Even though I haven't drank for 4 years I've been led to believe by my doctor that even after abstaining from alcohol cirrhosis will continue to slowly develop until the liver shuts down. I've Googled this and from what I've read it seems after you stop drinking the damage stops. I'm checked every six months for tumors and how my liver is functioning. To me that's a sign I can go down hill at any time. At the moment it seems my results are better with each test.
Progressive cirrhosis question. - British Liver Trust
Progressive cirrhosis question.

Your doctor is being a doctor. He's saying what he hopes will scare you to stay off the alcohol. If you have developed cirrhosis, you can never drink again. Period. You're done. However, if that is the true cause for your hepatic scarring, abstaining slows the disease down to the pace of a glacier.
You can still live a long, healthy life without alcohol.
I have AIH and by the time they finally diagnosed it I had severe cirrhosis ............ I am on immunosuppressants and steroids since diagnosis back in 2008 and my liver has healed quite a bit, I still have scarring which will never heal but my liver is doing great now
I wasn't a big drinker prior to my diagnosis but the doc said no more alcohol so i don't drink it. recently the doc said an occasional glass of wine wouldn't do me any harm, so i tried one at a wedding lol and i just didn't like it, so no thanks I will remain alcohol free
I guess it depends on how your cirrhosis came about to what the docs do about it or advice you to do and not do
hope your liver heals well and you have a good life x
I can totally relate to your post word for word. I myself have been off alcohol 4 years and am tested every 6 months for progression, cancer or any other ugly things that come with cirrhosis. I feel fine other than needing a little extra sleep. All my doctor says is I'm doing good and all my numbers are great & see you in 6 months
I genuinely think this is because in some cases cirrhosis can progress others it stays stable. You might outlive the time it takes to progress or you might not. I think this is the big uncertainty with liver disease. I spent nearly 20 years of fairly stable blood tests before going rapidly down hill. Although mine wasn't caused by alcohol, I was always told the cause was irrelevant as cirrhosis itself can just progress when it gets to a certain stage.
My first bit of advice is don't use google to find out about symptoms that's not the right way to go about it also don't drink full stop as if you do your just making matters a lot worse once your liver shows signs of having cirrhosis then it can go one of two ways just keep getting your bloods done n don't drink n eat a good diet , good luck with the future
I drank heavily for 6-7 years before I quit because of an enlarged liver. Mostly beer, but hard stuff when I could afford, and felt for it. It was harder to acquire. My liver felt fine for a couple of years, but the last few months I have felt pain. I began eating a lot of veggies when it occurred again. Had mostly been eating whole grain bread before. Now I feel pain if I eat sugar and if dehydrated, but it seems it has become very sensitive to everything I eat.
I did a blood test when I was drinking, just before quitting, and that was fine though.
How do you feel? Did you see a specialist, maybe they can tell you more.. are you having any symptoms? Maybe and hopefully you stopped in time. I would talk to a specialist and get more answers. Or possibly a second opinion. It sounds like you are getting better and great job on quitting alcohol that's the best thing you could've done.
Non -alcoholic- steato hepatitis can cause Cirrhosis Liver
I am one of those patients who did not know they were getting sick, actually showing sickness, but not until three and a half years after I got sober. I did also have Hep C also, but, no matter..the damage was already done, and my liver continued to get worse.
I, like so many others, assumed that the liver can re generate itself..and it can..but only until a certain point.
Again, I really never showed any signs, just a tiny bit of fluid, until I was sober over three years..then BAM! I was in the hospital twice in one week for overnight stays. By week three I got the bad news.
Prior to this, 13 months before I got sick, I had the full liver workup, which I had every year after getting sober.
When I suddenly put on a tone of weight and had trouble breathing and chest pain, then I finally went to the hospital. They assumed I knew what was happening the next morning of my first ascites drain.
Good luck!
One day at a time!
Hi Kimberly, I have sent you a message x
Have found I do much better when avoiding salt and sugar. It feels fine.