Private Fibroscan - what I needed for ... - British Liver Trust

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Private Fibroscan - what I needed for peace of mind

Jenm1234 profile image
33 Replies


I'm writing this post on my way home to Liverpool from Bristol. I have been a heavy drinker fot the last ten years since my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was lost for a while and in a pretty bad way but recently decided that it wasn't the path I wanted for myself and with some determination have managed to cut right down. I have been extremely worried about the affects all those years of heavy drinking have had on my liver so started the steps to have tests at the doctors. Both blood tests and an ultrasound came back fine, but as I learnt from this site these can not be 100% relied on and I was worried and was becoming very anxious about it all. I started to do some research and found out about the fibroscan from this website, and decided that it was the final test that I needed to give me peace of mind. I have now had this test (today) and thankfully it's come back ok but I wanted to let everyone know about the great place that offer this facility at what I think a reasonable price for peace of mind. Run by professional doctors and councillers they also offer confidential councilling for anyone who needs it as well. Here is the link:

I have found this invaluable and for the same cost as 18 bottles of wine to me was a no brainer for me at least. I wanted to share it as others have talked about the London clinic offering this service and although I did look into that I found this company much more approachable and tailored to my needs, they treated me like a friend 😊

I have read so many of your posts on these forums and found this site invaluable with so many knowledgable people, it has definitely pointed me in the right direction that I needed xx

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Jenm1234 profile image
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33 Replies

Well DONE!

I did exactly the same thing after 20 years of binge drinking, a weekend drinker though. ALL good,4.2 kpa, although a tiny amount of fat above normal. The relief is instant! I was smiling to myself all the way home and I had to travel from north wales to London. I remember watching the screen and almost burst out laughing when the first reading was 4.0kpa. scared the crap out of me for sure, initially. I have now been researching Liver Disease for over 2 years and Alcoholic Liver damage WILL 95% of the time show something in the bloods and scans, especially in a drinker who has just stopped. Obviously over time bloods can normalise even though there is scarring there, so that can make it difficult.

All you test results are A OK, there are people who would have an arm chopped off for those results on this very board, you ARE FINE.

Now enjoy your life, do the things you said you would, read, love and be merry.

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply to

Thanks Ralph, that means a lot. I am so relieved I had to do it for my own peace of mind but you are right, I now need to go and live life to the full. The doctor said it might of been a different story if I had gone back in another 10 years, something triggered a wake up call in me and I will be forever grateful to that. I'm glad that you are ok as well xx

This might be an option if you can't get reassurance or testing from your GP or other specialist but I have to say that this is the best option and the only one if you can't afford 18 bottles of (expensive?) wine and a train fare.

I may be cynical but this looks like an advert to me.


Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply to

Mike this isn't an advert this is my life and my journey so in that respect you are being cynical. I was so happy on the way home on the train that I posted it to help others that maybe want to take the same route as me after the doctors tests were done and they were still feeling really anxious but the doctors wouldn't offer anything else and had closed the doors on the subject so to speak. In fact my doctor offered me councilling and said I was becoming obsessed. it was affecting my life as it was all I could think about so maybe in that respect they were right. I was promoting the clinic as when I was looking I couldn't really find anywhere and the liver association roadshow are scheduled to carry out anymore at the moment. I found out about the fibroscan from this site so thought my post was helping others looking for the same solution as me which when I looked on the site people seemed to be, I was trying to be helpful that's all as I was so happy yesterday and had felt a weight has been lifted. I literally walked out of the clinic yesterday and thought I can get on with my life now (again that's personal to me and maybe for you it's too advert like) Im sorry that you think 8.50 is expensive for a bottle of wine and I don't spend that much so I'll say 50 bottles of wine (yes I was drinking that much which is why I was so worried) then which would be less than a months worth of drinking to me and would cover the train fair as well, and I would of spent this much on alcohol easily before cutting down.I am not a rich person but as as I said earlier was affecting my life quite a lot. Maybe I shouldn't of doubted the doctors tests but I did and I can't help my feelings.

