To drinking wine from 1 bottle upto 3 most nites iv been for tests and a scan going for my results aweek on Thursday im worried because I no there is something wrong can anyone advise meand give me some sysymptoms please thanks
Hi im a 45 y/o female drank of and on ... - British Liver Trust
Hi im a 45 y/o female drank of and on since I was 11 but for the last 10yr I have drank a litre of vody or brandy with coke recently iv gone

hi-what exactly has the doctor told you? Do you have any symptoms? If not you're very lucky-drinking at that level. You need to reduce now to minimal levels before you do yourself a lot of damage-when I mean minimal levels I mean 14 units a week max! that's a bottle and half of wine a week-not a night! You need to have several days off a week from the bottle.-Can you do this? It may be difficult-if not seek help. It can be done-it will be hard-the alternative is serious liver damage. There are plenty of people on this forum who can offer very good advice-take it-you've come to the right place.Good luck-keep us posted
If your results show your liver has been damaged the doctors should be able to help you and give you advice. Please be positive. I know I've drank to much in my life(I'm 47)but we can all change how much we drink but it's a constant battle. Your not on your own. Keep us posted.
Hi daisy I was the same as you drinking 7-8 + litres of cidre a day which is equivalent if not more than what your drinking. My advise is to stop completely. Your probably need some help with the length of time you've been drinking, either medicated detox or to cut down gradually yourself which is the way I did it. This takes a lot of dedication and self control doing it this way but can be done. I was told to drop a pint and stay at that level for 3 days then drop another and so on until down to zero. But do this with professional help so they can monitor you. You've done the right thing by getting checked out. There is a possibility you've caused damage but try not to worry. This doesn't mean its the end of the world and the damage can be managed. The most important thing is to stay off alcohol thats the only way things can get better. Any questions feel free to ask. All the best and you can do it.
I required a transplant due to excessive alcohol consumption. You really need to stop drinking.I you do not you will surely eventually damage your liver and require a transplant. You will not receive one if you are still taking alcohol. I stopped drinking 3 years before succeding being placed on the transplant list and even then I waited for 18 months before having a 10 hour operation and being placed in an induced coma for 2 weeks as I was so ill. It has not been a pleasant experience and I feel lucky to still be alive. Please take my advice and I wish you the best of good fortune.
Hi I went for the scan because my liver function test came back abnormal thats as far as iv got I cannot get to c the gp until 10th April I went to c the nurse today but she wouldnt tell me I get bloated and swollen face ankles feet and hands it might me me worrieing to muchbut the wait is making me get down iv not had a drink since sunday xx
I have explained to my family and friends about my drinking but they dont unerstand and say u should b able to drink when going out and only have a couple but I cannot I dont no my limit untill I cannot walki do work and have done since leaving school I used to work 6 sometimes 7 days aweek and work up to 270 hrs a month so I drank to chill but souldnt drink so gotta stop completely
Don't mean to be harsh to your friends and family but they don't know what their talking about, although to be fair for somebody who's never had a drink problem it
is difficult for them to understand. It is difficult to just have a couple and stop which is as you say why you should stop completely. It will obviously help with your drink problem but also stop causing anymore damage. You say you feel bloated and have swollen ankles, feet because of fluid retention. This can be a sign of a damaged liver although im no doctor so just wait and see what the experts say. But this is why its so important to stop if you want any chance to get better, if you don't without any doubt it will continue to get worse. All the best.
Hi thanks iv still not drank since sunday my hubby and 2 daughters now understand after a discussion last nite he even bought me a non alcohol beer last nite lol I will have to just avoid any party's its my 25th wedding anniversary on 22nd April and going out for a meal with 30 ppl so that will be me showing ppl I cando it x
Yeah too right and your feel proud of yourself for doing it. Take one day at a time and keep positive, even if you relapse don't give up just start again the next day. You will get there if you truly want to do it and good luck.