Has anyone heard, of the above please. ? We have received an invite to take part in this research & we're not really sure about it. xx
Has anyone heard, of the above please. ? We have received an invite to take part in this research & we're not really sure about it. xx
I just google it hra.nhs.uk/news/research-su...
It's actually something I've heard of before. There's always a risk and that's why they perform trials however there's also a risk to not being in the trial. As I understand it they would be able to take lower quality donar livers and make them a good enough quality for transplant. So this would increase the number of donar livers available to you for transplant.
I took part in a trial when I had my transplant. It gave me access to drugs that are not often used because of expense and I believe greatly helped in my recovery and continuation of low amounts of immunosuppressive drugs.
For the year I was on the trial I also had access to a consultant 24 hours by phone. And private consultations with the same consultant instead of the usual liver outpatient ones.
Another thing I received was regular complete health checks, checking for just about every disease and possible side effect. As the consultant said when you are on a trial you are "watched like a hawk".
I'd like to go on trial for this. Anyone know how to get an invite? Anyone got a plus one.(snigger)
We also actually signed for the trial today.
What convinced you?
Just the chance of more availability. Apparently the apparatus keeps the livers in better condition but if not successful then the liver is transferred to the usual "cool box". Also we were told that it has been successfully trialled 4 times already.
Are you at St James hospital?