I don't want to cause any issues this is the first post I have ever written ever on anything and I did it as I found this site useful so wanted to contribute back. I felt a bit sick when I saw your comment as all I wanted to do is help and share my experience now I'm thinking I shouldn't of said anything. I don't want any agro or heated debates I just wanted to share a bit of my story

in reply toJenm1234

Hi Jenm, I certainly don't want to undermine your pleasure in getting the reassurance you got from your test results. Please don't let my comment stop you from gaining the support we call get from this forum. Mike

virginias377 profile image
virginias377 in reply toJenm1234

well I think that you did the right thing.I would of done the same thing well that's what i should of done after my five year drinking binge from 2002-2007.Instead,I wound up in the hospital after I stopped drinking altogether.Don't be afraid to be happy or tell people of the good news that you are healthy.You did the right thing.

White-feather profile image
White-feather in reply to

Mike, she did check it out with her Dr .

Carolynne profile image

Hi jenm 1234

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the info you have posted. I also have a history of on/off drinking before and probably more so when my husband died of lung cancer very quickly and very unexpectedly and then my mum was diagnosed with leukemia. I have recently ' got my act together ' but am very worried about the damage I have done to myself. I have contacted the clinic via your link and am waiting for a reply.

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply toCarolynne

Hi Carolynne thanks for your reply. It's so hard isn't it when loved ones are un well. That's what started me spiralling out of control. I hope you are ok and get the answers you are looking for xxx

White-feather profile image

Hey, thank you so much too!! How kind of you to share ❤❤ Keep that smile on your face because you have taken control, been mature, proactive and actually thought about your liver and your future.

Well done you!! I only wish that I'd have done the same thing.

Have a great day!

Take care! 😀😀😀

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply toWhite-feather

Thanks white-feather although I don't think I have been that mature. It was my partner threatening to leave and and tell my friends and family how much I was drinking which gave me a reality check. I was definitely a secret drinker trying to hide it from everyone xx

White-feather profile image
White-feather in reply toJenm1234

I admire your honesty. The reality check is the best thing that could've happened to you. Mine wasn't until I was admitted for liver failure. I was in denial. I absolutely bricked myself.

Take care x

dckimberly profile image

Glad to hear your results were good!

You said you've cut down?

Does that mean altogether?

The reason I ask is that I myself am a recovering alcoholic. I actually quit altogether 3 and a half years before I got sick. I was blown away, to say the least. I did not see it coming. I was always told the liver can regenerate itself..and yes, it can, but only to a certain point.

One thing all of us that are sick with liver disease have been told, is to stop, all together.

oh, and thank you for the info on where you got your scan! :)

Good luck!

Cheering you on!


Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply todckimberly

Hi thanks for your reply, I haven't totally stopped but have limited drinking to a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend. Wow I didn't realise that my results could be ok now but then in a couple of years I could have a delayed affect? Nobody has ever mentioned that to me before. I need to stop altogether then if that is the case.

Thanks for the advice xxxx

dckimberly profile image
dckimberly in reply toJenm1234

I don't know how often that happens..but for me, they told me I had not quit in time and my liver continued to get worse.

They did not explain it, but said it happens that way sometimes.

I was not trying to worry you even more..but I figure, after all the stress & anxiety you have been going through, waiting on results and all..why take the risk? You know?

Alcohol is bad for your liver. Not only that, it's bad for ALL of your organs. It may break down to a simple sugar..but on the way there, it's like pouring petrol all over your body..inside and out.

For me, I began to gain weight suddenly. I felt bloated and was in pain. I finally went to the ER when I started having chest pains. It turned out to be all fluid. They drained it out of my belly. And did some testing, like an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, blood work, etc. I had to go back five days later..more pain and weight. They drained me again. More testing. Finally after three weeks I was sitting in a consultants office where they proceeded to tell me the bad news. That even though I had stopped, I had not stopped in time.

I got a transplant last year, thank god. I am so grateful. But, 6 weeks ago we were told it was not going to work out, that it will fail mechanically with the next two years or so. and guess what? I'm still getting my belly drained. BUT I would be dead by now, had they not transplanted me.. Some days they would drain up to 21 liters..I kid you not. Can you imagine? Then I would lose 50 lbs. in one drain setting, lol. sighs. Now its about 12 liters or so.

I say all of this, not to scare you, or upset you..but just to let you know..if your able to stop all together, why not?

trust me when I tell's just not worth it.


cheering you on!

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply todckimberly

Thanks, I know you aren't trying to worry me you are just being realistic and as you say I have done so well to cut down I should try to take it the extra step and stop altogether. I read your post about ten times I can't believe everything you have been through and you still seem like such a positive person!!! Much respect to you xxx

dckimberly profile image
dckimberly in reply toJenm1234

And to you sweetie!

Be Well!


