How did everyone create their usernames? - British Liver Trust

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How did everyone create their usernames?

Brett11 profile image
172 Replies

Brett11 because someone used Brett and I’m very non creative.

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Brett11 profile image
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172 Replies

Haha Brett i answered this already 😁😛

in reply to

Mine is part of my email. Xx

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

Hi Twosmiles, your replies have disappeared from my previous posts??

in reply to alfredthegreat

Hi alfred

Odd...i haven't done anything- which tread please, I’ll have a look 😬


in reply to alfredthegreat

Hi again alfred

If you can say where you think i responded maybe you could ask brett if he/she can see them?


Brett11 profile image

I wonder how “admin” got their name🤷‍♀️😄

Mine is my name ..... surprise surprise!

9 is my house number. Still trying to work out where 00 came from though😁

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

I always get confused? Is it oh oh or zero zero? Great! I’m gonna be up all night contemplating that conundrum haha

in reply to Brett11

Apparently if you use numbers it's zero zero. If you're using letters it's OO. Oh Oh means shock or surprise.

Ok here's demo ...

00 .... zero zero

OO ..... two capital letters

oo .... 2 lower case letters

Hope this clears up the confusion for you Brett 😁x

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Ummmm.... yeah!!!!! Ummmm...... OK then

I’m a 🍄

in reply to

Way too complexfor me Laura. You musdt be a Young Un 😀

in reply to

Young? I wish, too close to 60 for my liking !! 😢

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Quite a few years ago my dad was entertaining a “lady friend “ . I was a kid and I said to him that in a few years he will be half a hundred. Now I’m half a hundred but don’t feel like I am

in reply to Brett11

Thats good.... I'm half 112 but refuse to behave like I probably should!

in reply to Brett11

Hey up - do you feel more then half a hundted or less?

in reply to

See you are Young Un!

in reply to

Tell my wrinkles and grey roots that! X

in reply to

Hi Laura you and Brett did make me smile for sure.

I choose my user

name “Black Pearl” from Pirates of the Caribbean. My avatar is of course the very handsome bad boy Captain Jack Sparrow

in reply to Brett11

I'm now considering James Bond who they call double O7 I'm thinking he should be called double zero7 ?

in reply to

007, 008, and then you Laura 😀

in reply to

🤣🤣love it ...... does that mean I get to a snog Daniel Craig???? 👄👅

in reply to

Well you can - i think illl give it a miss 😬

chugalong profile image

Mine is from name of my business when I stayed in Zambia. Parts were hard to get roads weren’t good so trucks and life just chugged along hence it was “Chugaling Autoservices”

in reply to chugalong

Brilliant 😀

I need a lay down ! 😩

BSA-3 profile image
BSA-3 in reply to


in reply to BSA-3

........ with Daniel Craig 😜

Brett11 profile image

My brain hurts

in reply to Brett11

My body hurts

I have blue eyes and like

in reply to

Very cute

in reply to

Ridiculous really...hanging on to childhood fondness at age 47! X

in reply to

And why not !😎

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

I wanna be blueyedfairy 🤬😤

Life can be soo unfair sometimes 😂

I’ve got blue eyes 👀 and erm yeah! You can guess the rest 😝

in reply to Brett11

You’re a fairy?

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

I prefer the word “straight impaired” lol

in reply to Brett11

Man (oopps sorry thats just me reverting to my bajan roots) just stop it. Im supposed to be giving up on smiling 😀except with these funny emoticons

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Only you could join the weight watchers forum 😂

in reply to Brett11

Oooh thats below the belt oh i forgot i dont need a belt...😃

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to Brett11


Mine is a nickname of my dog...I always smile when I use it as he was my family ❤️

in reply to


Hope-feb3-2017 profile image

Mine is the date of my transplant and I never gave up hope!

