This is not asking for advice or anything like that. I had an appointment with a cardiologist on Monday 15 August , two days later I got a letter for my next appointment for 10th August 2018, eleven months notice , I just love the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Birmingham for their efficiency.
Appointments: This is not asking for... - British Liver Trust

Hi brummie hope all went well at your appointment.
I too can relate to the amazing efficiency of the queen Elizabeth hospital.i have had nothing but great support , advice and I too received my November appointment back in early may this year. Hope you are well .
Hi Brummi, Like Millie I just want to say I hope all is well, but also thanks for the opportunity to sing the praises of QEH.
I have found them helpful, supportive and well organised, everyone so lovely and efficient to the nth degree: Plus Prof GH gave me back my sanity and health. No wonder I'll drive 3 hrs+, if necessary.
Take care Brummi and have fun!
I love the QE and everyone involved in my hubby care. They are fantastic. !!
Wow! I just was scheduled for an appointment at the hepatolagist for 6 months out and I was impressed with that. I don't even have a 2018 calendar that far. I guess I have nothing else planned that day. 😁
Brummi thought you were being ironic. Why is it 11 months 'til your next appointment? They don't sound too efficient to me! Am I missing something?
They sound fantastic!! Xxxx