Has anyone experienced this? So the last time I went into hospital for clinic my level was 9. I could feel that it was too much because my tremors had returned.
Recently I've been having a lot of anxiety attacks and continuous anxiety throughout the whole day with severe tremors. My GP practice is really crap. I managed to get bloods done yesterday and the GP still has not viewed the results. I have to call back tomorrow. I can feel my whole body tremble and my hands are just shaking like crazy.
I don't have any unusual stress and I actually asked for anti depressants to control the anxiety attacks. My neighbour had to come down at 12am to keep me calm!
Some input would be great. Recently I feel I post but I Dont get many replies. I'm sure a lot of patients have probably experienced this?
My levels are always above 7 and recently they've written to the doctor saying they feel they're over immunsupressing me and I'm at stage 3 of chronic kidney disease with creatinine still rising.