Dpatrick80 profile image
Dpatrick80 in reply todckimberly

To think about getting sick years after making the choice to do the right thing is def scary! Didn't you say that the cause of your delayed liver disease was because of hep C attacking your liver that whole time without you knowing it?

dckimberly profile image
dckimberly in reply toDpatrick80

Yes! That's correct! Sorry Jen! I completely spaced that. I had Hep C also, and did start making my liver sick after I got sober. It was not the only thing, but one of them. And there was someone else on here, without a hep C that got sick a couple years after they got sober. My doctors said people do get sick after being sober. I think certain issues or despises must continue on, without us knowing it!

Another thing, and I do NOT think this is normal, lol, my liver blood tests were all good for a few months before I got transplanted. Even though my bloodwork was good, the ascites was really bad abd I was getting drained every ten days or so in my belly!

I think it's a whole collective of things. And everyone is different. But as for drinking? To me? Better safe than sorry, especially if you some history. Anyway, these are only my experiences and opinions!


virginias377 profile image
virginias377 in reply todckimberly

wow you got me beat.they drained a total of twelve liters out of me and it's been nine years since that.

virginias377 profile image
virginias377 in reply toJenm1234

yes you need to stop drinking because take it from me,I am living proof.Just look at it this way,every time you have a drink, youare actually drinking poison.

Freddie41 profile image

Thank you I have been looking on the internet for somewhere that offers private fibroscan and couldn't find one. Obviously I wasn't looking in the right place, so I will investigate this .Thanks

This is useful to know, so thanks for posting.

Freddie41 profile image

Hello jenm1234, I would like to say I admire your courage to go and find out information about your own health. I have already posted my thanks for the fibroscan link and have heard back from the site. A junior consultant, of the medical team at the hospital where I go for my liver follow up tried to do a fibroscan on me last week, after many unsuccessful attempts in different places he has now decided to refer me instead for a liver biopsy. So I am thinking of going for a fibroscan privately, BUT then again is a biopsy the best answer for me.??????? Who knows ! I think it takes courage to decide to have private tests as I feel guilty for questioning or doubting the present care I'm getting. Best wishes

Jenm1234 profile image

Hi Freddie

Hope you don't mind but I have read a couple of your previous posts, I really hope you find the answers you are looking for you have been on such a journey! Lots of Love Jen xx

pear-shaped profile image

Dear Jenm,

Thank you for sharing this information.

I have had a look at it and called them yesterday for information. I would just like to say that with every decision to go to any sort of private care/scan or tests do ask your GP or doctor from your clinic about it.

We once went for a private consultation earlier on... And was faced with our consultant who was carrying out the private clinic!

This is not to put anyone off but to act in caution.

We are all looking for answers and constantly battling with this disease to different degrees. Often our medical teams don't all support us the way we would want them to - but amongst them there is always an ally who will help us to find a way.

It is empowering to be able to present results and that triggers treatment to be given correctly... My main point? We need to always be cautious and do our research - ask questions and don't be fobbed off with any answers that don't make sense - remember when we are desperate for treatment and answers we tend to lower the bar...

Wishing you all the best in finding answers...


Jenm1234 profile image

Thanks Pear I understand what you are saying it was just a decision I made for myself when the doctors said I was imagining it as all the tests they did where negative. It was for my peace of mind more than anything. For me my doctor doesn't know I've been and I won't be sharing the results either it was just something for me. I agree you have to be careful and not start going off on your own taking tests privately without speaking to your GP.

Freddie41 profile image

Morning jenm1234, can I ask , when you did your research re private fibroscan, did you come across any places nearer to the midlands or further north, or was Bristol the best option. Thanks

Freddie41 profile image
Freddie41 in reply toFreddie41

Sorry , just read further replies, don't mean to hassle you, x

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply toFreddie41

Hi Freddie I'll be honest I could only find two on google and the Bristol clinic took some searching for. The two places I found were there (Bristol) and the London hospital. The Bristol clinic was nearer and cheaper for me with train fare xxx

Freddie41 profile image
Freddie41 in reply toJenm1234

Bless you for taking precious time to reply, much appreciated x

Jenm1234 profile image
Jenm1234 in reply toFreddie41

Don't worry anything you want to ask me feel free, private message me if you want xxx

Lonedrinker profile image

Sadly,your link doesn't lead to a website.I have been hoping for information about a private fibroscan company so that I don't have to go through a doctor. I'm glad you are ok,keep well :)

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