So, My father is suffering from ELD, HE and is on Rafaxamin and all the usual meds.
He has suffered from Cirrhosis for quite some time, but clearly its suddenly detiorated and resulted in SBP, acute kidney injury/failure and all the usual suspects, suspected HRS, the whole lot.
He is now having bi-weekly drains of 12-18l of ascitic fluid, the Rifaxamin seems to be keeping the HE somewhat at bay.
However, the docs are saying that he will go for referral and possible transplant (he is 68).
HE has had varices banded many times, was in resus a few years ago when the varices in his throat burst.
The ascites are refractive, so do not respond to diuretics. The kidneys however are improving slightly as shown in the Creatinine readings.
This detioration has occured since Christmas and has stabilised, I have details of his full blood tests, the Creatinine is improving (down from 225 to 176 and now 155), the serum sodium is staying constant at around 138/135 bilirubin down from 38 to 31....but he is clearly unwell in himself and the fluid is still building up, he is losing weight at a rate of knots (about a stone every 14 days).
Its classed as decompensated Cirrhosis.
The docs will not give any form of life expectancy, with or without transplant...any ideas?