Hi I'm due to have a liver transplant... - British Liver Trust
Hi I'm due to have a liver transplant assessment. I have PBC. Has any one had a liver transplant

Hi Barclay. There are quite a few posters here who have had a transplant. Hopefully they will come along soon and give you some feedback. There is an inspiring blog/diary written here davidkallin.wordpress.com/a... by a liver transplant patient.
Hi there,
I had PBC and had transplant just over a year ago. I understand exactly how your feeling. I waited 5 weeks for liver, I have to say today I've never felt better!!
I won't lie it's no walk in the park and you have bad days, but how you feel out weighs everything.
Please take comfort from that every day on the list is a day closer to feeling so much better.
I'm proud of my scar and everyone envolved in getting me to where I am today.
Good luck and stay positive, you'll get there and you'll be amazed how well you'll feel again.
Take care x
Like Yarnie, I had a transplant - in my case in December 2011 after a nine month wait. I was out of hospital after 11 days and was out an about within a week of coming out. The first few days post op are tough but you get loads of attention and appropriate meds. Best of luck for a successful outcome.
Thank you Mike. Nine months was a long time to wait
You think nine months is long,I waited eighteen months,but it was well worth the wait. Fifteen months on I feel absolutely great. My brain is back in action and I am now a member of society again. My physical health is not as good as before my liver failure but I think this is due to the long time (10 hours) that the operation took and my condition after surgery,I was put into an induced coma for two weeks following the operation to allow my body to recover.I now walk using a stick but I am steadily improving, I started on a zimmer frame. In retrospect I would go through it all again just to have the few months I have had feeling as I do now. Hope this gives you some hope,if I did it,so can you.
Hi Barclay,
Yes indeed! I had mine in 2012 and life has been WONDERFUL since! It is the best gift I have ever been given. Don't worry love, it's a doddle
Thank you all for you positive feed back. I feel so rotten at the moment, any thing has to be better than this x
I had PSC and a transplant in 2006. In the first week post op I was absolutely exhausted after walking to the end of the ward and for the next few weeks, I was very tired. I gradually built my strength back and returned to work after about 3 months. In reality it was a bit soon for me as I missed spotting a few errors that members of my team had made. I was part way through a Masters degree when I had the transplant but managed to finish it a year or so later. Having said that my powers of concentration and speed of thought have never recovered to the level they were before.
I get fatigued from time to time, but haven't had to give up on anything I want to do. I don't get colds, flu or other infections and have not had any rejection. My weight and blood pressure is higher than I (or the docs) would like but overall I think I have been very lucky and privileged.
Hi Barclay
I also had a transplant in october 2010. Cant really add to info already given to you. And my circumstances were different but wanted to wish you all the best with yours and hopefully a short wait.
Thank you all for your responses. Does any one have any tips for itchy skin I've made my skin bleed. I've had the usual precriptions but nothing seems to work
Just an addition to the message I previously gave you. My condition has now improved so much that I now walk for the majority of the time without the aid of a stick. In addition my brain has burst into life,so much that I am taking an on-line course on the science and technology in astronomical research. Not bad for a 68 year old. Hope this gives you optimism for the future.
Hi, Yes I had a liver transplant in June 2013. To be honest I feel like half my age (65) so I have been through it. Please ask if you want to know anything I will do my best to answer you.
Hi I had a transplant in April 2013 and 14 months on doing well. I had hep c , done a year of treatment then had cirrhosis then they discovered 3 tumours on my liver so I was already on the transplant list for 2 months but then went on the urgent list and 6 days later I was called in. I was clear of hep before the op and the cirrhosis was due to hep not drink. I was home after 5 days and back at work after 3 months full time. It can be tough at first but you get there. I've never recovered fully from loss of concentration and tire easily but I'm alive and healthy.