Smyally profile image

Someone I used to work with nicknamed me smyally and it just stuck. Myall is my surname and apparently I smile a lot 😊😉😀

GrandmaDylan profile image

7 years ago my eldest daughter was getting married hence...Bridesmum. I wanted to change it but couldn't work out how to 😕 maybe I should change it to Dimwit if I could 😂

LAJ123 profile image

My name has caused a bit of confusion.

LAJ are my initials and not as might seem obvious, Lucy And Jim.

Lucy & Jim

in reply to LAJ123

So there are 122 other Lucy and Jims...hmm common as ....😀

in reply to

My husband is jim his sister

1football profile image

Am going to leave you in suspense on mine😳😂

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to 1football

Lemme guess?


You like tennis 🎾 🤔🤡

1football profile image
1football in reply to Brett11

Your good 😊

in reply to Brett11

Lol brett - stop that! It still hurts when i laugh..

Mine is from a movie 😀 i have hep B and at the moment there is no cure. I still hope that a cure will be available to me in my lifetime.. that explains the profile picture.

in reply to

Oh my im wishing for you

Val2005 profile image

I had my transplant in Valencia in 2005.

Adelou profile image

Nickname from my grandad when I was little, I only get called Adele Louise if I'm naughty

in reply to Adelou

Hi Adelou

If you get it right ang keep saying adelou it could be a football chant. Cheerio, Miles. 😀

Barnetaccounts profile image

Very boring mine. I am an accountant and my business is in Barnet. By the way your comment to Huw 1football is closer to the truth than you would realise he supports Arsenal 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Barnetaccounts

Euuuu! And we STILL speak to him? The shame of it all lol

in reply to Barnetaccounts

Hahaha barnet. What domthey say about accountants lol 😃😁

Barnetaccounts profile image
Barnetaccounts in reply to

We are interesting funny people?

in reply to Barnetaccounts

Mais oui

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Barnetaccounts

I used to live near Barnet. Well, no where near. I lived in Dartford for 11 ish years.

in reply to Brett11

Me 2. I lived in derby for 41 years. Wait a minute i still do, forget for a moment

Adelou profile image
Adelou in reply to Brett11

I teach in Barnet

in reply to Adelou

Is that new language. I never heard of thatnot even in wikipedia?

Adelou profile image
Adelou in reply to


Yuiop profile image

Haha, I just typed along the top row of my keyboard!

in reply to Yuiop

Yes i think yours was a curiosity actually!😁

Yuiop profile image
Yuiop in reply to

And everyone thought I was from Sweden with a name like that ! Naaa Scotland x

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Yuiop

My other half is a Banky

in reply to Yuiop

👍quick and simple !

Very good. But you missed out a few letters 😂

Yuiop profile image
Yuiop in reply to

I’ve got short fingers!

HumtpyDumpty43 profile image

Brilliant funny start to my morning!! I have no idea how I chose mine - probably just a random thought. I definitely haven't fallen off any walls. Over them yes, but not off them:)

Hope everyone is well and I'm so glad I found this forum!!

Humpty xxx

AllHis profile image

You asked, and I'd love to share...

As my physical health is being challenged, my mental health soon followed. My body is fighting really hard- something- we just don't know what... This can be maddening to the mind. I can't figure it out, and have been wrong numerous times. This can build up anxiety. When your body is in fight mode, anxiety, unfortunately, increases naturally to fight harder.

Guess what? More anxiety... I found out the hard way, you shouldn't fight anxiety with anxiety.

Or "Fight"+ "fight" = Anxiety

Any way... "All His" is a peaceful surrender into spiritual health. The only health I had left as mental and physical health where fighting with each other.

"All His" comes from a strong faith in God, Our Father. Jesus came to show us the Father. Why? So we can live in eternity with Him forever. And because we are each created for this beautiful life with no end, I have a strong trust in the path He has placed before me today.



Quite now...

The Peace of Christ...

All is well...

I have all I need.

