So I went and did something a month ago which seemed like a good idea at the time...I signed up for my first marathon.
I have done a number of half's and was getting to the point where I needed a new challenge. I knew I would do one at some point but my hand got forced a bit as I had wanted to get into the training for a month or two before committing to actually signing up, but numbers filled up as the day was changed, so I signed up an hour before the race filled.
At the time I was grateful that I did as I know so many others were disappointed but now there have been a number of occasions where I wished I hadn't signed up. I used to really enjoy my long Sunday runs and missed them when our running group didn't do them. But I never felt like I truly got into the distance runs during the week, I'd just about got to the point where I was reasonably happy then my enthusiasm took a complete nose dive.
I resented how much of my time it was taking and felt like I was working running or feeling guilty about not running enough. So last Sunday week I did my long Sunday run of 17 miles, it was fine - I haven't had any problems with actually running my long runs, but I haven't been out since. I have a half marathon this Saturday and I suppose I am wondering where to go from here?? The marathon is the last weekend in October. Has anybody else ever got to this point with their training or how did they turn around their thinking?? Sorry its a bit of a long post. I'd really appreciate any advice to help me out at this point because I fear that my confidence and my pride will take a plummet if I don't do it! Thanks