Opt Out.....What it Means for Us?..... - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Opt Out.....What it Means for Us?.....

Chelle_ profile image
20 Replies

So I got the chance to speak to the Huffington Post yesterday after Teresa May mentioned about moving forward with 'opt out' rather than signing on the organ donor register. Don't get me wrong it's going to be a way off yet, but I think it's the right thing to do....


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Chelle_ profile image
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20 Replies
RodeoJoe profile image

Absolutely the right thing to do.

Hi Chelle,

Thank you for this post and it is great to see you in the Huff post again.

Here is the BLT statement from yesterday's decision;

The British Liver Trust welcomes today’s announcement by Theresa May that they plan to change the organ donor system in England. The Prime Minister revealed the move to an ‘Opt Out’ system in her speech to delegates at the Tory party conference in Manchester.

There are currently around 9,700 people in the UK who are alive today because they have had a successful liver transplant.

Vanessa Hebditch, Director of Policy and Communications said, “The UK is currently facing an epidemic in liver disease with the numbers affected having increased by more than 400% in the last forty years. Every year hundreds of people die whilst waiting for a liver to become available. The British Liver Trust has been campaigning on this issue for a number of years and we are delighted that England is planning to move to an opt-out system as we believe this will lead to an increase in organ donation. At the moment, we just don’t have enough donors to meet demand.”

Kate50 profile image

Yeh it's definitely the right thing to do, sometimes until something directly affects you then you don't really think about it,I remember when I was on the transplant list a family member who had just joined the donor register because of me told me that she didn't have a problem with donating her organs she had just never really thought about it and this was a common feeling in people I spoke to, so I think opting out is much more logical, just my thoughts 🤗🤗

LAJ123 profile image


Keep up the good work.

The telling point about organ donation is the fact that the number of people who would be willing to accept a donated organ to save their life is not equal to the number willing to donate.


Chelle_ profile image

See for me, people are lazy, or 'too busy', they don't think about it or they will 'do it later' and the problem is that time never comes around. So having an 'opt out' system means that if it really is that important to them they will go on line and they will chose not to be a donor, which I really have no issues with....If something is done for you and you don't have to physically do something most people are grateful.

And Jim, your right, people will be happy to take and organ but they forget about giving.

There is a problem with understanding what is taken if you like, I was always under the impression that the whole of my eye was being taken....but I now know that not to be the case. If someone can make use of my tired old body and any of my organs can be used then I hope I am left with just my bones - unless there's a few dogs that need a treat! lol

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Chelle_

I totally agree Chelle and it's in the same vein as employees all being auto enrolled in pensions now unless they 'opt out' I think it's a great way to collect up all the 'maybe later' people..


LAJ123 profile image
LAJ123 in reply to Chelle_

Apparently my donated liver belongs to the Royal Free after I'm gone !

Chelle_ profile image
Chelle_ in reply to LAJ123

Lol...is this for science purposes?

LAJ123 profile image
LAJ123 in reply to Chelle_

yes - seems that it never actually belongs to me - its just on loan !

Chelle_ profile image
Chelle_ in reply to LAJ123

well lets hope they don't want it back before your expiry date or you could come a little unstuck!! lol

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to LAJ123

I'm afraid my liver won't be much use to anyone unless you want to pickle some lemons...

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to Chelle_

Good point well made and articulate post in huff post. Well done

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Chelle_

😂 that made me laugh about giving your bones to dogs.

Millie09 profile image

totally 100% agree ; once again chelle well done for being on Huffington post . when I told my son I was in end stage f4 fibrosis.etc .. his words were oh well you can just have a transplant 🤔.. not that easy son .. he is not on the organ donor List which to be honest is not through selfishness or he has a high demanding job it's because I believe it is not advertised enough .I'm on the donor list , no my liver is no use to anyone other than medical science but all my other bits 😁 if they can help after I have gone then I'm all for it . great move by ms may !!

sheri44 profile image

This is definitely the way to go. It makes so much sense. We don't need these organs when were not here. Why not help at least 3 people carry on living instead of letting them suffer. We know how it feels to wait for an organ. Not good. We all need to jump on board with this.

well done Chelle xx

Guyb profile image

A lot of people have there organs taken out for post mortem then put back in again that’s bordering on stupidity

Emmabskin profile image

Blimey she got something right . X

jojokarak profile image

Of course it's the correct answer to the problem, but I have had plenty of arguments with ignorant people who assume all liver disease is down to drugs and alcohol and they going on about they wouldn't want organs going to people who are waiting for livers. So in my opinion people need educating as well as to what can actually cause liver disease and also who cares why someone is poorly and in need of one if they could save a life isn't that enough. People frustrate me they are so ignorant and think they are all so perfect when most of them don't realise it could happen to them!!

Chelle_ profile image

Yes totally agree with the need to educate people. Especially with the right to opt out. I’ve had a lot of messages telling me that the government is just trying to control us and not ‘steeling’ our bodie parts....🙄 this is ridiculous. They don’t seem to understand that opt out is the same as opt in!! You chose, your decision as much or as little as you want to give! Xx

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Chelle_

I know it's crazy 😜 but that's people with heads in the sand who don't or won't educate themselves x

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