AyrshireK profile image

Come from Ayrshire and as I haven't hidden my name is Katie (Kathryn actually). So, AyrshireK it is.

Katie x

in reply to AyrshireK

Now, strangely enough Katie, I guessed that 😀

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

I know, very original. :)

in reply to AyrshireK

Yes I'd work that out too. I think of you as clever Kate though

in reply to

So do I!

in reply to

Yes perhaps name change to KleverKate?

Porphyriamaniac profile image

Ive just changed mine Brett, you've inspired me! 😂 it was stacie33 and rubbish, I'm not even 33 anymore. It is now porphyriamaniac, owing to my medical condition and the fact that I am a maniac. You can still call me Stacie though, or just maniac... xxx

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Mrs Porph lol

Porphyriamaniac profile image
Porphyriamaniac in reply to Brett11

The artist formerly known as Stacie33 😂 I answer to anything me... I was gonna go with bltsresidenthairyfacedvampirewerewolfhybridweirdothatnobodyunderstands but I thought it was a bit long? Xxx

in reply to Porphyriamaniac


in reply to Porphyriamaniac

I'll stick with Stacie.... it's quicker to type and easier to spell x

Porphyriamaniac profile image
Porphyriamaniac in reply to

Very true Laura, I will answer to anything! 😉 xxxx

in reply to Porphyriamaniac

I like stacey! Porhy is way too hard for me....

I just used my name lol

in reply to

Not from arizona then?

in reply to

Lol no. I was born and live in Toronto Canada

in reply to

Phoenix toronto hmm not quite the same ring about it 😀

in reply to

But my name is Phoenix Palazzo and I think it has a better ring to it lol

I want to change mine to my real name but I don’t know how 😫

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to

Me too. Hope someone can tell us how. 😕

Just changed mine to grandma dylan. Just go on your profile then select settings....easy

in reply to GrandmaDylan

Yay! I’ve done it now, thanks GrandmaDylan 😊

kyia profile image

Mine is the name of our Staffordshire Bull Terrier, who we lost 3 weeks ago today. Sorry to be depressing!

in reply to kyia

Oh that's so sad 😢

kyia profile image
kyia in reply to

It's amazing how hard it is 😢.

Porphyriamaniac profile image
Porphyriamaniac in reply to kyia

I'm sorry for your loss. Xxx

kyia profile image
kyia in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Thank you xxx.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to kyia

Kyia is a beautiful name

kyia profile image
kyia in reply to Brett11

She came to us at the age of two with her name and we never really found out the meaning 🙂.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to kyia


EXTREMES in fortune, health and spirituality. You are very versatile, idealistic and intuitive. You either enjoy great success or suffer abject misery. The solution is service to others. Use your leadership abilities for humanity and not for self-glorification.You are inventive, intuitive and extremely methodical.

in reply to Brett11

Hehe brett is at it again 😀. Now what can i ask...hmm?

kyia profile image
kyia in reply to Brett11

Well, thank you for that! I did look into it once, but only came up with it being the name of an Egyptian queen (and spelled K-I-Y-A)!

in reply to Brett11

Plagiarism Rules OK 😀

89 replies Brett !!!! Is this a record ?? X

in reply to

Hit > 100 now. Wowee. There are a lot of us out here...

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I reckon. Brett is another font of all knowledge and challengingly questions 😏

in reply to

Hhmm what sort of a sentence is that! Miles!!

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Ah!!! Twos. Then Miles!!!!

Not 2 smiles!!

Gosh! Up there for thinking. Down there for dancing 💃 innit!

in reply to Brett11

Thank you. I didnt know i had the ability to think anymore.....


mncold profile image

Hi Brett11,

I had to go to messages to find out what my username is <sigh>

Anyhoo, mine is because we moved from Maine to Minnesota and it is colder here than in Maine.

