Just a quick note to list various C25k plans, podcasts, and apps, just in case it helps those returning to C25k (or rather progressing to a return to C25k). These might help anyone to get excited about a familiar yet so different experience of the trusty C25k journey.
I did the usual NHS podcasts/apps the first time around, but after a stint on the injury couch, I grabbed the Zombies, Run version of C25k and am having fun with it.
Looking into various options at that point, I realised there are quite a few popular, old and new C25k plans out there, so there is plenty to look forward to when life interferes with your running and you find yourself needing to train up again.
I hope it helps to rekindle that excitement of doing something so astounding as running for 30minutes while holding on to that confidence you have gained from becoming that runner you are!
I’ve only experienced two of them, but I actually look forward to experiencing the others as well! And if you know of additional ones, please let us know by reply, and I’ll add them to this list!
UPDATE NOV’23: By this time I have tried 4 of the below and enjoyed all of them: 1) Zombie,Run 5k is for those who love immersive storytelling. And Zombies. 2) CBDB’s amended James Dunne’s Jeffing 5k plan is a brilliant plan that makes you feel you continue to run your runs whilst building up your stamina by different jeffing ratios, 3) NRC’s 5k plan is a bit too intensive for beginners, I think, but good for established runners. But it ramps up pretty fast. 4) ASICS Runkeeper’s 5k plan is behind a paywall.
NOTE: websites are provided rather than Android or Apple app links, but I might add them in the future.
NOTE: all of the below are free unless otherwise noted.
★ NHS podcast and Classic C25k (9 weeks) nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/r...
★ Zombies, Run C25k (8 weeks) support.sixtostart.com/hc/e...
★ The Guardian’s Guide to Running C25k (8 weeks) theguardian.com/lifeandstyl...
★ CBDB’s amended James Dunne Return from Injury Jeffing Plan (8/12 weeks)healthunlocked.com/bridgeto...
★ Podrunner C25k (10 weeks) podrunner.com/first-day-to-...
★ Nike Running Club 5k Plan (8 weeks) nike.com/running/5k-trainin...
★ ASICS Runkeeper 5k Plan (6 weeks) support.runkeeper.com/hc/en...
★ Runners World (6 weeks) runnersworld.com/uk/trainin...
★ Runners Need (12 weeks) runnersneed.com/expert-advi...
★ None to Run (12 weeks) nonetorun.com (paywall for app after 1st week, but plan is on WWW for free)