My mother is 44 years old and is diagnosed with breast cancer with er pr her Triple negative we have also done braca 1 braca 2 and total 12 DNA test regarding to breast ovarian and pancreatic cancer of which only Braca 1 is positive I been a male what are the chances of mine getting affected by cancer and are girls more at the risk than boys of having cancer.
Regarding to breast cancer Hereditary - Breast Cancer India
Regarding to breast cancer Hereditary

Hi Ajinkya - welcome to our forum - very sorry to hear about your mother. Do take care of her a lot. Regarding the statics lets wait what our Doctors want to say

When u did the BRCA test, was your mother counselled about the implications !!!
You need to consult a Genetics Counsellor, probably get yourself tested as well, as presumably you have a 50% chance of having that same mutation, which will put u at some risk of cancers and further surveillance strategies may be put in place.

Yes agrees
She may be 5-8 fold higher risk of having cancer.
You may be 2-3 fold higher risk...compared to someone who is not BrCA positive.
Both still need counselling and assessment by someone experienced and qualified.

I can clearly see that there has not been any prior counseling before your genetic testing; or if there has, it has been very minimal.
Genetic testing and genes are a very touchy issue and need a lot of handling about information disseminated, else, with result of the test, there is going to be a lot of confusion or fear in the mind of those who test positive.
Dr. Rohit has already given you a few points above.
I suggest you meet your Oncologist and ask him / her to guide you to a genetic counsellor to understand the implications of these results.