Hi everyone. I'm 73 years old with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein thrombosis. I'm really suffering from ascites and I want to have radioembolization. Does that will help me with ascites?
Thank you very much.
Hi everyone. I'm 73 years old with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein thrombosis. I'm really suffering from ascites and I want to have radioembolization. Does that will help me with ascites?
Thank you very much.
Hi metaeb. As far as understand the embolization is to treat the carcinoma. Are you on a low salt diet with dieuretics such as spironolactane and a fluid restricted diet? These things usually help with ascites.
Thank you choc_2014, yes the embolization is to treat the carcinoma but I'm woundering if it will help with ascites.
Lasix and aldactone have actually no effects.
My dad is taking spironolactane and is restricted to 1.5l of fluid a day.. he had 19 litres of fluid drained 5 weeks ago and the ascites is currently under control. Im sure your doctors know best but it may be worth enquiring about other options.
Hi metaeb. As choc says the embolization is a type of radiotherapy and is a treatment for the cancer/tumour. Have you been told this is a treatment option for your HCC?
Treatment for ascites is different, if the drugs you are on for the ascites are not working you need to go back to your doctors and tell them so they can change your treatment.