has anyone had weight loss with gallstones, 1 show up on my ct scan i am waiting to see consultant next week, only symptom i have is sort of sick feeling if i eat certain foods x
gallstones weight loss: has anyone had... - British Liver Trust
gallstones weight loss

I have lost weight a lot had gall stone spotted when I had a CT for my liver and I am on Urso for PBC, weight loss before it. Urso mainly causes weight gain. But had an MRCP and gallstone has passed. Still some weight loss so for me not the likely cause.
ho do you pass a gallstone Jo x
It just moves its way into the bile duct, where hopefully it doesn't cause problems and at some stage it makes its way into the small intestine. From there they make their way out of your body. It is not that common and doctors don't seem to recommend the websites giving dietary advice on how to help them on their way - mainly because I think, they don't work.
Having had a bad bout 14 years ago, they passed/dissolved with a lot of sharp pain, breath taking. This time I think the Urso may have given them a hand, that is a complete guess though, I read that it's given for as well as bile duct issues also for gallstones and can dissolve them. I have liver pain due to PBC and the stone may have caused some of the sharper pains.
I passed the earlier ones with no medication, well I say passed they were there and then not there after a few months maybe they moved into the bile duct or dissolved.
jo what were your symtoms of GS
First attack I woke one morning I felt like a rib had broken, the pain was so intense I could not get down the stairs for a while. I rang Dr's she did bloods my bilirubin was through the roof, she was a Dr (Iiked her approach) after gallstones confirmed just monitored it and was advised to cut dairy and slowly my bilirubin settled. The gallstones were not present after a CT. I am not aware if passed or dissolved then.
It may be connected to my now diagnosis of PBC as when they did the CT for my liver in February they found a gallstone and kidney stones, with all other liver issues it was sort of a background issue. I was semi diagnosed with PBC then questionable for PSC, I had an MRCP to confirm/rule out PSC (detailed MRI of the bile duct) the gall stone had gone, not in bile duct so presuming it has dissolved, another question for my hepatologist thanks for raising this as I would like to know how it is not there in a short period and if it's in my bile duct. I will ask if I remember and have time as lots to ask about my bloods.
I have gallstones (0.5cm) but they have never caused weight loss.
I lost 3 stone last year because if gallstones. I was in too much pain to eat. In and out of hospital where doctors put me on a clear liquid diet. Gallbladder eventually perforated. Hated being ill and despised the pain but the weight loss was a major benefit as I was overweight.
My daughter lost 10lbs in three weeks. Due to not being able to eat properly. She unfortunately had a stone stuck in her bile duct. Had to be knocked out to have it removed as they couldn't get the camera down. She's now waiting for gall bladder removal 18th august.
I have lost weight with mine, I only recently found out it was gallstones, after becoming jaundiced, I am currently waiting for my gall bladder to be removed, but have to have scan first as consulant thinking stones are stuck in my bile duct, the pain is unbearable....
howz your thyroid x
I had gall stones years ago and recall losing loads of weight. Xxxx
hi just the triedness and weight loss , i had gb removed 2 month ago , gained 2ibs which is not much
no not at all, i think the doc. was confused, but i had a large gallstone x
I have a bit of cirrhosis and had a gallstone for 3 years. I suffered a lot pain. This past June my ultrasound results were negative for the gallstone. I don’t know where it went, but thank God it’s gone. The doctor said some times gallstones dissolve on their own, but it is a rare occasion. They canceled my gallbladder removal surgery. That horrible pain is gone.