I have had my driving licencerevoked, had 1 episode of HE last september. Can anyone advise of their problems
HE and driving: I have had my driving... - British Liver Trust
HE and driving

My husband decided on his own accord that he wasn't safe enough to drive - lack of concentration, fatigue and confusion - slower responses, difficulty navigating etc. etc. We have never contacted DVLA about it because Hepatic Encephalopathy isn't actually on the list of notifiable illnesses (though it probably should be), he just doesn't drive and doesn't hold any insurance to do so.
The full list of conditions which require DVLA to be notified are at:-
There are new dvla guidelines, I am hoping to be able to drive in October, I am waniting to see the Liver Consultant.
I had the same problem and informed the DVLA, they weren't very helpful and in fact quite defensive and rude (I think they are in training to be PIP assessors). You're right Katie, that HE isn't on their list so what they did in my case was to to send a questionnaire to my GP.
They didn't revoke it but just gave me a yearly liscense.
Probably just as important that we tell our insurers.
Mike x
I fell into loads of categories They may need to get a big file for me .It looks like they are watching out for the painkiller diseases.
I also had one episode of HE and was advised to stop driving. That was a big problem for me since I ran my own long distance taxi company, so stopping driving meant an end to my business. I ignored the advice until I went for my transplant assessment 4 months later and was told in no uncertain terms my continuing to drive presented a huge risk to others on the road, so I made the decision to give up my licence.
I had some great support from my medical team, and was able to get a disabled bus pass until I was deemed fit enough to drive again after my transplant. The only issue with getting the pass was having to send the licence back to the DVLA and declare my unfitness to drive, and then get letters to prove it.
Obviously, if you have someone close to you who can also drive you can get away with not surrendering your licence. In my case I had no one, so if I wanted to get around I had to surrender the licence.
All the best.
I had chronic HE my consultant said I was not driving home (Newcastle to N. Wales) fortunatley I was with my wife. I surrendered my license voulunarily and got it back 4 months after transplant. I agreed I was unfit, fatigue, concentration, navigation, reactions, and ability to compute correctly, getting it back was OK, a few letters from Dr. and Consultant, in retrospect I could have just cancelled insurance and never driven.
Someone might recognise this story!! the man here is unnamed, but with chronic HE (and self suspended licesne) he attempted to get into his car, naked, and drive about town.......HE can really do some funny things to your head! (apologies for spelling, my residual HE leaves me quite Dyslexic, but I think I can spell Hepatic Encephalopathy correctly, weird init?
I have just been diagnosed with He and was told yesterday by consultant I cannot drive. Devastated.......
.but lucky that my familiar supportive and we can overcome this. The more serious issues that for the first time my consultant has talked about transplant in the future. Scary prospect. I am now being trested for He. How was your treatment, did it work. I am on lactose and The R drug, cannot remember it's name.