Can anyone recommend a diet for fatty liver? I'm waiting 3 months for appointment with Gastroenterology. What foods make the body itch?
I was told I have a Fatty Liver, is it... - British Liver Trust
I was told I have a Fatty Liver, is it because of this my arms has this "mad"itching? Unbearable!

Hiya, I'm afraid it's not food that makes you itchy. It is just a symptom from a liver that isn't functioning right (i think something to do with toxins-maybe someone a bit better at explaining will be along soon. I have read that a low carb (with plenty of healthy fats can reduce fatty liver) if you look online you should find info about it.
Good luck.
I don't know very much about Fatty Liver myself but I have a friend who has had that condition. She was put onto a very strict diet of low or no fats and neededd to lose several kilos before her LFT's became nearer to normal. This lady also has Sjogren's Syndrome which is a autoimmune disorder and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver is too. Without knowing your habits I would suggest you abstain totally from alcohol and work out a low fat dietary regime and see how you go for the next 12 weeks.
Take Benadryl the regular ones ..not the one a two ice plastic champagne coolers....wear them on the arms when they are chilled...try anti itch cream and capsicum cream...these will all help to make it bearable...I have the same problem...caused by neck probs but result is the same....good luck