So last week ended with a 2 hour run and Strava told me that I had worked harder than usual that week. I decided that this week I would have an easier week. Tuesday’s run was with my running club and I did put a little effort into that, but it was a fairly short run. My 60 minute run on Thursday was a low HR run and Strava decided it was no effort and didn’t award me any fitness points at all! It’s true it was no effort. 60 minutes in Zone 1.
I went to a wedding on Friday and didn’t get home until very late. I set the alarm as usual for a Saturday run - but I was too tired! But I really wanted to do a third run this week.
So this morning I put on my running kit and while I was waiting for it to stop raining, I wrote a workout for a faster finish run. 5 minutes Zone 1 (120-133), 30 minutes Zone 2 (134-148) and the last 5 mins at Z4 pace (6:40-7:29 mins/km). My coach set those zones for me and I can’t remember why I run to pace for zone 4 and not heart rate.
It was 14 degrees and 93% humidity. Off I went for my warmup! I was quickly out of breath but for me this always happens at the start. It’s why I do a running warm up - I can get it out of the way before I start my run.
I start my run in Zone 1. It’s like another warm up really and I’ve got used to running this way. It’s quite easy to stay in the zone and I start to notice my surroundings. The leaves are starting to fall on my tree lined route! It’s autumn. My pace is irrelevant and I’m not concerned about it. I keep a beady eye on my HR and know I can keep it low at the beginning of a run. The 5 minutes end and my watch tells me I’m now in Zone 2, so I run a bit faster!
The toxic 10 has passed now and it’s easier to run at the increased pace. There are times when my HR goes over the maximum and I just slow down a little - I no longer have to walk. Now I have 30 minutes to run and enjoy the morning. It’s not that early and there are dog walkers and runners about. I get to the pond and there are a few fisherman. The resident swans are there. Sadly they lost all their cygnets this year so they are alone. The sun comes out and it’s now a lovely morning!
I’m getting to the end of this 30 minute section and already wondering if I have enough energy to increase pace for the last 5 minutes! Zone 4 is hard for me to maintain if I know I have to! It’s quite a step up for me. I think ‘Maybe I should do Zone 3 instead’ but I know I’d be disappointed in myself 😬. I decide to give it a go. I suffer from a huge lack of confidence about running faster and I’m often surprised to find I can actually do it.
My watch buzzed and I step it up. I can see I’m running at the top of the pace range and work a bit harder to keep it there. I’m pretty sure I’ve managed it - and the run is over. Tesco isn’t open yet so no coffee!
At home I look at my stats. I’m pleased with the run 😊
5 mins Zone 1, HR 127, pace 9:14
30 mins Zone 2, HR 148, pace 8:54
5 mins Zone 4, HR 160, pace 6:48
Strava thinks I put in a little effort and gives me 2 fitness points!
Happy Sunday running 😊