Have a good Fall.


in reply to mncold

Well Mary - i had to go hospital once a week for 3 months so i didnt fall. And now you’re telling me you hope i have a good fall. Shame on you...

in reply to mncold

Hehehe 😀😀😀😀😀

alfredthegreat profile image

I got fed up of putting names down that were not accepted and in desperation put my middle name and of course added 'the great' and to my surprise it was accepted.

in reply to alfredthegreat

Wellits cool! Can i be Angusthegreat...

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to alfredthegreat

My middle name is Claude

in reply to Brett11

Well, its a close call beteen us then Claud. I wasnt over keen on Miles but Angus?... Sorry to all Angus’s!

GrandmaDylan profile image

I've just changed my username to grandmaDylan from bridesmum.

My grandsons have three grandma's so I'm named after my dog! My children all called their nana's after their dogs so it's just carried on. The 2nd grandma is grandma trampoline 😂 because she had a trampoline in her garden. 3rd grandma is also named after her dog but has very little contact or interest in the boys.

in reply to GrandmaDylan

Haha thats funny bridey! Shame on no.3

Brett11 profile image

Everyone is changing their usernames!!!

I was just getting used to the old ones lol.

I shall continue to identify as Laura009

in reply to

Or else you can call laura “ilovedanielcraigaka007”


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Brett11 profile image

118? Only 😆

Brett11 profile image

Doh! 119


in reply to

So you've kept your name but changed your pic ? ...... afterall pink flowers weren't really you were they ?


in reply to

Hmm dont you know, like Brett,I like pink AND flowers. Hehe hehe

Brett11 profile image

I hate pink. Well, love Pink the singer 👩‍🎤


Do I see a bromance blossoming here....... ?

in reply to

Oh really - do tell!

Brett11 profile image

Not a chance! My heart is kept for Michael Bubble 😂

Not Bublè but Bubble


Who is he?

Brett11 profile image

Some Canadian singer

I know boublee but bubble?

Brett11 profile image

Bubble is our pet name for each other lol


I call him bubble too it's much more English

AmericanDemocrat profile image

Hmmm ... this post is 2 months old - are you still accepting comments, LOL? Comment #144- wow! I am new, so this thread was really a great way to learn more about you guys. Thank you, Brett! I chose my name because I mistakenly thought I would be the only non-Brit on the site. Of course, I quickly found out the group is from around the world! That’s so cool! Then I chose my political affiliation because it is a huge part of my identity, especially since 2016. I learned quickly not to mention politics here, but I do still wonder about the suitability of the name. Don’t want to cause offense. Anyway, nice to meet all of you!

in reply to AmericanDemocrat

Hi merry

Welcomce to the forum!

Why would you think your name would cause offense? It certainly doesn’t to me 😁



Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Your offended by everyone Mr Miles 😂

Only joking!

in reply to Brett11

Especially you Mr Brett 😁

Only joking!

AmericanDemocrat profile image
AmericanDemocrat in reply to

Dear 2😀’s ... Thank you for the welcome! To explain ... According to polls we see here in the US, most citizens from other countries are not fond of the current US leadership. So, I felt OK using a name that reflects who I am because this is a British site. (I would never do so on an American site due to the current huge divide in my country.) But I soon learned there are some strong supporters of the US leadership within this forum, and am wondering if my user name might seem confrontational to them. Not my goal! Just trying to be sensitive to all ... Glad the name is not offensive to you. Thanks again for the reply!

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to AmericanDemocrat

This is not a political forum but we do get shocked sometimes with your health care system. It’s totally different from the UK and Australia.

I live in Australia but spent 20 ish years in London. I would love to visit the USA once things settle down over there and if my body can take the long flight.

