My mother has got breast cancer and the size of the tumor is 1.8 cm but one major problem is that there is one lymph node near the breast bone . Are there any risks will she get recovered completely? please help.
Breast cancer and lymph nodes - Breast Cancer India
Breast cancer and lymph nodes

Ajinkya, sorry to know about your mother but as the tumor size is small and only one node is involved so there is no much will be just follow your dr. instruction and take care of her food/hygiene.
Manish Gupta
Hey Ajinkya, Sorry to know about your mother but you are lucky because of early diagnosis. Do not worry, Just follow the doctors instructions and boost up the willpower of your mother and make happy to your mother.
If it is possible you can go to Tata memorial hospital Bombay.
Same problem was with my mother but I am lucky, my mother is now healthy and living normal life.
God Bless your mother and your family
What does the IHC Panel test report say for ER, PR and HER2 neu . That influences prognosis and treatment protocol. Best of luck ....
Doctor has said that the lymph node cannot be removed by surgery then how will the lymph node be treated
Yes he said that we can treat that lymph node by chemotherapy and radiation but will it be completely cured because we have not removed it by surgery

Currently for clinically positive and pathologically positive Internal mammary chain nodes, the NCCN Guidelines would recommend treatment with Radiotherapy as Thoracoscopic Int mammary node dissection is still considered Investigational.
This was my understanding some 3 Years back...and I can remember only 2 such patients I ever treated with Internal mammary node chain RT
Of couse they need Brest surgery , adjuvant chemo etc..
Sumeet have things changed in the surgical there any role of Thoracoscopic Int mammary node dissection that you ve come across in your practice.
Radiotherapy certainly is challenging but possible to deliver with modern machines.
Ajinkya,I do not have the case notes for your mother,so can't make any firm recommendations...
But get started with the treatment
Your oncologist would have probably started off with chemo...
Decision for the node will have to take place perhaps at a later date, with probably RT...but u can perhaps seek more opinions if u wished as this is an uncommon and rather difficult situation to treat from oncologists perspective as well.
Dr Rohit Malde