Please can anyone help with tips for me to cope when my partner gets periods of confusion? I can cope with most things but I find the confusion so hard to deal with. My partner was hospitalized yesterday due to severe confusion (I don't know if it is HE or HRS). He definitely has HRS and high creatinine level. He says weird things and tries to get up (he is not mobile). I am afraid he will hurt himself more and don't know what to say when he's like this. He also gets repetitive movements with his hands (like scratching or fiddling with clothes).
CONFUSION (HE and HRS): Please can... - British Liver Trust

Did he get listed for transplant? If he is hospitalised locally make sure they are in touch with transplant team for potential transfer to t/p hospital. He's probably in the right place just now - he needs to be treated with rifaximin and lactulose but if this episode is acute he might need further treatment - enema procedure and such like.
Sorry just read back your previous thread and see he was considered too weak for t/p. He needs to be in hospital until this episode stabilises. Many people with this more severe onset of HE do seem to spend lengthy spells in hospital.
Royal Free said no to a transplant due to his poor mobility and leg ulcers. They said if he went down to theatre he probably wouldn't get off the table (blunt but honest). Possibly if the ulcers healed and he was able to walk up 2 flights of stairs they may re-consider. However the ulcers are due to the liver probs so its a no-win situation. To add to his misery, when I was out last Friday, he got up, fell over and broke his wrist.
Eissh ... hectic ... I wish you and your partner well!
I am thinking of you both. It must so hard. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx
Stay strong for him x