AmericanDemocrat profile image
AmericanDemocrat in reply to Brett11

Yes, our systems are so different. I read another thread here yesterday re: whether the NHS was a right vs. a privilege. Incredibly interesting comments that really enlightened me as to how the “everyday Brit” copes with and views universal healthcare. So you’re an Aussie, eh? I once travelled through your country with 25 teenagers in tow. (student group) Based in Adelaide. Lovely country! Hope things DO settle down here soon and that you can manage the flight ... It *is* pretty brutal!! 🌎

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to AmericanDemocrat

Nice to meet you also. We are not fussy here. We talk to anyone 😂

We always winge about our pains and ailments. There wouldn’t be this forum if we didn’t 😂 😂

Sometimes we even chat about normal things if we post them when the moderators are on a coffee break.

I’m Brett by the way.

AmericanDemocrat profile image
AmericanDemocrat in reply to Brett11

Hello, Brett! Thank you also for the cheery welcome! You seem to bring a lot of fun to the group. That’s always welcome in our situations, yes? 😎

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to AmericanDemocrat

Oh yes.

in reply to Brett11

Ha ha Brett - too true - but they hunt you down anyway!


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Do you want a joke? I can post one as the mean mods are at home today 😂

in reply to Brett11

I always like jokes. My life is a joke atm 😁


AmericanDemocrat profile image
AmericanDemocrat in reply to Brett11

Please, may we have a joke?!

Coralsun profile image

Hi. I'm only 3 days here. I picked coral but couldn't have it so plucked out sun. Not very creative, which I'd love to be, but a coral sunset would be lovely. Can I ask you what's a moderator? Am I being a bit slow.

Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Coralsun

A moderator makes sure we don’t say nasty things or fight. They have the power to delete posts or turn off comments. They can bar users if they act up etc.

They are like mommy and daddy.

They are really quite nice. They work for the British Liver Trust so they know what they are talking about.



in reply to Brett11

Hehe very diplomatic Brett


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to

Well, they need their egos stroked once in a while 😂

AmericanDemocrat profile image
AmericanDemocrat in reply to Coralsun

Hello! I actually think Coralsun *is* creative, and beautiful as well! I am a newbie, also. Welcome! ❤️

Coralsun profile image
Coralsun in reply to AmericanDemocrat

Hi. Thankyou and welcome to you also. I hope all is going ok. Coralsun

Coralsun profile image

Hi, thanks for getting back to me

So is there delay or is it just taken off after and is there much of it. I read you piece on the forum. I'm really glad I found it and it's great to be able to share with all these great people but is it a worry that by sharing more and more about ourselves, that someone on the forum might recognise our stories. Does any body else have those concerns. X


Brett11 profile image
Brett11 in reply to Coralsun

Hi Coralsun,

You can be as open or closed as much as you feel is safe for you. You have better odds winning the lottery than you have someone knowing who you are just from your posts.

in reply to Coralsun

Tbh I don’t care if someone recognises my story or me. They’ll be bored sless whatever..

FuzzyWasShe profile image

I'll play! Since this thread is suddenly active again. ;-) Mine is a nickname my sister gave me. Originally it was "Fuzz," given shortly after I had finished cancer treatment (about 11 years ago now) and my hair had started growing back (it was very soft and fuzzy to start with!). And then after my hair had finished growing back in, she changed it to "Fuzzy-Was-She" to stay up-to-date. But she still calls me "Fuzz" for short. :-)

Identity75 profile image
Identity75 in reply to FuzzyWasShe

I can’t help it but every time I see your name the old Gene Wilder line comes into my head,”fuzzy wuzzy was a woman”

(Showing my age now)

So mine comes from me being fed up being asked to create a user name or identity so I thought identity can be my identity. So I’m now always either identity or identity75 for my birth year.

in reply to Identity75

A mere youngster then! Lucky you - well at least wrt age...


Coralsun profile image
Coralsun in reply to

Hi. You're absolutely right with that. I'm a bit reserved, my family too. Some people are so judgemental but I'll keep your attitude in mind. Thanks.


Coralsun profile image
Coralsun in reply to FuzzyWasShe

Hi, that's so good. Makes me chuckle. You sister must be a right laugh.

Best wishes


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