My daughter who has cirrhosis has been ill some evenings with headaches, feverish, rapid and bounding pulse rate. Also blocked nose and feeling 'snuffly'. She cannot keep awake and falls into a deep sleep from which I can hardly rouse her. Then awake at night with fears about dying. She has been abstinent for 6 months and has improved in so many ways - restored hair and nail growth, improved skin, better mobility, generally happier and psychologically in a better place. Can anyone explain the above symptoms which are affecting her mood now.
Can anyone explain new symptoms in my ... - British Liver Trust
Can anyone explain new symptoms in my daughter who has cirrhosis?

Sounds to me she has caught an infection this happened to me last week with similar symptoms. I strong suggest getting her to a doctor straight away for urgent blood and stool test.
Thanks Bigplanet67, will do. Wondered if she should be having lactulose as read recently about a compromised liver not being able to deal with toxins effectively. Thanks for replying so soon.
Yes I think so, I take lactolose. It can be difficult one to use as when it works it works very well and need to be in safe distance of a toilet!!!! AS you mentioned it is not just a laxative it also helps remove harmful toxins that can effect brain function. My is 10ml 4 times a day, I tend to take my once at evening at least I know we're the nearest toilet is. Some days I take a day off.
Did she go to the doctors....thinking again....I am not a Doctor but sounds initial or potential stage of hepatic encephalopathy. This is toxins going into the brain. Her mood swings and talking daft are signs of this. Again medic advice needed. partner had it and saw and talkedrubbish and slept for days. Again Lactolose will help once present condition is managed.
Hi there. No she was not able to see GP but talked with him on phone. Hopefully nothing will occur over the Bank Holiday but he is seeing her Tues. Meanwhile she tried the lactulose and although pebble-dashed the loo and used half a roll of Andrex, she is much brighter and more with it. Tonight she actually stayed awake till after 11pm. Not conclusive after so little time but definitely better. Think lactulose despite the obvious side effect is something to consider unless there are pressing a.m. engagements!!!!! Such a relief, that feverish ness was a bit scary.
Do appreciate your advice, Bigplanet, and thank you again.
It's good news. I am new to this condition as well from Jan this year. This site is important and the communaty for support, advice and information from people on her that makes people with any type of liver disease a little easier. Sometime Dr and consultants don't seem to get it and to share experiences and advice is extremely important for patients, partners and family because it is a tough road we travel down. Worse diseases and conditions out there but believe ours is one of the complex and misunderstood.
I too have shares in Andrex..I hope daughter stays better and stable. I wish her and you well...
Hi Bigplanet,
Sorry for delay in replying but had 3 hectic days at work and for the first time for weeks, I felt easier leaving daughter at home. Yes it is a tough road with any liver disease - as you rightly say, complex, much misunderstood and about which there is much prejudice. My daughter is taking the lactulose now whenever she knows she is close to home and I am certain it has made a difference even though GP did not seem entirely convinced. That matters not. We learn so much from this site about the experiences of others and from kind people like yourself who feel concerned enough to reply when you think you can help. Anything that relieves symptoms has to be worth a try.
Just now wish I had the power and influence to be able to successfully convince youngsters of the damage their alcohol use can cause them and at ever increasingly younger ages. We face huge problems in the future if habits continue as they are now. So very tragic.
Thank you so much for your kind wishes and of course I wish you also much improving good health and happiness. Is it ok to contact again if I feel as concerned as I did last week?