Ultrasound Report : Hello All, Please... - British Liver Trust

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Ultrasound Report

3 Replies

Hello All, Please Same Advice give me my Ultrasound Report is 1) Small subcapsular hyperechoic SOL Noted in segment IVb of Liver D/D : a) Focal hepatic Steatosis. b) Hemangioma.

2) Grade I hepatic Steatosis

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3 Replies

Your liver appears to have a small probably benign tumor called an hemangioma. You also have fatty liver with the grade 1 indicating it's not too serious & reversible with lifestyle changes. This is based on the assumption that your blood test for liver function is normal. If your enzymes are raised then you may have NASH which is more serious & requires more drastic lifestyle changes to stop it further damaging your liver. I'd be seeing a specialist to make sure it is a benign hemangioma and I'd be getting a blood test to measure liver function at least once a year to make sure your fatty liver doesn't turn into NASH. A FibroScan wouldn't be a bad idea as well to check for fibrosis in case the fatty liver is or has been NASH.

Based on the quote below further tests may be necessary to confirm that it is a benign hemangioma .

Quote from Dr. Melissa Palmer's Guide To Hepatitis and Liver Disease:

"Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the liver. They have no malignant potential and may occur in a person with or without underlying liver disease. The name hemangioma derives from the fact that these tumors are filled with heme (blood). Hemangiomas occur in the liver in approximately 7 percent of the population, but some studies have reported ranges of from 1 to 20 percent.

Blood tests are typically normal in people with hemangiomas and therefore are of little to no value in arriving at a diagnosis. Hemangiomas are usually detected by chance during a sonogram performed for the evaluation of an unrelated medical condition. However, a sonogram is not diagnostic, but only suggestive of this type of tumor. Therefore, additional radiological scans are necessary in order to confirm that the tumor in question is in fact a hemangioma.

Treatment of hemangiomas is not necessary, unless they are very large—greater than 10 to 15 centimeters, and/or are causing significant abdominal discomfort. For these people, surgical removal (resection) of the hemangioma should be considered. The only other time that surgery is suggested is if there is uncertainty that the tumor in question is, in fact, a hemangioma."

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Dear Edward Thanks For your Valuable Comments. I am two month ago To do Fibroscan and result 6.6 Kpa 218 Cap. I am Non alcoholic Fatty Liver Patient. My Right Side is All Time Uncomfotable feel with weakness. My family liver history is not good Edward. my liver function blood test Almost Normal. My Ultrasound report liver size 14.7 cm. I am very worried


Welcome to the forum where you will be able to get advice and support from others with experience of liver disease.

However, no matter how well intentioned, this is not a medical forum and none of the members are qualified to diagnose or give specific medical advice.

Forum users are advised to NOT post test results or scans and request an interpretation from other members. This is clearly stated in the guidelines to both the British Liver Trust forum and HealthUnlocked.

Test results can vary according to both the individual’s whole health and the specific laboratory / medical team analysing the results. To avoid misinterpretation and undue concerns, results can only properly be understood by a qualified medical practitioner who has full knowledge of your unique medical history and circumstances.

Please don’t be discouraged from using the forum as there are members with a great deal of understanding and knowledge of living with liver disease as a patient or carer. They will be able to give you the benefit of that experience with understanding and empathy that can only come from those with first hand involvement.

You will find a lot of useful information about relevant tests and liver disease in general on our website.


Best wishes

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