Feeling gutted😢😢: Hi need some help... - British Liver Trust

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Feeling gutted😢😢

Linda3035 profile image
27 Replies

Hi need some help, please have posted a few times before, so have now been diagnosed with cirrhosis, fatty, alcohol, hepc, (now clear), liver specialist have sed it is not pickled a great deal but have cirrhosis, also have a benign tumor in bile duct, serious high blood pressure. I have given up drinking although wine has been my heaviest alcohol drinks and have cut my diet and lost a stone up to now, I also have been diagnosed with diabetes. The problem is I have been told I am not a candidate for resection due to my numerous problems, am I doing right thing will I be able to go on list if I get healthier. Feel so down and lost about all this not feeling good, I worry about this tumor report sed although it is benign at the moment it can become malignant, but it still growing first tests was 4mm now its 10mm, had liver biopsy 2 weeks ago so you can imagine I have had a big shock, I am vomiting in mornings bright yellow bile, all becoming scary have I got any hope. thanks for reading, and your forum, gets worse when you feel your out on your own, never felt so lost and scared, still had no meds as Doctor sed she still has not received the report,

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Linda3035 profile image
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27 Replies
Porphyriamaniac profile image

Hi Linda, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles ☹. I don't know if being healthier will get you on the list for resection but i think the healthier your lifestyle the better, it can only help your chances and it can only help your other conditions too. Sounds like the Drs are keeping an eye on the tumour so try and let that reassure you a little, I'm sure meds will be forthcoming too. You've already done so well in losing weight and cutting the booze, don't give up and lose heart now, you are never on your own as we're all on here in similar circumstances to listen and offer support. I'm sorry I don't have any answers, I just wanted you to know you aren't alone, I am listening even if my advice isn't too knowledgeable 😊 All the best, stacie. Xxxx

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Thanks stacie, I'm a fighter but it's all to much sometimes, scary not knowing what to expect, and yes I have a lovley liver specialist, I can handle my liver problems it's the tumour that worries me, just wonder how healthy you have to be doc says I won't survive op, I thought that harsh but got no feedback how healthy I have to be. Thanks for replying, x

Porphyriamaniac profile image
Porphyriamaniac in reply to Linda3035

I can totally understand your fears Linda, i would be worried and scared too, it's understandable and that is harsh especially without any feedback or explanation. Maybe ask next time if your circumstances were to change health wise would it be an option then? Such as once youve got the diabetes and cirhossis under control and stable with diet and meds? Explain all the steps you've been taking and will continue to take regarding your health. You definitely need some more specific answers from them, they should explain their reasoning at least. I really hope you get them. Keep me posted, stacie. Xxxx

O13B profile image
O13B in reply to Linda3035

I know that’s all so scary, I have a hernia and a gallbladder full of stones but have been told that they can’t operate until either becomes an emergency! This is due to my cirrhosis! Keep trying to eat a healthy well balanced diet as loosing weight will really help all your conditions ( except the tumour but remember that’s benign!) good Luck xx

Millie09 profile image

Hi linda ,.try not to worry if you can, i know easier said than done as i would be the same. You have great support there from your GP ! Mine would never think of ringing me .

One step at a time. As Stacie33 said , you have already done your part in staying healthy with no booze and good foods.. i have chronic liver disease and stage4 fibrosis with mild hepatic encephalopathy. Not to mention other problems.

You will get there ; you have a great hepatologist to keep a watch..take care and keep us posted. Love linda xx

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Millie09

Thanks I know there are worse off than me I do thank god out of it all I grow stronger, just gets a bit lonely now and again thanks for all reply feeling a lot more positive now, hope all goes well with your troubles, 😕

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Linda3035

Glad u feel bit better I say the same people worse off but there's also people better off as I got the guilt as well x

Millie09 profile image

Oh i know there are plenty worse off than me too, i am blessed to still be here 10 yrs down the line after being in hospital 6 weeks with liver failure.

I live on my own and it sure feels like your the only one but not on this forum, you are no way alone.

