This amount of meds will defo make you sweat, and reduce your appetite, neither of which is ideal. If you're going to have an op, be in the best possible health by eating well, lots of fruit, veg, fibre and low fat dairy. I don't think it needs to be a bland diet ( sorry grace111), just healthy.

Stay well,


grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Wass71

im only sharing my own experience my diet was bland i couldnt even eat apples witout pain. low fat is usually chemically treated. I try to eat food thats not prosessed or chemically treated. i was in the hospital quite a few times with infections of the gallbadder and on a drip.The infections are serious and need to be treated quickly of course they dont take the gallbadder out while its infected. Due to untreated infection 1/4 of my liver atrophied and and also my gallbladder shrank to the size of a thimble and was stuck to my liver. My operation was 5 hours long and called a hepaticojejunoscopy. I had to have a reconstructed bile duct and also before that i had a stent put in to allow the bile to flow out. i had one 3cm stone. my new gallbladder was made from bowel tissue and its now connected to my lower intestine and thats was all caused my infection. The called it mirizzis syndrome. its fine that you said the diet does not need to be bland as maybe thats how it was for you so its your experience. also i was in pain most of the time. x

Nads6378 profile image
Nads6378 in reply to grace111

Hi wass71 yes my gp is aware of medication as it's her that keeps prescribing. My problem is waiting time for op. I have no other conditions but I do agree this can't be normal , hubby is always going on about my breathing if I've had a bad episode it'll last a good while , I keep a diary and generally in a month your lucky if I've had 7 good days. I'm taking build up drinks to replace my lack of food intake, I'm convinced there is something underlying , had my pre op way back in September and still bloody waiting, priced private but it costs 6 grand!

Thank You both

Grace it's a horrid little bugger eh! I've got multiple stones which keep blocking the duct. Just so fed up feeling so rotten , I'm either crying in pain or out my box , I limit my meds though don't take my morphine until I can't take the pain any longer. Your right though as dosage of meds obviously keeps getting increased too xx

Nads6378 profile image
Nads6378 in reply to Nads6378

Also getting bone pain now too which I'm sure is meds x

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to Nads6378

It was gritty stones that caused my several bouts of pancreatitis, its much more dangerous than big stones, which tend to stay in the gallbladder. Maybe go back to gp, to see if they would write to Hosp consultant to push you up the list.

Really hope you feel better soon.


Nads6378 profile image
Nads6378 in reply to Wass71

My gp had written to surgeon on numerous occasions now x

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to Nads6378

Oh dear, I'm sorry you are suffering. If it gets worse, or you feel unwell generally then take yourself to a&e, don't suffer quietly at home.

I hope you get the op soon, and you get great relief from it.

Take care

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to Nads6378

Your wait for surgery is completely unacceptable. Once my gallstones were diagnosed I had to wait 6 weeks for the inflammation to go then have the surgery. Unfortunately on week 5 I developed pancreatitis caused by the gallbladder. I had my surgery a couple of days later. I would contact PALS at your hospital. They deal with complaints really quickly. My daughter contacted them after waiting for 18 months for an appointment, pals rang her the next day to tell her that she'd been discharged without being told! PALS immediately sorted it out and she got her appointment a week later.

Good luck. Deb

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to grace111


That's why I sent my apology in advance, as i wasn't meaning to cause offence or undermine your post, but give my experience. Also when people refer to a bland diet they assume you should avoid highly flavoured foods avoiding spices etc, but as you know its fats that cause the problem. I wonder if your intolerance of certain foods was also to do with acid reflux into the stomach/ duodenum - having had several weeks of infection when they did an ERCP I was told I had damage in this area as a result, given all the problems you had it wouldn't surprise me!! I had read of your problems before, so I know how awful a time you had. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible experience. I thought I was unlucky with pancreatitis, but sounds like I got off lightly.

Re low fat food, I don't mean processed foods like fat free cakes or diet foods, which often have extra sugar, I was more thinking of fat free Greek or natural yogurt, and semi or skimmed milk. Those just have the fats removed, not chemically fiddled with. I generally think people can tolerate natural foods, but as you say each of us is individual, and one must always go with what the body is telling you!!

I hope you are well now.

Best wishes


grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Wass71

i was sent to see an oncologist not long ago as and they said i had silent reflux as my voice was coaky. however not long ago i found out its not silent reflux at all and i even lifted my bed up 5 inches at the top and am taking 2 omeprazole a day. however i get sleeping tablets from the docor and iv now noticed that when i dont take the pills for a few weeks my voice is fine and i started taking them again last week and my voice has gone again. i wondered as i changed my diet and stopped eating meat at around the same time and was eating lots of fruit which they tried to blame.iv still been eating it anyway and they told me not to eat spices as i use many spices but stopped eating them for a while.. im going to the doctor next week im not stopping the omeprazole as i think i should see her first and then cut down as i dont want to get loads of acid after taking it for so long and just stop. i also got pancreatitis after the ecrp that was painful too. I felt ill even after i had that big operation i was 65 at the time but since i stopped eating the meat i feel so much better and have lost half a stone. im not overweight at all even before i lost weight. im trying to now go vegan for the sake of my health. iv been eating the occasional egg and cheese but not a lot of cheese and milk in my tea and fish. so it shouldnt be to hard to do. its the cooking im going to find hard. i do get the occasional cooking lesson from a vegen cook i only get her a 2 hours at a time, she showed my how to make a veg curry with coconut milk it was heavenly. i spend most of my money of food. i dont drink or smoke. im an x smoker. that was a really nice post you sent me. thankyou. grace xoxo ps i hope there are no spelling mistakes as i'v tried to correct them.

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to grace111

You really have had a rough time. Sounds like you are doing all you can to help yourself, so I hope you see good results.

Take care,

Best wishes

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