I went out last night for a quick 1km run barefoot, it felt so much better and faster, I think I’m going to invest in some barefoot running shoes 🤞🏃♂️
Barefoot : I went out last night for a quick... - Bridge to 10K

Wow, have never tried that but the routes I run aren’t conducive to barefoot running.
Well done though, and have fun picking some barefoot shoes. 👏😀

I’ve only just cottoned on that barefoot shoes actually do exist! I thought it was an in-joke. Many years ago a record company released a collection of guitar solos. They advertised the CD as including a free air guitar. Some people complained that they couldn’t find it in the pack. I thought this was similar.
Ha Ha. Priceless! Free Air Guitar. Very funny. As the young people would say, I just actually LOL’d.

I don't fancy running barefoot, I did once see a man running barefoot on the same route as I graduated, not the same day, I imagine that to run barefoot you would need to practice and get your feet accustomed to the conditions, always a danger of running over broken glass.
I’m looking for some barefoot shoes for that reason, but I grew up not wearing shoes, only for school, I’ve seen loads of vids on YouTube about strengthening feet and ankles, I can do all their exercises and more, I have to concentrate on every step even in 4mm drop shoes, as soon as I started barefoot it was like a revelation, I didn’t have to think, I could just enjoy my run and surroundings 🏃♂️

Hardcore. Ouch. Well done you. I don’t think I’d survive, Soggy Doggy do do’s, stones and broken glass. Unless it was on a Beach.

Barefoot running shoes?........sounds like The Emperors New Clothes......get them home and find an empty box 😂