Good to hear your feeling more positive 😊. Well i live one day at at a time and make the most of it .. ☺

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

Its so lonely ain't it I feel so sad that the good people so close but far but we got this. And the BLT crew

BSA-3 profile image
BSA-3 in reply to Faithfull


Linda3035 profile image

Thanks gives me hope, and yes I agree thank you to this forum nice to know there are people out there willing to help, I am constantly gaining more respect for my liver thank you everyone, hope you keep fighting hun I can at least say I am not totally alone my prayers go out to all of you fighters out there xxx

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Linda3035

I love this forum. Been such a godsend to me now for 2 yrs.

I will continue to battle on the same as everyone else on here. Keep smiling hun .take care xx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Millie09

And we love it as well as much love hugs peace of mind coz we all stand united caring sharing helping understanding thank everyone for excepting me for me and that makes us lot same but different boat keeping each other afloat.x

That just come over me in me r after hour of need so my hour of need lifted by YOU and allBLTCrew xxx

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Faithfull

God bless you faithfull 😊xx

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Faithfull

Keep fighting and hun, xxx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Linda3035

Thanks I feel like knocking out the assessment team because this is wat they want then they say look she can get out the chair throw a punch or even scratch your knee your another knock back please as they want see me I can't leave house dr letter said .they said letter off GP but this is been said no home visit violent then another men worded it AGRRESIVE possible hand writing was looking aggressive en I asked them to up it due to years looked in prison as I'm truthfully more ill than I ever felt phyicaly and mentally they got evidence3pages of diagnosis and if they really are good as they could see by writing aggressive in there factor the ill one has to make it there not doing it can't donit

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Faithfull

God feel for you your sounding like your having more than your fair share hun, I don't know much I'm new to all of this, but all I know is that is, I could literally really blow, I got through some real bad times and I've learnt to stay calm I won't let Anyone phase me, I find out as much as I can, hence I'm here, on this group🤔, I'm still learning me I put my music on and sing, so wish I could help thoughts with you

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Linda3035

Yes I do same and please you may hate Jessie j but the song sitting in this big white room it actully is me in the bedroom with them feelings .as me adult ADHD I can't explain things only by music

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Linda3035

Bless your heart u sound like me in a state of unexplainable ,wanting to scream as the waiting I'm a nightmare so you really have shown how I feel as well thankyou

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Faithfull

Your welcome hun, wish you all my thoughts and prayers,, and hope you will start to feel a bit stronger,xx

Faithfull profile image

Feeling gutted for you I ain't got no answers but just wanted to say I'm here and everyone it's hard so hard when it's all going on to much I no as of other things I have as well I'm sending hug and some peace of mind as it comes hand in hand with our health x

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Faithfull


Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Linda3035

iPod bless you xx

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to Faithfull

I meant God bless you not. iPod sorry

Suzi90 profile image

Hi Linda, I don't know much about all this, but I do know what it's like to be on your own with your own thoughts and fears. I have fibrosis and hepc, and you have made me realise how much I owe this world, the higher power and this site and the caring people on it. I am thinking of you and praying you will get some answers and piece of mind. You keep your head right,and your chin up. The answers will come. Take care, friend, 🙏🌈🙋xxx

Linda3035 profile image
Linda3035 in reply to Suzi90

Thank you such lovley words, yesterday made a vow I'm off to Dominican Republic lived there for 15yrs got hep c out there through a transplant of blood, well any way here I am but I'm going to see my grandkids my daughter came home 6mth ago, to look after me I vow to her I will stay on track, get better enough at least to be able to travel, has anyone travelled whilst ill, its, 9hr flight, but with God's help I hope I can make it, thanks everyone for feeling a lot more hopeful, no more doom and gloom😉

KC_1608 profile image

please read my post. See my story. It’s never too late! ITS ALL ABOUT RIGHT DIET , exercise, sleep , mindset, FAITH DETERMINATION PATIENCE. I wish you success!!

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