Lately I've been experiencing movements on the right side of the body where the liver is. It's like a bubble type of feeling. Anybody out there know what's up with this?
Liver palpitations: Lately I've been... - British Liver Trust
Liver palpitations

I have had that off and on, it feels exactly like a big bubble, round and half the size of a lemon, its soft, it comes and go, it could be a pocket of fluid. There is so much to keep up with living with this disease, I tend not to give any of its quirks too much attention but I do take them seriously, we are all in a vulnerable situation with our lives. I know from experience things can be terrifyingly life threatening right out of the blue. I had a very painful liver contraction yesterday sitting in traffic bit it was only one but thats how it starts, one little thing suddenly turns into a series of issues. I just take it as it comes. I am 64 with liver hepatitis since the age of 21. I live in liver failure, its a misleading term as I can cycle for hours on the highway on the shore in heavy traffic.
Hi Scarecrow 42
I get liver pain but two ( doctors) said the liver doesn't give pain, but I saw the surgeon who took out my gallbladder last year (June) and he had sent me for a full abdominal scan plus liver ,kidneys so he said I had a large nodule and smaller ones, but he would not remove it because my liver bleed badly after gallbladder op , this is why I have liver pain, I take tramadol slow release 100 mgs 1 X am and pm and that gives me 50 mgs to use I between if needed. But no more than 400 mgs in 24 hours. They are going to keep close eye on these nodules incase the big one bleeds or turns cancerous. All such fun. The surgeon said if I ever get severe pain to get up to the hospital,
I do t think I have ever had a bubble feeling, tell your doctor and get your liver specialist to check it out,
Good luck Scarecrow 42 and take care X
I have had this in the past, its most annoying and for me it felt like a baby kicking. No doctor could tell me what it was or how to deal with it, even though it could be very severe at times. My liver function has now returned to normal but at the time my liver was massive (CT) and GTT raised. Non alcholic liver disease was diagnosed, hepatitis and steatosis hepatitis. Everything was happening because I was too fat, now I am just as fat, my liver is normal size and enzymes within normal range.
Personally, I believe the popping was due to colonic spasms, at that time I had many mineral and vitamin deficiencies which have now been corrected, so perhaps that's somewhere to start?
have you had an mri liver scan and liver blood tests? see your GP to arrange. I had the same pain and also abdominal swelling. turns out I have a 3 liver hemangioma, one being over 10cm in size. this is a rare condition and is called a giant hepatic hemangioma.
get yourself checked out.
good luck 😊
Yes I get that to!
I feel that when I have a lot of pressure on my lower abdomen, and if I cough or sneeze when sitting sometimes.
It became less frequent when I started getting healthier, But still happens sometimes. Doctor didnt have much go say about it.
The liver popping started after I lost a weight. It will occur at random times but daily. I also have liver swelling while eating which is very painful.
Has any type of diet or lifestyle change helped you with this? Or some sort of medication or supplement that has made a difference? I've been struggling with the same issue for years and doctors can't find what's causing it despite all of the tests I've had
this helps me because I have pcos (Polly cystic ovarian syndrome) witch is caused by metabolic issues which caused me to have nafld. I have also had the liver popping. I get extreme pain when eating sugar (more than a handful of skittles and I’m doubled over in pain for 20min. Alcohol is extremely painful as well. Though I can drink small amounts of rum without pain but no more than 3 shots which is rare because of the pain. Hope this helps
Has any type of diet or lifestyle change helped you with this? Or some sort of medication or supplement that has made a difference? I've been struggling with the same issue for years and doctors can't find what's causing it despite all of the tests I've had
Thank you very much for replying. Do you still regularly take Prednisone today? Wondering if they gave you any refills or if it was only temporary. How has this affected the muscle popping? Are you able to drink alcohol in moderate amounts? What tests have you had done for your liver issue and what have the doctors been able to tell you? Sorry for all the questions, I just need to find some kind of guidance from someone that has dealt with an experience similar to mine...