Well here is the day when officially told, I had so many questions, but the one I wanted to say was about the MRI with supposedly with contrast I did not mention as forgot. I was told last week that the scan was not as good as expected and they said it was to do with breathing, but I did all that and the only thing was that the contrast did not go in as when they came to get me detached from scanner, it was over the floor and I did not feel any thing as the usual feeling. any ideas?
APOINTMENT DAY HAS ARRIVED - HCC and t... - British Liver Trust
APOINTMENT DAY HAS ARRIVED - HCC and then transplant

Not sure, other than they should do it again and I am sure they will make arrangements. Not sure what your headline means: do you have cancer? are they going to consider you for the transplant list? Mike
Hello, yes unfortunately, and trying to get head around it. I have so many scans but the last one being the blurry one, but confirmed.
Hi daisy. Sounds like the HCC is confirmed. Very sorry to hear that, sympathies with you. Best to get on the treatment now as soon as poss. Don't worry about having another MRI, just get the TACE out of the way and then consider your best options from then on.
I also had liver cancer in two tumours on my liver discovered after an MRI and there are two options either treat the cancer or go on the urgent transplant list which will obviously get rid of the cancer as long as it hasn't spread or any of the tumours have grown over 3 cms which means there inoperable. You don't say much about wether its primary liver cancer or how many tumours you have , they can deal with it if acted upon early.
Good luck
Hello well only came out of hospital Fri and still recoving, I can't tell you how painful it was having TACE I was sedated but the last five minutes was so painful never felt pain like that. I am still getting my head around it as I keep saying to hubby I told the Heptologists last year about pain and despite surveillance nothing there. Until I saw new doctor.
How are you doing? and how long have you had it.
Daisy don't be afraid of any upcoming transplant. I was scared to hell but now looking back I worried far to much, yes it's a lot to go through but at least you are alive that's the way I looked at it. I'm 9 weeks post transplant now and feeling great. Hope all goes well for you.
Also Daisy I started with hep c then cirrhosis which in turn led to cancer as cirrhosis often does. I was diagnosed with cancer about mid feb after an MRI I then had transplant april 7 th although I was already on the list I was put on the urgent list due to the cancer and within 6 days was called for transplant but just feeling relatively normal in the morning ,no itching,my eyes not yellow anymore, no asicites , going loo like normal people make it all worthwhile although I'm only early days.
Good luck
Hi - well have my apt at Kings in about a month, and having done various tests here first, tomorrow cycling test etc. I then see consultant to discuss treatment whilst waiting for transplant. I am suppose to have an mri to see the effects of TACE but there is a 7 week waiting list and have been sent one but 4 weeks time, by which time I should have second cycle. Its all the chasing that gets me down. I shall convey my thoughts tomorrow also no support ie. counselling etc, information is sparse. Thanks for replying and hope you are keeping well.
I had a transplant 18 months ago. I would be lying if I said my recovery was straighforward. My operation took longer than average, 10 hours,but I also had a umbilical hernia attended to at the same time. In addition I have always had a poor reaction to general anaesthetic. My recovery is still ongoing, I left hospital walking using a zimmer frame but now I am near to disposing my stick. Compared to how I feel after my op I am now part of society again and although physically I am not as before my brain is fully functioning and I am enjoying my life with family and friends. I also know of others who had a transplant and fully recovered in a few weeks. Hope my message is comforting and I wish you the very best of good fortune.