well over one month now and still my 19yr old grandson has no results from his mri scan on his liver we have phoned and been passed from piller to post .i know they are very busy but they must realise it is worrying .i bet if it was the consultant having a mri he would not want to wait a month for results am feeling very defeated x
results : well over one month now and... - British Liver Trust

I do not know what else to suggest. I have only had to wait a similar length of time once and that was because they were discussing the MRI images at the multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT) - and wanted a consensus opinion. If my memory serves me right you have tried the consultant's secretary and the GP - but still not got an answer. When is your grandson's follow up appointment in outpatients. It is very difficult to advise further as your grandson is legally an adult and none of the professionals can really talk to you about his results.
Seems odd. Have you been given a reason for this waiting?
That's not good. I don't know what normal protocol is but over a month doesn't seem right considering the results are there. Not saying they are but what if the results indicated urgent treatment? I can only suggest keep phoning back and ask for an appointment with the consultant.
I wonder if gamesmaker has a point and the vagueness is because legally the doctors should be talking direct to your grandson as he is 19. Is there any reason why he himself is unable to go to the GP and sit in their consulting room while the GP telephones the consultant there and then and gets some better feedback. If he is not, as we say in the medical world, mentally competent, then who is responsible for him, ie parent, and can they not do the enquiring. Because you are a grandparent it may be why they are not telling you anything.
The other point is, there should be a clinic appointment in place for your son to speak to the consultant in person, with the MRI results in front of them. I would be querying not so much 'has he looked at the MRI', but 'when is the appointment to discuss the results'. Again, it should be your grandson doing this himself if possible.
The only time i had a delay this long was over a Christmas period, but if its seen as 'non urgent' then that may be why nobody else, ie a registrar, has been asked to look at the image and the report.
You have my sympathy - we had similar issues with my husband's consultant over MRI scan results and other issues. No amount of phoning, by either us or the GP, could get any sort of response. It's easy to say "keep phoning", which is what people said to us, but we did and we got precisely nowhere.
Requests for a follow up appointment were eventually met with a letter saying that the consultant would not see him. We have now demanded to see a consultant in a different area.