Hi everyone. Sorry I’m kind of posting about the same thing but I really need some help/advice.
Mum had her follow-up cat scan yesterday and her tumour has grown to 7 cm and there are possibly one or two more. Her doctor is adamant she is not eligible for transplant. Her doctor doesn’t want to do any treatment because she feels mums liver is too damaged.
Is anyone else experiencing this at the moment?
Apart from cirrhosis and ascites mum is in great health. No heart issues, no diabetes, no kidney problems, nothing.
The doctor wants me to start thinking about palliative care. None of this makes sense to me. I don’t understand how they can just give up.
I certainly can’t give up. I want to look at alternative, natural ways. Has anyone come across or even tried themselves having vitamin K injections and or vitamin C injections. I’ve read a lot about this helping and possibly even curing cancer, especially liver. At least prolonging life.
Thank you