what are the dvla guideline level readings on ggt and can they revoke your licence, both grade 1 and grade 2 licence ?
dvla ggt guideline levels: what are the... - British Liver Trust
dvla ggt guideline levels

I don't think GGT is a reading that influences driving licence issues as people without alcohol related liver disease can have elevations of GGT.
You might want to look at the DVLA or .Gov pages on alcohol and fitness to drive because doctors can certainly decide you are unfit to drive if you have alcohol issues, dependence or symptoms due to alcohol. gov.uk/guidance/drug-or-alc...
I had to send my license back because of all the meds I'm on which could make me less alert. Xxxx
The DVLA can do what they like when they like, if they wish to revoke your licence they will and find an excuse of "further investigations". I have completed a DVLA medical, as far as I am aware I will have passed all the blood tests including the CDT serum assay test. They have still revoked my licence, my GGT is in normal range, they have decided to write to the wrong consultant at the wrong hospital. Now they have corrected it and I have been requested to do more blood tests for the right consultant so he can answer the DVLA questions. They have never contacted my GP, who wrote to them in November to say he could see no reason why they would not return my driving licence!
They had my blood tests from November and February, the DVLA medical and blood tests from April and now they want further information. The only way to challenge them is to take them to court, which costs and causes stress. It frustrates me beyond words ;(
GGT is a non specific marker. As such DVLA cannot revoke anything based on that alone.
Why do you think a high GGT makes it unsafe for you or anyone else to drive ?